Zeitschriftenartikel (3108)

Reshetnik, V.; Skorov, Y.; Bentley, M.; Rezac, L.; Hartogh, P.; Blum, J.: Transport Characteristics of a Hierarchical Near-Surface Layer of the Nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Solar System Research 56, S. 100 - 121 (2022)
Roeten, K. J.; Bougher, S. W.; Yiǧit, E.; Medvedev, A. S.; Benna, M.; Elrod, M. K.: Impacts of Gravity Waves in the Martian Thermosphere: The Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model Coupled With a Whole Atmosphere Gravity Wave Scheme. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 127, S. e2022JE007477 (2022)
Roussos, E.; Allanson, O.; Andre, N.; Bertucci, B.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Clark, G.; Dialynas, K.; Dandouras, I.; Desai, R. T.; Futaana, Y. et al.; Gkioulidou, M.; Jones, G. H.; Kollmann, P.; Kotova, A.; Kronberg, E. A.; Krupp, N.; Murakami, G.; Nenon, Q.; Nordheim, T.; Palmaerts, B.; Plainaki, C.; Rae, J.; Santos-Costa, D.; Sarris, T.; Shprits, Y.; Sulaiman, A.; Woodfield, E.; Wu, X.; Yao, Z.: The in-situ exploration of Jupiter's radiation belts. Experimental Astronomy (2022)
Roussos, E.; Cohen, C.; Kollmann, P.; Pinto, M.; Krupp, N.; Gonçalves, P.; Dialynas, K.: A source of very energetic oxygen located in Jupiter’s inner radiation belts. Science Advances 8 (2), eabm4234 (2022)
Sauer, K.; Dubinin, E.: Multi-Ion Oscillitons—Origin of Coherent Magnetospheric EMIC Waves. Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 127, S. e2022JA030925 (2022)
Scherer, K.; Dialynas, K.; Fichtner, H.; Galli, A.; Roussos, E.: The properties of 0.11 keV-344 MeV ion spectra in the inner heliosheath using regularized κ-distributions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, S. A132 (2022)
Shaheen, F.; Scariah, N. V.; Lala, M. G. N.; Krishna, A. P.; Jeganathan, C.; Hoekzema, N. M.: Shadow method retrievals of the atmospheric optical depth above Gale crater on Mars using HRSC images. Icarus 388, S. 115229 (2022)
Shaposhnikov, D. S.; Grigalashvili, M.; Medvedev, A.; Zonnemann, G. R.; Hartogh, P.: Analytical Approximations of the Characteristics of Nighttime Hydroxyl on Mars and Intra-Annual Variations. Solar System Research 57, S. 1 - 13 (2022)
Shaposhnikov, D. S.; Medvedev, A. S.; Rodin, A. V.: Simulation of Water Vapor Photodissociation during Dust Storm Season on Mars. Solar System Research 56, S. 23 - 31 (2022)
Shaposhnikov, D. S.; Medvedev, A. S.; Rodin, A. V.; Yiǧit, E.; Hartogh, P.: Martian Dust Storms and Gravity Waves: Disentangling Water Transport to the Upper Atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 127, S. e07102 (2022)
Shollenberger, Q. R.; Render, J.; Jordan, M. K.; McCain, K. A.; Ebert, S.; Bischoff, A.; Kleine, T.; Young, E. D.: Titanium isotope systematics of refractory inclusions: Echoes of molecular cloud heterogeneity. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 324, S. 44 - 65 (2022)
Skorov, Y. V.; Reshetnyk, V.; Bentley, M. S.; Rezac, L.; Hartogh, P.; Blum, J.: The effect of hierarchical structure of the surface dust layer on the modelling of comet gas production. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510 (4), S. 5520 - 5534 (2022)
Skorov, Y.; Reshetnyk, V.; Bentley, M. S.; Rezac, L.; Hartogh, P.; Blum, J.: The effect of hierarchical structure of the surface dust layer on the modelling of comet gas production. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, S. 5520 - 5534 (2022)
Steller, T.; Burkhardt, C.; Yang, C.; Kleine, T.: Nucleosynthetic zinc isotope anomalies reveal a dual origin of terrestrial volatiles. Icarus 386, S. 115171 (2022)
Sun, Y. X.; Hao, Y. -.; Roussos, E.; Zong, Q. -.; Liu, Y.; Zhou, X. Z.; Yue, C.; Krupp, N.: Zebra Stripe Patterns in Energetic Ion Spectra at Saturn. Geophysical Research Letters 49, S. e97691 (2022)
Wang, Y.; Guo, J.; Li, G.; Roussos, E.; Zhao, J.: Variation in Cosmic-Ray Intensity Lags Sunspot Number: Implications of Late Opening of Solar Magnetic Field. The Astrophysical Journal 928, S. 157 (2022)
Wieczorek, M. A.; Broquet, A.; McLennan, S. M.; Rivoldini, A.; Golombek, M.; Antonangeli, D.; Beghein, C.; Giardini, D.; Gudkova, T.; Gyalay, S. et al.; Johnson, C. L.; Joshi, R.; Kim, D.; King, S. D.; Knapmeyer-Endrun, B.; Lognonné, P.; Michaut, C.; Mittelholz, A.; Nimmo, F.; Ojha, L.; Panning, M. P.; Plesa, A.-C.; Siegler, M. A.; Smrekar, S. E.; Spohn, T.; Banerdt, W. B.: InSight Constraints on the Global Character of the Martian Crust. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets) 127, S. e07298 (2022)
Woollands, R.; Rossi, F.; Stegun Vaquero, T.; Sanchez Net, M.; Bae, S. S.; Bickel, V.; Vander Hook, J.: Maximizing Dust Devil Follow-Up Observations on Mars Using Cubesats and On-Board Scheduling. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences 69, S. 918 - 940 (2022)
Yamada, T.; Baron, P.; Neary, L.; Nishibori, T.; Larsson, R.; Kuroda, T.; Daerden, F.; Kasai, Y.: Observation Capability of a Ground-Based Terahertz Radiometer for Vertical Profiles of Oxygen and Water Abundances in Martian Atmosphere. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, S. 3152271 (2022)
Yiǧit, E.; Dhadly, M.; Medvedev, A. S.; Harding, B. J.; Englert, C. R.; Wu, Q.; Immel, T. J.: Characterization of the Thermospheric Mean Winds and Circulation During Solstice Using ICON/MIGHTI Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 127, S. e2022JA030851 (2022)
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