Publikationen von Andreas Nathues

Zeitschriftenartikel (125)

Bugiolacchi, R.; Mall, U.; Bhatt, M.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Brønstad, K.; Nathues, A.; Søraas, F.; Ullaland, K.; Pedersen, R. B.: An in-depth look at the lunar crater Copernicus: Exposed mineralogy by high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy. Icarus 213, S. 43 - 63 (2011)
Le Corre, L.; Reddy, V.; Nathues, A.: Spectral Indices for Identifying Terrains on Vesta with Dawn Framing Camera Filters. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 46, S. A135 - A135 (2011)
Le Corre, L.; Reddy, V.; Nathues, A.; Cloutis, E. A.: How to characterize terrains on 4 Vesta using Dawn Framing Camera color bands? Icarus 216 (2), S. 376 - 386 (2011)
McFadden, L. A.; Sykes, M.; Joy, S.; Tricarico, P.; O'Brien, D.; Li, J. Y.; Mutchler, M.; Memarsadeghi, N.; Safavi, H.; Gutierrez-Marques, P. et al.; Nathues, A.; Mottola, S.; Sierks, H.; Schroder, S.; Polansky, C.; Jacobson, R.; Russell, C. T.; Raymond, C. A.; Rayman, M.; Weinstein-Weiss, S.; Palmer, E.: Does Vesta Have Moons? Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 46, S. A154 - A154 (2011)
Nathues, A.; Russell, C. T.; Raymond, C.; Christensen, U.; Sierks, H.; Jaumann, R.; Keller, H. U.; Mottola, S.; Neukum, G.; Hoffmann, M. et al.; Le Corre, L.; Reddy, V.; Schroeder, S. E.; Li, J.-Y.; Buratti, B. J.; Gutierrez-Marques, P.; Buettner, I.; Hall, I.; Maue, T.; Richards, M.; The Dawn Sci Team: Dawn at Vesta: First Results from the Framing Cameras. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 46, S. A176 - A176 (2011)
Raymond, C. A.; Jaumann, R.; Nathues, A.; Sierks, H.; Roatsch, T.; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Gaskell, R. W.; Jorda, L.; Keller, H.-U. et al.; Zuber, M. T.; Smith, D. E.; Mastrodemos, N.; Mottola, S.: The Dawn Topography Investigation. Space Science Reviews 163 (1-4), S. 487 - 510 (2011)
Reddy, V.; Nathues, A.; Gaffey, M. J.: First fragment of Asteroid 4 Vesta's mantle detected. Icarus 212 (1), S. 175 - 179 (2011)
Reddy, V.; Nathues, A.; Gaffey, M. J.; Schaeff, S.: Mineralogical characterization of potential targets for the ASTEX mission scenario. Planetary and Space Science 59 (8), S. 772 - 778 (2011)
Sierks, H.; Keller, H. U.; Jaumann, R.; Michalik, H.; Behnke, T.; Bubenhangen, F.; Büttner, I.; Carsentry, U.; Christensen, U.; Enge, R. et al.; Fiethe, B.; Gutiérrez Marqués, P.; Hartwig, H.; Krüger, H.; Kühne, W.; Maue, T.; Mottola, S.; Nathues, A.; Reiche, K.-U.; Richards, M. L.; Roatsch, T.; Schröder, S. E.; Szemerey, I.; Tschentscher, M.: The Dawn Framing Camera. Space Science Reviews 163, S. 263 - 327 (2011)
Nathues, A.: Spectral study of the Eunomia asteroid family Part II: The small bodies. Icarus 208 (1), S. 252 - 275 (2010)
Nathues, A.; Boehnhardt, H.; Harris, A. W.; Jentsch, C.; Schaeff, S.; Weischede, F.; Wiegand, A.; Schmitz, N.; Goetz, W.; Kachri, Z.: ASTEX: An in situ exploration mission to two near-Earth asteroids. Advances in Space Research 45, S. 169 - 182 (2010)
Reddy, V.; Gaffey, M. J.; Kelley, M. S.; Nathues, A.; Li, J.-Y.; Yarbrough, R.: Compositional heterogeneity of Asteroid 4 Vesta's southern hemisphere: Implications for the Dawn mission. Icarus 210 (2), S. 693 - 706 (2010)
Mall, U.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Bronstad, K.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Nathues, A.; Søraas, F.; Vilenius, E.; Vilenius, E.; Ullaland, K.: Near Infrared Spectrometer SIR-2 on Chandrayaan-1. Current Science 96 (4), S. 506 - 511 (2009)
Torheim, O.; Bronstad, K.; Heerlein, K.; Mall, U.; Nathues, A.; Nowosielski, W.; Orleanski, P.; Pommeresche, B.; Reimundo, V.; Skogseide, Y. et al.; Solberg, A.; Ullaland, K.: Development of an Embedded CPU-Based Instrument Control Unit for the SIR-2 Instrument Onboard the Chandrayaan-1 Mission to the Moon. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing 47 (8), S. 2836 - 2846 (2009)
Boehnhardt, H.; Tozzi, G. P.; Bagnulo, S.; Muinonen, K.; Nathues, A.; Kolokolova, L.: Photometry and polarimetry of the nucleus of comet 2P/Encke. Astronomy and Astrophysics 489, S. 1337 - 1343 (2008)
Russell, C. T.; Barucci, M. A.; Binzel, R. P.; Capria, M. T.; Christensen, U.; Coradini, A.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Feldman, W. C.; Jaumann, R.; Keller, H. U. et al.; Konopliv, A. S.; McCord, T. B.; McFadden, L. A.; McKeegan, K. D.; McSween, H. Y.; Mottola, S.; Nathues, A.; Neukum, G.; Pieters, C. M.; Prettyman, T. H.; Raymond, C. A.; Sierks, H.; Smith, D. E.; Spohn, T.; Sykes, M. V.; Vilas, F.; Zuber, M. T.: Exploring the asteroid belt with ion propulsion: Dawn mission history, status and plans. Advances in Space Research 40 (2), S. 193 - 201 (2007)
Foing, B. H.; Racca, G. D.; Marini, A.; Evrard, E.; Stagnaro, L.; Almeida, M.; Koschny, D.; Frew, D.; Zender, J.; Heather, J. et al.; Grande, M.; Huovelin, J.; Keller, H. U.; Nathues, A.; Josset, J. L.; Malkki, A.; Schmidt, W.; Noci, G.; Birkl, R.; Iess, L.; Sodnik, Z.; McManamon, P.: SMART-1 mission to the Moon: Status, first results and goals. Advances in Space Research 37 (1), S. 6 - 13 (2006)
Michelsen, R.; Nathues, A.; Lagerkvist, C. I.: Spectroscopy of near-Earth asteroids. Astronomy and Astrophysics 451 (1), S. 331 - 337 (2006)
Lagerkvist, C. I.; Moroz, L.; Nathues, A.; Erikson, A.; Lahulla, F.; Karlsson, O.; Dahlgren, M.: A study of Cybele asteroids - II. Spectral properties of Cybele asteroids. Astronomy and Astrophysics 432 (1), S. 349 - 354 (2005)
Nathues, A.; Mottola, S.; Kaasalainen, M.; Neukum, G.: Spectral study of the Eunomia asteroid family-I. Eunomia. Icarus 175 (2), S. 452 - 463 (2005)
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