Publikationen von Joachim Woch
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Zeitschriftenartikel (186)
59, S. 327 - 337 (2011)
Magnetic states of the ionosphere of Venus observed by Venus Express. Planetary and Space Science 42.
58, S. 1442 - 1454 (2010)
Transterminator ion flow in the Martian ionosphere. Planetary and Space Science 43.
36, L08108 (2009)
Long-lived auroral structures and atmospheric losses through auroral flux tubes on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters 44.
36, L01105 (2009)
Ionospheric storms on Mars: Impact of the corotating interaction region. Geophysical Research Letters 45.
27, S. 2565 - 2573 (2009)
A summary of observational records on periodicities above the rotational period in the Jovian magnetosphere. Annales Geophysicae 46.
57, S. 1754 - 1768 (2009)
Energetic particles in Saturn's magnetosphere during the Cassini nominal mission (July 2004 - July 2008). Planetary and Space Science 47.
114, E00B30 (2009)
The plasma environment of Venus: comparison of Venus Express ASPERA-4 measurements with 3D hybrid simulations. Journal Geophysical Research 48.
114, E00B98 (2009)
Correction to ``The plasma environment of Venus: comparison of Venus Express ASPERA-4 measurements with 3D hybrid simulations''. Journal Geophysical Research 49.
36, L07101 (2009)
Equatorward diffuse auroral emissions at Jupiter: Simultaneous HST and Galileo observations. Geophysical Research Letters 50.
56, S. 802 - 806 (2008)
Ionospheric photoelectrons at Venus: Initial observations by ASPERA-4. Planetary and Space Science 51.
56, S. 832 - 835 (2008)
Asymmetry of plasma fluxes at Mars. ASPERA-3 observations and hybrid simulations. Planetary and Space Science 52.
56, S. 868 - 872 (2008)
Field-aligned currents and parallel electric field potential drops at Mars. Scaling from the Earth aurora. Planetary and Space Science 53.
26, S. 3511 - 3524 (2008)
Access of solar wind electrons into the Martian magnetosphere. Annales Geophysicae 54.
56, S. 846 - 851 (2008)
Suprathermal electron fluxes on the nightside of Mars: ASPERA-3 observations. Planetary and Space Science 55.
113, A10217 (2008)
Plasma environment of Mars as observed by simultaneous MEX-ASPERA-3 and MEX-MARSIS observations. Journal Geophysical Research 56.
35, L11103 (2008)
Structure and dynamics of the solar wind/ionosphere interface on Mars. MEX-ASPERA-3 and MEX-MARSIS observations. Geophysical Research Letters 57.
56 (6), S. 812 - 817 (2008)
Comparative analysis of Venus and Mars magnetotails. Planetary and Space Science 58.
56, S. 873 - 880 (2008)
Mars Express and Venus Express multi-point observations of geoeffective solar flare events in December 2006. Planetary and Space Science 59.
56, S. 807 - 811 (2008)
First observation of energetic neutral atoms in the Venus environment. Planetary and Space Science 60.
4/08, S. 20 - 27 (2008)
Über die Sonnenpole, Rückblick auf die Mission ULYSSES - Over the Poles of the SUN, Looking back at the Ulysses Mission. Countdown, Aktuelles aus der DLR Raumfahrtagentur/Topics from DLR Space Agency