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PhD thesis projects offered

September 13, 2024

All partner institutes in the Solar System School (Institute for Astrophysics and Geophysics, Geoscience Center, and Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research) may offer and support PhD projects in the Solar System School. The PhD topics are as diverse as the research fields of the participating partner institutions. The topics include all areas of our own Solar system (the Sun and its planets and minor bodies), embedded in the wider geo- and astrophysical context, and extend to other stars and their planetary systems. Correspondingly, the following disciplines in geo- and astrophysics are represented in the Solar System School: Earth and planetary sciences, Solar and stellar physics, helioseismology, asteroseismology, and to some extent extra-solar planets. Since the methods of research comprise instrumentation development, calibration and improvement , ground- and space-based observations, remote-sensing or in-situ measurements in space exploration missions, data analysis and interpretation, numerical simulations and theoretical modeling, some projects may additionally require good skills in programming, in mathematics, or in engineering.

The following list gives an overview of the variety of research topics, but is not necessarily complete. Further projects may yet become available: This list still is updated from time to time. Please check the list again before submitting your application. Applications may be submitted between 1 August and 1 October.

Open PhD Projects

ESA is preparing for a mission to monitor the Sun. A world first, this upcoming space weather mission will ensure we are able to monitor, 'nowcast' and forecast potentially dangerous solar events, giving us time to protect at risk infrastructure on Earth, or life in space. For years, it has been known as the Lagrange mission, but now we have a new name: ESA Vigil.

Development of various analysis tools, processing pipelines, and data enhancement procedures for ESA's upcoming space weather mission more

Decrypting stellar measurements of magnetic activity with the solar key

Analyzing the high spatial resolution solar Ca II H and K emission data obtained by the SUNRISE mission and building a model of other stars more active than the Sun more

How strongly does the solar ultraviolet radiation vary?

Understanding the sources of the solar brightness variations in the UV more

PhD projects in Cosmochemistry/Planetary Materials

Investigating the history of the Solar System and the formation and differentiation of planets through laboratory analyses of extraterrestrial samples more

Sunrise III before the launch on July 10, 2024. Photo: Mattias Forsberg / SSC

The magnetic field in the solar atmosphere exceeds the geomagnetic field strength by four orders of magnitude. It greatly influences the processes of energy transport within the solar atmosphere, and dominates the morphology of the solar chromosphere and corona. Kinetic energy from convective motions in the Sun can be efficiently stored in magnetic fields and subsequently released - to heat the solar corona to several million degrees or to blast off coronal mass ejections. more

Using MHD simulations to improve asteroseismoc inferences

Hydrodynamic simulations of near surface convection and waves in the Sun and stars more

"Other" and "Own" PhD projects

For PhD students whose project is already funded and who are applying for admission to the IMPRS, or for applicants who want to bring their own funding and their own project idea to the IMPRS. more

Open PhD Projects in the SLAM Group

The Solar Lower Atmosphere and Magnetism (SLAM) group covers many exciting subjects in solar physics, focussing on the development and testing of highly novel solar instrumentation, reduction and analysis of highest quality solar observations, or improving and developing advanced techniques for the analysis of solar observations. more

Open PhD Projects: Solar and Stellar Interiors

In the "Solar and Stellar Interiors" department, Laurent Gizon, Jesper Schou, Aaron Birch, Robert Cameron and others offer PhD projects in solar physics and astrophysics. Helioseismology and asteroseismology are used as important tools to study the oscillating Sun and stars. more

PhD projects in Cosmochemistry/Planetary Materials

Investigating the history of the Solar System and the formation and differentiation of planets through laboratory analyses of extraterrestrial samples more

ESA is preparing for a mission to monitor the Sun. A world first, this upcoming space weather mission will ensure we are able to monitor, 'nowcast' and forecast potentially dangerous solar events, giving us time to protect at risk infrastructure on Earth, or life in space. For years, it has been known as the Lagrange mission, but now we have a new name: ESA Vigil.

Development of various analysis tools, processing pipelines, and data enhancement procedures for ESA's upcoming space weather mission more

Decrypting stellar measurements of magnetic activity with the solar key

Analyzing the high spatial resolution solar Ca II H and K emission data obtained by the SUNRISE mission and building a model of other stars more active than the Sun more

How strongly does the solar ultraviolet radiation vary?

Understanding the sources of the solar brightness variations in the UV more

Sunrise III before the launch on July 10, 2024. Photo: Mattias Forsberg / SSC

The magnetic field in the solar atmosphere exceeds the geomagnetic field strength by four orders of magnitude. It greatly influences the processes of energy transport within the solar atmosphere, and dominates the morphology of the solar chromosphere and corona. Kinetic energy from convective motions in the Sun can be efficiently stored in magnetic fields and subsequently released - to heat the solar corona to several million degrees or to blast off coronal mass ejections. more

Open PhD Projects in the SLAM Group

The Solar Lower Atmosphere and Magnetism (SLAM) group covers many exciting subjects in solar physics, focussing on the development and testing of highly novel solar instrumentation, reduction and analysis of highest quality solar observations, or improving and developing advanced techniques for the analysis of solar observations. more

Using MHD simulations to improve asteroseismoc inferences

Hydrodynamic simulations of near surface convection and waves in the Sun and stars more

Open PhD Projects: Solar and Stellar Interiors

In the "Solar and Stellar Interiors" department, Laurent Gizon, Jesper Schou, Aaron Birch, Robert Cameron and others offer PhD projects in solar physics and astrophysics. Helioseismology and asteroseismology are used as important tools to study the oscillating Sun and stars. more

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