Zeitschriftenartikel (3108)

Thomas, N.; Keller, H. U.; Arijs, E.; Barbieri, C.; Grande, M.; Lamy, P.; Rickman, H.; Rodrigo, R.; Wenzel, K.-P.; A'Hearn, M. F. A. et al.; Angrilli, F.; Bailey, N.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Brieß, K.; Burns, J. A.; Cremonese, G.; Curdt, W.; Deceunick, H.; Emery, R.; Festou, M.; Fulle, M.; Ip, W.-H.; Jorda, L.; Korth, A.; Koschny, D.; Kramm, J.-R.; Kührt, E.; Lara, L. M.; Llebaria, A.; Lopez-Moreno, D.; Marzari, F.; Moreau, D.; Muller, C.; Murray, C.; Naletto, G.; Nevejans, D.; Ragazzoni, R.; Sabau, L.; Sanz, A.; Sivan, J.-P.; Tondello, G.: OSIRIS - The optical spectroscopic and infrared remote imaging for the Rosetta orbiter. Advances in Space Research 21, S. 1505 - 1515 (1998)
Umbach, R.; Jockers, K.; Geyer, E. H.: Spatial distribution of neutral and ionic constituents in comet P/Halley. Astronomy and Astrophysics, Suppl. Ser. 127, S. 479 - 495 (1998)
Woch, J.; Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Wilken, B.; Livi, S.; Williams, D. J.: Quasi-periodic modulations of the Jovian magnetotail. Geophysical Research Letters 25 (8), S. 1253 - 1256 (1998)
Wurz, P.; Ipavich, F. M.; Galvin, A. B.; Bochsler, P.; Kallenbach, R.; Hovestadt, D.; Grünwaldt, H.; Hilchenbach, M.; Axford, W. I.; Balsiger, H. et al.; Bürgi, A.; Coplan, M. A.; Geiss, J.; Gliem, F.; Gloeckler, G.; Hefti, S.; Hsieh, K. C.; Klecker, B.; Lee, M. A.; Livi, S.; Managadze, G. G.; Marsch, E.; Möbius, E.; Neugebauer, M.; Reiche, K.-U.; Scholer, M.; Verigin, M. I.; Wilken, B.: Elemental composition of January 6, 1997, CME. Geophysical Research Letters 25, S. 2557 - 2560 (1998)
Balsiger, H.; Altwegg, K.; Arijs, E.; Bertaux, J. L.; Berthelier, J. J.; Bochsler, P.; Carigan, G. R.; Eberhardt, P.; Fisk, L. A.; Fuselier, S. A. et al.; Ghielmetti, A. G.; Gliem, F.; Gombosi, T. I.; Kopp, E.; Korth, A.; Livi, S.; Mazelle, C.; Reme, H.; Sauvaud, J. A.; Shelley, E. G.; Waite, J. H.; Wilken, B.; Woch, J.; Wollnik, H.; Wurz, P.; Young, D. T.: Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis - ROSINA. Advances in Space Research 21 (11), S. 1527 - 1535 (1997)
Barr, R.; Stubbe, P.; Rietveld, M. T.; Nielsen, E.: Enhanced ELF wave generation efficiency using `O' mode HF heating. Geophysical Research Letters 24, S. 1403 - 1406 (1997)
Baumgärtel, K.; Dubinin, E.; Sauer, K.; Story, T.: Solar wind magnetic holes: Signatures of slow-mode type MHD solutions. Advances in Space Research 20, S. 69 - 74 (1997)
Boehnhardt, H.; Birkle, K.; Fiedler, A.; Jorda, L.; Peschke, S.; Rauer, H.; Schulz, R.; Schwehm, G.; Thomas, N.; Tozzi, G. et al.; West, R.: Dust morphology of comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1): I. pre-perihelion coma structures in. Earth, Moon and Planets 78, S. 179 - 187 (1997)
Bonev, T.; Jockers, K.; Credner, T.: Comet Hale-Bopp: velocity field of ions from Fabry-Pérot imaging. Earth, Moon and Planets 77, S. 245 - 252 (1997)
Crovisier, J.; Leech, K.; Bockelée-Morvan, D.; Brooke, T. Y.; Hanner, M. S.; Altieri, B.; Keller, H. U.; Lellouch, E.: The spectrum of Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) observed with the Infrared Space Observatory at 2.9 Astronomical Units from the Sun. Science 275, S. 1904 - 1909 (1997)
Dubinin, E.; Sauer, K.; Baumgärtel, K.; Lundin, R.: The Martian magnetosheath: Phobos-2 observations. Advances in Space Research 20, S. 149 - 153 (1997)
Eggers, S.; Keller, H. U.; Kroupa, P.; Markiewicz, W. J.: Origin and dynamics of comets and star formation. Planetary and Space Science 45, S. 1099 - 1104 (1997)
Fränz, M.; Burgess, D.; Keppler, E.; Reuss, M. K.; Blake, J. B.: Energetic particle anisotropies and remote magnetic connection at high solar latitudes. Advances in Space Research 19, S. 855 - 858 (1997)
Friedel, R. H. W.; Korth, A.: Review of CRRES ring current observations. Advances in Space Research 20, S. 311 - 320 (1997)
Grün, E.; Krüger, H.; Dermott, S.; Fechtig, H.; Graps, A. L.; Zook, H. A.; Gustafson, B. A.; Hamilton, D. P.; Hanner, M. S.; Heck, A. et al.; Horányi, M.; Kissel, J.; Lindblad, B. A.; Linkert, D.; Linkert, G.; Mann, I.; McDonnell, J. A. M.; Morfill, G. E.; Polanskey, C.; Schwehm, G.; Srama, R.: Dust measurements in the Jovian magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 24, S. 2171 - 2174 (1997)
Grün, E.; Staubach, P.; Baguhl, M.; Hamilton, D. P.; Zook, H. A.; Dermott, S.; Fechtig, H.; Gustafson, B. A.; Hanner, M. S.; Horanyi, M. et al.; Kissel, J.; Lindblad, B. A.; Linkert, D.; Linkert, G.; Mann, I.; McDonnell, J. A. M.; Morfill, G. E.; Polanskey, C.; Schwehm, G.; Srama, R.: South-north and radial traverses through the interplanetary dust cloud. Icarus 129, S. 270 - 288 (1997)
Grünwaldt, H.; Neugebauer, M.; Hilchenbach, M.; Bochsler, P.; Hovestadt, D.; Bürgi, A.; Ipavich, P. M.; Reiche, K.-U.; Axford, W. I.; Balsiger, H. et al.; Galvin, A. B.; Geiss, J.; Gliem, F.; Gloeckler, G.; Hsieh, K. C.; Kallenbach, R.; Klecker, B.; Livi, S.; Lee, M. A.; Managadze, G. G.; Marsch, E.; Möbius, E.; Scholer, M.; Verigin, M. I.; Wilken, B.; Wurz, P.: Venus tail ray observation near Earth. Geophysical Research Letters 24, S. 1163 - 1166 (1997)
Ip, W.-H.; Williams, D. J.; McEntire, R. W.; Mauk, B.: Energetic ion sputtering effects at Ganymede. Geophysical Research Letters 24, S. 2631 - 2634 (1997)
Jockers, K.: A two-channel focal reducer for small (diameter gt;= 1 m) F/8 telescopes. expa 7, S. 305 - 318 (1997)
Jockers, K.: Observations of scatterd light from cometary dust and their interpretation. Earth, Moon and Planets 79 (1-3), S. 221 - 245 (1997)
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