
Zeitschriftenartikel (768)

Danilovic, S.; Gandorfer, A.; Lagg, A.; Schüssler, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Vögler, A.; Katsukawa, Y.; Tsuneta, S.: The intensity contrast of solar granulation: comparing Hinode SP results with MHD simulations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 484, S. L17 (2008)
Dubinin, E.; Chanteur, G.; Fraenz, M.; Modolo, R.; Woch, J.; Roussos, E.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.; Winningham, J. D.: Asymmetry of plasma fluxes at Mars. ASPERA-3 observations and hybrid simulations. Planetary and Space Science 56, S. 832 - 835 (2008)
Dubinin, E.; Fraenz, M.; Woch, J.; Roussos, E.; Winningham, J. D.; Frahm, R.; Coates, A.; Leblanc, F.; Lundin, R.; Barabash, S.: Access of solar wind electrons into the Martian magnetosphere. Annales Geophysicae 26, S. 3511 - 3524 (2008)
El Maarry, M. R.; Gasnault, O.; Toplis, M. J.; Baratoux, D.; Dohm, J. M.; Newsom, H. E.; Boynton, W. V.; Karunatillake, S.: Gamma-ray constraints on the chemical composition of the martian surface in the Tharsis region: A signature of partial melting of the mantle? Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 185, S. 116 - 122 (2008)
Encrenaz, T.; Fouchet, T.; Melchiorri, R.; Drossart, P.; Gondet, B.; Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.-P.; Forget, F.; Maltagliati, L.; Titov, D. et al.; Formisano, V.: A study of the Martian water vapor over Hellas using OMEGA and PFS aboard Mars Express. Astronomy and Astrophysics 484 (2), S. 547 - 553 (2008)
Holzwarth, V.: Flow instabilities of magnetic flux tubes III. Toroidal flux tubes. Astronomy and Astrophysics 485, S. 351 - 361 (2008)
Hori, K.; Yoshida, S.: Non-local memory effects of the electromotive force by fluid motion with helicity and two-dimensional periodicity. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 102 (6), S. 601 - 632 (2008)
Innes, D. E.; Attie, R.; Hara, H.; Madjarska, M. S.: EIS/ Hinode Observations of Doppler Flow Seen through the 40-Arcsec Wide-Slit. Solar Physics 252, S. 283 - 292 (2008)
Jones, G. H.; Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Beckmann, U.; Coates, A. J.; Crary, F.; Dandouras, I.; Dikarev, V.; Dougherty, M. K.; Garnier, P. et al.; Hansen, C. J.; Hendrix, A. R.; Hospodarsky, G. B.; Johnson, R. E.; Kempf, S.; Khurana, K. K.; Krimigis, S. M.; Krüger, H.; Kurth, W. S.; Lagg, A.; McAndrews, H. J.; Mitchell, D. G.; Paranicas, C.; Postberg, F.; Russell, C. T.; Saur, J.; Seiß, M.; Spahn, F.; Srama, R.; Strobel, D. F.; Tokar, R.; Wahlund, J.-E.; Wilson, R. J.; Woch, J.; Young, D.: The Dust Halo of Saturns Largest Icy Moon, Rhea. Science 319, S. 1380 - 1384 (2008)
Keller, H. U.; Grieger, B.; Küppers, M.; Schröder, S. E.; Skorov, Y. V.; Tomasko, M. G.: The properties of Titan's surface at the Huygens landing site from DISR observations. Planetary and Space Science 56, S. 728 - 752 (2008)
Koch, C.; Christensen, U. R.; Kallenbach, R.: Simultaneous Determination of global Topography, tidal Love number and libration amplitude of Mercury by Laser altimetry. Planetary and Space Science 56, S. 1226 - 1237 (2008)
Maltagliati, L.; Titov, D. V.; Encrenaz, T.; Melchiorri, R.; Forget, F.; Garcia-Comas, M.; Keller, H. U.; Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.-P.: Observations of atmospheric water vapor above the Tharsis volcanoes on Mars with the OMEGA/MEx imaging spectrometer. Icarus 194 (1), S. 53 - 64 (2008)
Martinecz, C.; Fränz, M.; Woch, J.; Krupp, N.; Roussos, E.; Dubinin, E.; Motschmann, U.; Barabash, S.; Lundin, R.; Holmström, M. et al.; Andersson, H.; Yamauchi, M.; Grigoriev, A.; Futaana, Y.; Brinkfeldt, K.; Gunell, H.; Frahm, R. A.; Winningham, J. D.; Sharber, J. R.; Scherrer, J.; Coates, A. J.; Linder, D. R.; Kataria, D. O.; Kallio, E.; Sales, T.; Schmidt, W.; Riihela, P.; Koskinen, H. E. J.; Kozyra, J. U.; Luhmann, J.; Russell, C. T.; Roelof, E. C.; Brandt, P.; Curtis, C. C.; Hsieh, K. C.; Sandel, B. R.; Grande, M.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Fedorov, A.; Thocaven, J.-J.; Mazelle, C.; McKenna-Lawler, S.; Orsini, S.; Cerulli-Irelli, R.; Maggi, M.; Mura, A.; Milillo, A.; Wurz, P.; Galli, A.; Bochsler, P.; Asamura, K.; Szego, K.; Baumjohann, W.; Zhang, T. L.; Lammer, H.: Location of the bow shock and ion composition boundaries at Venus-initial determinations from Venus Express ASPERA-4. Planetary and Space Science 56, S. 780 - 784 (2008)
Mecheri, R.; Marsch, E.: Drift instabilities in the solar corona within the multi-fluid description. Astronomy and Astrophysics 481, S. 853 - 860 (2008)
Paganini, L.; Hartogh, P.; Reindl, L.: An improved method for nonlinearity detection applied to a new 400-MHz bandwidth Chirp transform spectrometer. Transactions on Systems, Signals & Devices 3 (4), S. 1 - 15 (2008)
Panov, E. V.; Büchner, J.; Fränz, M.; Korth, A.; Savin, S. P.; Rème, H.; Fornaçon, K.-H.: High-latitude Earths magnetopause outside the cusp: Cluster observations. Journal Geophysical Research 113, A01220 (2008)
Paranicas, C.; Mitchell, D. G.; Krimigis, S. M.; Hamilton, D. C.; Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Jones, G. H.; Johnson, R. E.; Cooper, J. F.; Armstrong, T. P.: Sources and losses of energetic protons in Saturn's magnetosphere. Icarus 197, S. 519 - 525 (2008)
Piccialli, A.; Titov, D. V.; Grassi, D.; Khatuntsev, I.; Drossart, P.; Piccioni, G.; Migliorini, A.: Cyclostrophic winds from the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer temperature sounding: A preliminary analysis. Journal Geophysical Research 113 (2), E00B11 (2008)
Protopapa, S.; Boehnhardt, H.; Herbst, T.; Cruikshank, D.; Grundy, W.; Merlin, F.; Olkin, C.: Surface characterization of Pluto and Charon by L and M band spectra. Astronomy and Astrophysics 490, S. 365 - 375 (2008)
Riethmüller, T. L.; Solanki, S. K.; Lagg, A.: Stratification of sunspot umbral dots from inversion of Stokes profiles recorded by Hinode. Astrophysical Journal 678, L157 (2008)
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