Members of the International Max Planck Research School
The School is hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, located on Göttingen Campus. The Partner Institutes at the University of Göttingen are the Institute for Astro- and Geophysics at the Faculty of Physics and the Geoscience Center at the Faculty of Geoscience and Geography.
The School is guided by an Executive Committee (Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sami K. Solanki) and run on a daily basis by the Coordination Office (Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Sonja Schuh, Assistant: Johanna Wagner-Farssi).
New students to be admitted to the School are selected by the Recruitment and Admissions Committee. Student research is guided by Thesis Advisory Committees. IMPRS students are normally part of the Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS).
The Solar System School typically comprises around 40 PhD Candidates at any given time. They are advised by a similar number of Faculty Members and senior scientists. The student body is represented by elected Student Representatives.
In 2024, the number of the School's Alumni has reached 236. We are continuously improving our alumni network offers.