
Zeitschriftenartikel (7837)

Lasue, J.; Maroger, I.; Botet, R.; Garnier, P.; Merouane, S.; Mannel, T.; Levasseur-Regourd, A. C.; Bentley, M. S.: Flattened loose particles from numerical simulations compared to particles collected by Rosetta. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, A28 (2019)
Lekshmi, B.; Nandy, D.; Antia, H.: Hemispheric asymmetry in meridional flow and the sunspot cycle. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY (1), S. 714 - 722 (2019)
Li, J.-Y.; Schröder, S. E.; Mottola , S.; Nathues, A.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Schorghofer, N.; Williams, D. A.; Ciarniello, M.; Longobardo, A.; Raymond, C. A. et al.; Russellg, C. T.: Spectrophotometric modeling and mapping of Ceres. Icarus 322, S. 144 - 167 (2019)
Li, L. P.; Peter, H.: Plasma injection into a solar coronal loop. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, A98 (2019)
Li, L.; Peter, H.; Chitta, L. P.; Zhang, J.; Su, J.; Song, H.; Hou, Y.; Xia, C.: Repeated Coronal Condensations Caused by Magnetic Reconnection between Solar Coronal Loops. The Astrophysical Journal 884 (1), 34 (2019)
Liang, Z.-C.; Gizon, L.; Birch, A.; Duvall, T.: Time-distance helioseismology of solar Rossby waves. Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, A3 (2019)
Lira, P. A. R.; Marchand, R.; Burchill, J.; Förster, M.: Determination of Swarm Front Plate's Effective Cross Section From Kinetic Simulations. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 47 (8), 8725927, S. 3667 - 3672 (2019)
Liu, L.; Cheng, X.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, Z.: American Astronomical Society logo American Astronomical Society logo iop-2016.png iop-2016.png A publishing partnership Formation of a Magnetic Flux Rope in the Early Emergence Phase of NOAA Active Region 12673. The Astrophysical Journal 884 (1), 45 (2019)
Lognonné, P.; Banerdt, W. B.; Giardini, D.; Pike, W. T.; Christensen, U. R.; Laudet, P.; de Raucourt, S.; Zweifel, P.; Calcutt, S.; Bierwirth, M. et al.; Hurst, K. J.; Ijpelaan, F.; Umland, J. W.; Llorca-Cejudo, R.; Larson, S. A.; Garcia, R. F.; Kedar, S.; Knapmeyer-Endrun, B.; Mimoun, D.; Mocquet, A.; Panning, M. P.; Weber, R. C.; Sylvestre-Baron, A.; Pont, G.; Verdier, N.; Kerjean, L.; Facto, L. J.; Gharakanian, V.; Feldman, J. E.; Hoffman, T. L.; Klein, D. B.; Klein, K.; Onufer, N. P.; Paredes-Garcia, J.; Petkov, M. P.; Willis, J. R.; Smrekar, S. E.; Drilleau, M.; Gabsi, T.; Nebut, T.; Robert, O.; Tillier, S.; Moreau, C.; Parise, M.; Aveni, G.; Charef, S. B.; Bennour, Y.; Camus, T.; Dandonneau, P. A.; Desfoux, C.; Lecomte, B.; Pot, O.; Revuz, P.; Mance, D.; tenPierick, J.; Bowles, N. E.; Charalambous, C.; Delahunty, A. K.; Hurley, J.; Irshad, R.; Liu, H.; Mukherjee, A. G.; Standley, I. M.; Stott, A. E.; Temple, J.; Warren, T.; Eberhardt, M.; Kramer, A.; Kühne, W.; Miettinen, E.-P.; Monecke, M.; Aicardi, C.; André, M.; Baroukh, J.; Borrien, A.; Bouisset, A.; Boutte, P.; Brethomé, K.; Brysbaert, C.; Carlier, T.; Deleuze, M.; Desmarres, J. M.; Dilhan, D.; Doucet, C.; Faye, D.; Faye-Refalo, N.; Gonzalez, R.; Imbert, C.; Larigauderie, C.; Locatelli, E.; Luno, L.; Meyer, J.-R.; Mialhe, F.; Mouret, J. M.; Nonon, M.; Pahn, Y.; Paillet, A.; Pasquier, P.; Perez, G.; Perez, R.; Perrin, L.; Pouilloux, B.; Rosak, A.; de Larclause, I. S.; Sicre, J.; Sodki, M.; Toulemont, N.; Vella, B.; Yana, C.; Alibay, F.; Avalos, O. M.; Balzer, M. A.; Bhandari, P.; Blanco, E.; Bone, B. D.; Bousman, J. C.; Bruneau, P.; Calef, F. J.; Calvet, R. J.; D’Agostino, S. A.; de Santos, G. l.; Deen, R. G.; Denise, R. W.; Ervin, J.; Ferraro, N. W.; Gengl, H. E.; Grinblat, F.; Hernandez, D.; Hetzel, M.; Johnson, M. E.; Khachikyan, L.; Lin, J. Y.; Madzunkov, S. M.; Marshall, S. L.; Mikellides, I. G.; Miller, E. A.; Raff, W.; Singer, J. E.; Sunday, C. M.; Villalvazo, J. F.; Wallace, M. C.; Banfield, D.; Rodriguez-Manfredi, J. A.; Russell, C. T.; Trebi-Ollennu, A.; Maki, J. N.; Beucler, E.; Böse, M.; Bonjour, C.; Berenguer, J. L.; Ceylan, S.; Clinton, J.; Conejero, V.; Daubar, I.; Dehant, V.; Delage, P.; Euchner, F.; Estève, I.; Fayon, L.; Ferraioli, L.; Johnson, C. L.; Gagnepain-Beyneix, J.; Golombek, M.; Khan, A.; Kawamura, T.; Kenda, B.; Labrot, P.; Murdoch, N.; Pardo, C.; Perrin, C.; Pou, L.; Sauron, A.; Savoie, D.; Stähler, S.; Stutzmann, E.; Teanby, N. A.; Tromp, J.; van Driel, M.; Wieczorek, M.; Widmer-Schnidrig, R.; Wookey, J.: SEIS: Insight’s Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure of Mars. Space Science Reviews 215, 12 (2019)
Losada, I. R.; Warnecke, J.; Brandenburg, A.; Kleeorin, N.; Rogachevskii, I.: Magnetic bipoles in rotating turbulence with coronal envelope. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, A61 (2019)
Loukitcheva, M.; White, S. M.; Solanki, S. K.: ALMA Detection of Dark Chromospheric Holes in the Quiet Sun. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 877 (2), L26 (2019)
Lucchetti, A.; Penasa, L.; Pajola, M.; Massironi, M.; Brunetti, M. T.; Cremonese, G.; Oklay, N.; Vincent, J.; Mottola, S.; Fornasier, S. et al.; Sierks, H.; Naletto, G.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Davidsson, B.; Barbieri, C.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.; Bertini, I.; Bodewits, D.; Cambianica, P.; Deppo, V. D.; Debei, S.; Cecco, M. D.; Deller, J.; Ferrari, S.; Ferri, F.; Franceschi, M.; Fulle, M.; Gutiérrez, P.; Güttler, C.; Ip, W.; Keller, U.; Lara, L.; Lazzarin, M.; Moreno, J. L.; Marzari, F.; Tubiana, C.: The Rocky‐Like Behavior of Cometary Landslides on 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko. Geophysical Research Letters 46 (24), S. 14336 - 14346 (2019)
Luspay-Kuti, A.; Altwegg, K.; Berthelier, J. J.; Beth, A.; Dhooghe, F.; Fiethe, B.; Fuselier, S. A.; Gombosi, T. I.; Hansen, K. C.; Hässig, M. et al.; Livadiotis, G.; Mall, U.; Mandt, K. E.; Mousis, O.; Petrinec, S. M.; Rubin, M.; Trattner, K. J.; Tzou, C.-Y.; Wurz, P.: Comparison of neutral outgassing of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko inbound and outbound beyond 3 AU from ROSINA/DFMS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, A30 (2019)
Macher, W.; Kömle, N.; Skorov, Y.; Rezac, L.; Kargl, G.; Tiefenbacher, P.: 3D thermal modeling of two selected regions on comet 67P and comparison with Rosetta/MIRO measurements. Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, A12 (2019)
Madjarska, M. S.: Coronal bright points. Living Reviews in Solar Physics 16, 2 (2019)
Malykhin, A. Y.; Grigorenko, E. E.; Kronberg, E. A.; Daly, P. W.; Kozak, L. V.: Acceleration of protons and heavy ions to suprathermal energies during dipolarizations in the near-Earth magnetotail. Annales Geophysicae 37 (4), S. 549 - 559 (2019)
Manso Sainz, R.; Alemán, T. d. P.; Casini, R.; McIntosh, S.: Spectropolarimetry of the Solar Mg II h and k Lines. Astrophysical Journal, Letters 883 (2), L30 (2019)
Markkanen, J.; Agarwal, J.: Scattering, absorption, and thermal emission by large cometary dust particles: Synoptic numerical solution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A164 (2019)
Marschall, R.; Rezac, L.; Kappel, D.; Su, C.C.; Gerig, S.-B.; Rubin, M.; Pinzón-Rodríguez, O.; Marshall, D. W.; Liao, Y.; Herny, C. et al.; Arnold, G.; Christou, C.; Dadzie, S.K.; Groussin, O.; Hartogh, P.; Jorda, L.; Kührt, E.; Mottola, S.; Mousis, O.; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Theologou, P.; Wu, J.-S.; Altwegg, K.; Rodrigo, R.; Thomas, N.: A comparison of multiple Rosetta data sets and 3D model calculations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko coma around equinox (May 2015). Icarus 328, S. 104 - 126 (2019)
Marshall, D. W.; Rezac, L.; Hartogh, P.; Zhao, Y.; Attree, N.: Interpretation of heliocentric water production rates of comets. Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, A120 (2019)
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