Verbindung Solarer und Stellarer Variabilität

Publikationen von R. Aznar Cuadrado

Zeitschriftenartikel (47)

Chitta, L. P.; Zhukov, A. N.; Berghmans, D.; Peter, H.; Parenti, S.; Mandal, S.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Schühle, U.; Teriaca, L.; Auchère, F. et al.: Picoflare jets power the solar wind emerging from a coronal hole on the Sun. Science 38, S. 867 - 872 (2023)
Mandal, S.; Peter, H.; Chitta, L. P.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Schühle, U.; Teriaca, L.; Solanki, S. K.; Harra, L.; Berghmans, D.; Auchère, F. et al.: Signatures of dynamic fibrils at the coronal base: Observations from Solar Orbiter/EUI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, L3, S. L3 (2023)
Antolin, P.; Dolliou, A.; Auchère, F.; Chitta, L. P.; Parenti, S.; Berghmans, D.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Barczynski, K.; Gissot, S.; Harra, L. et al.: EUV fine structure and variability associated with coronal rain revealed by Solar Orbiter/EUI HRIEUV and SPICE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A112 (2023)
Baker, D.; Démoulin, P.; Yardley, S. L.; Mihailescu, T.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; D'Amicis, R.; Long, D. M.; To, A. S. H.; Owen, C. J.; Horbury, T. S. et al.: Observational Evidence of S-web Source of the Slow Solar Wind. The Astrophysical Journal 950, S. 65 (2023)
Barczynski, K.; Harra, L.; Schwanitz, C.; Janitzek, N.; Berghmans, D.; Auchère, F.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Buchlin, É.; Kraaikamp, E.; Long, D. M. et al.: Slow solar wind sources. High-resolution observations with a quadrature view. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, S. A74 (2023)
Berghmans, D.; Antolin, P.; Auchère, F.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Barczynski, K.; Chitta, L. P.; Gissot, S.; Harra, L.; Huang, Z.; Janvier, M. et al.: First perihelion of EUI on the Solar Orbiter mission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, S. A110 (2023)
Cheng, X.; Priest, E. R.; Li, H. T.; Chen, J.; Aulanier, G.; Chitta, L. P.; Wang, Y. L.; Peter, H.; Zhu, X. S.; Xing, C. et al.: Ultra-high-resolution observations of persistent null-point reconnection in the solar corona. Nature Communications 14, S. 2107 (2023)
Dolliou, A.; Parenti, S.; Auchère, F.; Bocchialini, K.; Pelouze, G.; Antolin, P.; Berghmans, D.; Harra, L.; Long, D. M.; Schühle, U. et al.: Temperature of quiet Sun small scale brightenings observed by EUI on board Solar Orbiter: Evidence for a cooler component. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, S. A64 (2023)
Harra, L. K.; Mandrini, C. H.; Brooks, D. H.; Barczynski, K.; Mac Cormack, C.; Cristiani, G.; Mandal, S.; Sterling, A. C.; Martinez Pillet, V.; Janitzek, N. et al.: The source of unusual coronal upflows with photospheric abundance in a solar active region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, S. A20 (2023)
Huang, Z.; Teriaca, L.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Chitta, L. P.; Mandal, S.; Peter, H.; Schühle, U.; Solanki, S. K.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D. et al.: Imaging and spectroscopic observations of extreme-ultraviolet brightenings using EUI and SPICE on board Solar Orbiter. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, S. A82 (2023)
Janvier, M.; Mzerguat, S.; Young, P. R.; Buchlin, É.; Manou, A.; Pelouze, G.; Long, D. M.; Green, L.; Warmuth, A.; Schuller, F. et al.: A multiple spacecraft detection of the 2 April 2022 M-class flare and filament eruption during the first close Solar Orbiter perihelion. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A130 (2023)
Li, Z.; Cheng, X.; Ding, M. D.; Chitta, L. P.; Peter, H.; Berghmans, D.; Smith, P. J.; Auchère, F.; Parenti, S.; Barczynski, K. et al.: Evidence of external reconnection between an erupting mini-filament and ambient loops observed by Solar Orbiter/EUI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 673, S. A83 (2023)
Mierla, M.; Cremades, H.; Andretta, V.; Chifu, I.; Zhukov, A. N.; Susino, R.; Auchère, F.; Vourlidas, A.; Talpeanu, D.-C.; Rodriguez, L. et al.: Three Eruptions Observed by Remote Sensing Instruments Onboard Solar Orbiter. Solar Physics 298, S. 42 (2023)
Nelson, C. J.; Auchère, F.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Barczynski, K.; Buchlin, E.; Harra, L.; Long, D. M.; Parenti, S.; Peter, H.; Schühle, U. et al.: Extreme-ultraviolet brightenings in the quiet-Sun: Signatures in spectral and imaging data from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. Astronomy and Astrophysics 676, A64 (2023)
Nölke, J. D.; Solanki, S. K.; Hirzberger, J.; Peter, H.; Chitta, L. P.; Kahil, F.; Valori, G.; Wiegelmann, T.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Albert, K. et al.: Coronal voids and their magnetic nature. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, S. A196 (2023)
Schwanitz, C.; Harra, L.; Mandrini, C. H.; Sterling, A. C.; Raouafi, N. E.; Mac Cormack, C.; Berghmans, D.; Auchère, F.; Barczynski, K.; Aznar Cuadrado, R. et al.: Small-scale EUV features as the drivers of coronal upflows in the quiet Sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, S. A219 (2023)
Yardley, S. L.; Owen, C. J.; Long, D. M.; Baker, D.; Brooks, D. H.; Polito, V.; Green, L. M.; Matthews, S.; Owens, M.; Lockwood, M. et al.: Slow Solar Wind Connection Science during Solar Orbiter's First Close Perihelion Passage. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 267, S. 11 (2023)
Alipour, N.; Safari, H.; Verbeeck, C.; Berghmans, D.; Auchère, F.; Chitta, L. P.; Antolin, P.; Barczynski, K.; Buchlin, É.; Aznar Cuadrado, R. et al.: Automatic detection of small-scale EUV brightenings observed by the Solar Orbiter/EUI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, S. A128 (2022)
Brooks, D. H.; Janvier, M.; Baker, D.; Warren, H. P.; Auchère, F.; Carlsson, M.; Fludra, A.; Hassler, D.; Peter, H.; Müller, D. et al.: Plasma Composition Measurements in an Active Region from Solar Orbiter/SPICE and Hinode/EIS. The Astrophysical Journal 940, S. 66 (2022)
Chitta, L. P.; Peter, H.; Parenti, S.; Berghmans, D.; Auchère, F.; Solanki, S. K.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Schühle, U.; Teriaca, L.; Mandal, S. et al.: Solar coronal heating from small-scale magnetic braids. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, S. A166 (2022)

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