Publikationen von Jesper Schou

Zeitschriftenartikel (51)

Staub, J.; Fernández-Rico, G.; Gandorfer, A. M.; Gizon, L.; Hirzberger, J.; Kraft, S.; Lagg, A.; Schou, J.; Solanki, S. K.; Iniesta, J. C. d. T. et al.; Wiegelmann, T.; Woch, J.: PMI: The Photospheric Magnetic Field Imager. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 10, 54 (2020)
Zouganelis, I.; Groof, A. D.; Walsh, A. P.; Williams, D. R.; Müller, D.; St Cyr, O. C.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Fludra, A.; Horbury, T. S. et al.; Howard, R. A.; Krucker, S.; Maksimovic, M.; Owen, C. J.; Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.; Romoli, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Watson, C.; Sanchez, L.; Lefort, J.; Osuna, P.; Gilbert, H. R.; Nieves-Chinchilla, T.; Abbo, L.; Alexandrova, O.; Anastasiadis, A.; Andretta, V.; Antonucci, E.; Appourchaux, T.; Aran, A.; Arge, C. N.; Aulanier, G.; Baker, D.; Bale, S. D.; Battaglia, M.; Bellot Rubio, L.; Bemporad, A.; Berthomier, M.; Bocchialini, K.; Bonnin, X.; Brun, A. S.; Bruno, R.; Buchlin, E.; Büchner, J.; Bucik, R.; Carcaboso, F.; Carr, R.; Carrasco-Blázquez, I.; Cecconi, B.; Cernuda Cangas, I.; Chen, C. H. K.; Chitta, L. P.; Chust, T.; Dalmasse, K.; D’Amicis, R.; Deppo, V. D.; Marco, R. D.; Dolei, S.; Dolla, L.; Dudok de Wit, T.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Eastwood, J. P.; Espinosa Lara, F.; Etesi, L.; Fedorov, A.; Félix-Redondo, F.; Fineschi, S.; Fleck, B.; Fontaine, D.; Fox, N. J.; Gandorfer, A. M.; Génot, V.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Gissot, S.; Giunta, A.; Gizon, L.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Gontikakis, C.; Graham, G.; Green, L.; Grundy, T.; Haberreiter, M.; Harra, L. K.; Hassler, D. M.; Hirzberger, J.; Ho, G. C.; Hurford, G.; Innes, D.; Issautier, K.; James, A. W.; Janitzek, N.; Janvier, M.; Jeffrey, N.; Jenkins, J.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Klein, K.-L.; Kontar, E. P.; Kontogiannis, I.; Krafft, C.; Krasnoselskikh, V.; Kretzschmar, M.; Labrosse, N.; Lagg, A.; Landini, F.; Lavraud, B.; Leon, I.; Lepri, S. T.; Lewis, G. R.; Liewer, P.; Linker, J.; Livi, S.; Long, D. M.; Louarn, P.; Malandraki, O.; Maloney, S.; Martinez-Pillet, V.; Martinovic, M.; Masson, A.; Matthews, S.; Matteini, L.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Moraitis, K.; Morton, R. J.; Musset, S.; Nicolaou, G.; Nindos, A.; O’Brien, H.; Orozco Suarez, D.; Owens, M.; Pancrazzi, M.; Papaioannou, A.; Parenti, S.; Pariat, E.; Patsourakos, S.; Perrone, D.; Peter, H.; Pinto, R. F.; Plainaki, C.; Plettemeier, D.; Plunkett, S. P.; Raines, J. M.; Raouafi, N.; Reid, H.; Retino, A.; Rezeau, L.; Rochus, P.; Rodriguez, L.; Rodriguez-Garcia, L.; Roth, M.; Rouillard, A. P.; Sahraoui, F.; Sasso, C.; Schou, J.; Schühle, U.; Sorriso-Valvo, L.; Soucek, J.; Spadaro, D.; Stangalini, M.; Stansby, D.; Steller, M.; Strugarek, A.; Štverák, Š.; Susino, R.; Telloni, D.; Terasa, C.; Teriaca, L.; Toledo-Redondo, S.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Tsiropoula, G.; Tsounis, A.; Tziotziou, K.; Valentini, F.; Vaivads, A.; Vecchio, A.; Velli, M.; Verbeeck, C.; Verdini, A.; Verscharen, D.; Vilmer, N.; Vourlidas, A.; Wicks, R.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.; Wiegelmann, T.; Young, P. R.; Zhukov, A. N.: The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan: translating solar and heliospheric physics questions into action. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A3 (2020)
Hoeksema, J. T.; Baldner, C. S.; Bush, R. I.; Schou, J.; Scherrer, P. H.: On-Orbit Performance of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Instrument onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Solar Physics 293, 45 (2018)
Howe, R.; Hill, F.; Komm, R.; Chaplin, W. J.; Elsworth, Y.; Davies, G. R.; Schou, J.; Thompson, M. J.: Signatures of Solar Cycle 25 in Subsurface Zonal Flows. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 862 (1), L5 (2018)
Larson, T.; Schou, J.: Global-Mode Analysis of Full-Disk Data from the Michelson Doppler Imager and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager. Solar Physics 293, 29 (2018)
Löptien, B.; Gizon, L.; Birch, A.; Schou, J.; Proxauf, B.; Duvall, T.; Bogart, R. S.; Christensen, U. R.: Global-scale equatorial Rossby waves as an essential component of solar internal dynamics. Nature astronomy 2, S. 568 - 573 (2018)
Schou, J.: Modeling and use of stellar oscillation visibilities. Astronomy and Astrophysics 617, A111 (2018)
Schunker, H.; Schou, J.; Gaulme, P.; Gizon, L.: Fragile Detection of Solar g-Modes by Fossat et al. Solar Physics 293, 95 (2018)
Liang, Z.-C.; Birch, A. C.; Duvall, T.; Gizon, L.; Schou, J.: Comparison of acoustic travel-time measurements of solar meridional circulation from SDO/HMI and SOHO/MDI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 601, A46 (2017)
Löptien, B.; Birch, A. C.; Duvall Jr., T. L.; Gizon, L.; Proxauf, B.; Schou, J.: Measuring solar active region inflows with local correlation tracking of granulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 606, A28 (2017)
Nielsen, M. B.; Schunker, H.; Gizon, L.; Schou, J.; Ball, W.: Limits on radial differential rotation in Sun-like stars from parametric fits to oscillation power spectra. Astronomy and Astrophysics 603, A6, S. 1 - 8 (2017)
Barekat, A.; Schou, J.; Gizon, L.: Solar-cycle variation of the rotational shear near the solar surface. Astronomy and Astrophysics 595, A8 (2016)
Couvidat, S.; Schou, J.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Bogart, R. S.; Bush, R. I.; Duvall, T. L.; Liu, Y.; Norton, A. A.; Scherrer, P. H.: Observables processing for the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Solar Physics 291, S. 1887 - 1938 (2016)
Löptien, B.; Birch, A. C.; Duvall, T. L.; Gizon, L.; Schou, J.: Data compression for local correlation tracking of solar granulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 587, A9 (2016)
Löptien, B.; Birch, A. C.; Duvall, T. L.; Gizon, L.; Schou, J.: The shrinking Sun: a systematic error in local correlation tracking of solar granulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 590, A130 (2016)
Prša, A.; Harmanec, P.; Torres, G.; Mamajek, E.; Asplund, M.; Capitaine, N.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Depagne, É.; Haberreiter, M.; Hekker, S. et al.; Hilton, J.; Kopp, G.; Kostov, V.; Kurtz, D. W.; Laskar, J.; Mason, B. D.; Milone, E. F.; Montgomery, M.; Richards, M.; Schmutz, W.; Schou, J.; Stewart, S. G.: Nominal Values for Selected Solar and Planetary Quantities: IAU 2015 Resolution B3. Astronomical Journal 152, 41 (2016)
Schunker, H.; Schou, J.; Ball, W.: Asteroseismic inversions for radial differential rotation of Sun-likestars: Sensitivity to uncertainties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 586, A24 (2016)
Schunker, H.; Schou, J.; Ball, W.; Nielsen, M. B.; Gizon, L.: Asteroseismic inversions for radial differential rotation of Sun-like stars: ensemble fits. Astronomy and Astrophysics 586, A79 (2016)
Hanasoge, S.; Miesch, M. S.; Roth, M.; Schou, J.; Schüssler, M.; Thompson, M. J.: Solar Dynamics, rotation, convection and overshoot. Space Science Reviews 196, S. 79 - 99 (2015)
Larson, T. P.; Schou, J.: Improved Helioseismic Analysis of Medium-l Data from the Michelson Doppler Imager. Solar Physics 290 (11), S. 3221 - 3256 (2015)
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