Publikationen von T. Platz

Vortrag (30)

Hughson, K. H. G.; Russell, C. T.; Williams, D. A.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Mest, S. C.; Scully, J. E. C.; Kneissl, T.; Ruesch, O.; Frigeri, A.; Combe, J.-P. et al.: Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2016)
Kneissl, T.; Schmedemann, N.; Neesemann, A.; Williams, D. A.; Crown, D. A.; Mest, S. C.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Scully, J. E. C.; Frigeri, A.; Ruesch, O. et al.: Geological Mapping of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Kneissl, T.; Schmedemann, N.; Neesemann, A.; Williams, D. A.; Crown, D. A.; Mest, S. C.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Scully, J. E. C.; Frigeri, A.; Ruesch, O. et al.: Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2016)
Martin, H.; Nathues, A.; Platz, T.; Thangjam, G.: Hydrothermal venting on carbonaceous chondritic elevations on 1 Ceres and 4 Vesta. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Platz, T.; Nathues, A.; Ruesch, O.; Sizemore, H. G.; Schaefer, M.; Hoffmann, M.; Crown, D. A.; Mest, S. C.; Yingst, R. A.; Williams, D. A. et al.: Geological Mapping of the AC-H-10 Rongo Quadrangle of Ceres. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #48, Pasadena, USA (2016)
Platz, T.; Nathues, A.; Schaefer, M.; Schenk, P.; Kneissl, T.; Hoffmann, M.; Schmedemann, N.; Hiesinger, H.; Sykes, M. V.; Raymond, C. A. et al.: Impact Cratering on Ceres: The Simple-to-Complex Transition. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2016)
Platz, T.; Nathues, A.; Sizemore, H.; Ruesch, O.; Hoffmann, M.; Schaefer, M.; Crown, D.; Mest, S.; Aileen Yingst, R.; Williams, D. et al.: Geological Mapping of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni quadrangles of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Platz, T.; Nathues, A.; Sizemore, H. G.; Ruesch, O.; Hoffmann, M.; Schaefer, M.; Crown, D. A.; Mest, S. C.; Yingst, R. A.; Williams, D. A. et al.: Geological Mapping of the Ac-H-10 Rongo and Ac-H-15 Zadeni quadrangles of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2016)
Ruesch, O.; McFadden, L. A.; Hiesinger, H.; Scully, T.; Kneissl, T.; Hughson, K.; Williams, D. A.; Roatsch, T.; Platz, T.; Preusker, F. et al.: Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-1 Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2016)
Ruesch, O.; Platz, T.; Schenk, P. M.; McFadden, L. A.; Castillo-Rogez, J.; Quick, L. C.; Byrne, S.; Preusker, F.; O'Brien, D. P.; Schmedemann, N. et al.: More diversity for volcanism: Ceres' Ahuna Mons from Dawn's Framing Camera data. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #48, Pasadena, USA (2016)
Ruesch, O.; Platz, T.; Schenk, P.; McFadden, L. A.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Byrne, S.; Preusker, F.; O'Brien, D. P.; Schmedemann, N.; Williams, D. A. et al.: Ahuna Mons: A Geologically-Young Extrusive Dome on Ceres. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2016)
Rüsch, O.; McFadden, L. A.; Hiesinger, H.; Scully, J.; Kneissl, T.; Hughson, K.; Williams, D. A.; Roatsch, T.; Platz, T.; Preusker, F. et al.: Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-1 quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn mission. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Schäfer, M.; Schäfer, T.; Cloutis, E. A.; Izawa, M. R. M.; Platz, T.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Hoffmann, M.; Thangjam, G. S.; Kneissl, T.; Nathues, A. et al.: Ceres' Yellow Spots - Observations with Dawn Framing Camera. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Schäfer, M.; Schäfer, T.; Cloutis, E. A.; Izawa, M. R. M.; Platz, T.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Hoffmann, M.; Thangjam, G. S.; Kneissl, T.; Nathues, A. et al.: Ceres' Yellow Spots - Observations with Dawn Framing Camera. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Schäfer, T.; Schäfer, M.; Mengel, K.; Cloutis, E. A.; Izawa, M. R. M.; Thangjam, G.; Hoffmann, M.; Platz, T.; Nathues, A.; Kallisch, J. et al.: The appearance of Carbonaceous Chondrites on (1) Ceres from observations by the Dawn Framing Camera. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Schmidt, B. E.; Hughson, K. G.; Chilton, H. T.; Scully, J. E. C.; Platz, T.; Nathues, A.; Sizemore, H.; Bland, M. T.; Byrne, S.; Marchi, S. et al.: Ground Ice on Ceres? 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2016)
Scully, J. E. C.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Williams, D. A.; Mest, S. C.; Raymond, C. A.; Combe, J.-P.; Neesemann, A.; Pasckert, J. H.; Hughson, K.; Kneissl, T. et al.: Geologic History of the Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres, Derived from a Geologic Map Based on Data from the Dawn Mission. Annual Planetary Geologic Mappers Meeting, Flagstaff, USA (2016)
Scully, J. E. C.; Raymond, C. A.; Williams, D. A.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Mest, S. C.; Hughson, K. H. G.; Russell, C. T.; Kneissl, T.; Ruesch, O.; Frigeri, A. et al.: Geological Mapping of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Misssion. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Scully, J. E. C.; Raymond, C. A.; Williams, D. A.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Mest, S. C.; Hughson, K.; Russell, C. T.; Kneissl, T.; Ruesch, O.; Frigeri, A. et al.: Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2016)
Sizemore, H.; Williams, D.; Platz, T.; Mest, S.; Yingst, A.; Crown, D.; O'Brien, D.; Buczkowski, D.; Schenk, P.; Scully, J. et al.: Geological Mapping of the Ac-H-13 Urvara Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)