

Institutsseminare finden nur in unregelmäßigen Abständen statt. Dabei präsentieren eingeladene Vortragende oder auch Gastwissenschaftler, die für die Zusammenarbeit mit Wissenschaftlern unseres Instituts für einige Tage, Wochen oder auch Monate am Institut sind, ihre Arbeit.

MPS Seminar: A Possible Clue to the Filamentary Nature of Solar Filaments (G. Choe)

Solar filaments (prominences) and other cool objects in the universe often exhibit filamentary or ribbon-like substructures. This ubiquity of filamentary substructures in cool objects poses an elusive puzzle. Solar prominences are generally believed to form through condensation of hot coronal plasmas by thermal instability (also known as radiative cooling instability). Motivated by the observation that counter-streaming flows are universally observed in solar prominences, we suspect that shear flows may somehow influence the developing pattern of thermal instability. Quite surprisingly, thermal instability of magnetized plasmas with shear flows has not yet been earnestly investigated. As the first step of this study, we have performed a linear stability analysis of shearing magnetized plasmas. The governing equations of this system are magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations including radiative cooling, a phenomenological form of heating, and anisotropic heat conduction. For shear velocities below the Alfvén speed, the eigenfunctions of condensation modes exhibit a discrete, delta-function-like character. This pattern persists unless the velocity shear is extremely small, on the order of 10^{-5} times the Alfvén speed, which translates to only 10 m/s or less in the solar corona. When the shear velocity exceeds the Alfvén speed, condensation modes disappear and a Kelvin-Helmholtz mode emerges, whose isentropic nature does not support thermal condensation. However, such high shear velocities are rarely observed in the solar corona or other astrophysical settings. Our study concludes that filamentary condensation in discrete layers or threads can naturally arise whenever thermal condensation instability occurs in magnetized plasmas with shear flows. [mehr]

MPS Seminar: On the Origin of the Photospheric Magnetic Field (M. Linton)

  • Datum: 16.05.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 15:00
  • Vortragende(r): Mark Linton
  • Mark Linton (NRL), in collaboration with Peter Schuck (NASA/GSFC), Kalman Knizhnik (NRL), and James Leake (NASA/GSFC)
  • Ort: MPS
  • Raum: Lecture Hall
  • Gastgeber: Gherardo Valori
We present a new mathematically rigorous analysis tool (Schuck et al. 2022), based on Gauss' 1839 method for analyzing terrestrial magnetic fields, that extracts attribution from photospheric vector magnetogram observations and answers the question ``what is the source of the photospheric magnetic field, the convection zone or corona?'' We apply this powerful 19th-century method to SDO/HMI observations of NOAA AR 12673 to disentangle the photospheric magnetic field produced by these two source regions. This allows us to generate paired photospheric vector magnetograms for the fields produced by coronal sources and for fields produced by convection zone sources. From these analyses, we demonstrate that bare current channels are supported by the solar corona and that these coronal current channels can be a significant source of the radial component of the magnetic field in the photosphere. [mehr]

MPS Seminar: Exoplanets, cool stars, and their interactions (Katja Poppenhäger)

Katja Poppenhaeger is the leader of the research section on "Stellar Physics and Exoplanets" at AIP and a professor at the University of Potsdam. She investigates exoplanets and their atmospheres, particularly in the environment created by their host stars through irradiation and magnetic effects. Her group uses both observations in several wavelength regimes as well as numerical simulations to increase our understanding of exoplanets and their host stars. [mehr]
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