Dietrich, Wieland

Referent der Institutsleitung


I am physicist with a 10 year expertise in planetary sciences, in particular the dynamic interiors of terrestrial and giant planets. This includes the generation of planetary magnetic fields (dynamo process), the small-scale and large-scale flows that emerge in the liquid cores of terrestrial planets and the atmospheres of ice and gas giants. Of particular interest here is the relationship between satellite measurements and the interior processes have been generated e.g. zonal flows or magnetic fields. Most recently, my research activities have been shifted toward the atmospheric flows of Hot Jupiter – a fascinating class of exoplanets, that are scorched by the host star.


Education and Employment:

Since 2022: research coordinator at the MPS
2020-2023: scientist at the MPS
2016-2019: postdoc at the MPS
2013-2016: postdoctoral research fellow at the  School of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds, UK
2012-2013: wrap up Postdoc at the MPS
2009-2012: PhD in physics at the IMPRS, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
2003-2009: diploma in physics from the University of Bayreuth, Germany

Selected Publications:

(1) Dietrich, W.; Kumar, S.; Poser, A. J.; French, M.; Nettelmann, N.; Redmer, R.; Wicht, J.: Magnetic induction processes in hot Jupiters, application to KELT-9b; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)

(2) Wulff, P.; Dietrich, W.; Christensen, U. R.; Wicht, J.: Zonal winds in the gas planets driven by convection above a stably stratified layer; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022)

(3) Dietrich, W.;  Wulff, P., Wicht, J., Christensen, U.R.: Linking zonal winds and gravity – II. Explaining the equatorially antisymmetric gravity moments of Jupiter; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2021)

(4) Dietrich, W.; Jones, C.A.: Anelastic spherical dynamics with radially variable electrical conductivity; Icarus (2018)

(5) Dietrich, W.; Wicht, J.: Penetrative Convection in Partly Stratified Rapidly Rotating Spherical Shells; Frontiers in Earth Science (2018)

