Abteilung Das Innere der Sonne und der Sterne (Laurent Gizon): Helioseismologie und Asteroseismologie als Werkzeuge in der Sonnenphysik und Astrophysik

Publikationen von R. H. W. Friedel

Zeitschriftenartikel (12)

Pu, Z. Y.; Kang, K. B.; Korth, A.; Fu, S. Y.; Zong, Q.-G.; Chen, Z. X.; Hong, M. H.; Liu, Z. X.; Mouikis, C. G.; Friedel, R. H. W. et al.; Pulkkinen, T.: Ballooning instability in the presence of a plasma flow: A synthesis of tail reconnection and current disruption models for the initiation of substorms. Journal Geophysical Research 104 (A5), S. 10235 - 10248 (1999)
Toivanen, P. K.; Pulkkinen, T. I.; Friedel, R. H. W.; Reeves, G. D.; Korth, A.; Mouikis, C.; Koskinen, H. E. J.: Time-dependent modeling of particles and electromagnetic fields during the substorm growth phase: Anisotropy of energetic electrons. Journal Geophysical Research 104 (A5), S. 10205 - 10220 (1999)
Boscher, D.; Bourdarie, S.; Friedel, R.; Korth, A.: Long term dynamic radiation belt model for low energy protons. Geophysical Research Letters 25 (22), S. 4129 - 4132 (1998)
Pu, Z. Y.; Friedel, R. H. W.; Korth, A.; Zong, Q.-G.; Chen, Z. X.; Roux, A.; Perraut, S.: Evaluation of energetic particle parameters in the near-earth magnetotail derived from flux asymmetry observations. Annales Geophysicae 16 (3), S. 283 - 291 (1998)
Friedel, R. H. W.; Korth, A.: Review of CRRES ring current observations. Advances in Space Research 20, S. 311 - 320 (1997)
Korth, A.; Friedel, R. H. W.: Dynamics of energetic ions and electrons between L=2.5 and L=7 during magnetic storms. Journal Geophysical Research 102, S. 14113 - 14122 (1997)
Pu, Z. Y.; Korth, A.; Chen, Z. X.; Friedel, R. H. W.; Zong, Q.-G.; Wang, X. M.; Hong, M. H.; Fu, S. Y.; Pulkkinen, T. I.: MHD drift ballooning instability near the inner edge of the near-Earth plasma sheet and its application to substorm onset. Journal Geophysical Research 102, S. 14397 - 14406 (1997)
Friedel, R. H. W.; Korth, A.; Kremser, G.: Substorm onsets observed by CRRES: Determination of energetic particle source regions. Journal Geophysical Research 101, S. 13137 - 13154 (1996)
Pu, Z. Y.; Hong, M. H.; Wang, X. M.; Chen, Z. X.; Fu, S. Y.; Zong, Q.-G.; Wang, J. F.; Liu, Z. X.; Korth, A.; Friedel, R. H. W. et al.; Kremser, G.: A substorm expansion model based on configuration instability of the near-Earth magnetotail: I. Configuration instability in the near-Earth magnetotail. Acta Geophysica Sinica 39, S. 141 (1996)
Friedel, R. H. W.; Korth, A.: Long-term observations of keV ion and electron variability in the outer radiation belt from CRRES. Geophysical Research Letters 22, S. 1853 - 1856 (1995)
Pulkkinen, T. I.; Baker, D. N.; Toivanen, P. K.; Pellinen, R. J.; Friedel, R. H. W.; Korth, A.: Magnetospheric field and current distributions during the substorm recovery phase. Journal Geophysical Research 99 (A6), S. 10955 - 10966 (1994)
Yeoman, T. K.; Lühr, H.; Friedel, R. H. W.; Coles, S.; Grandé, M.; Perry, C. H.; Lester, M.; Smith, P. N.; Singer, H. J.; Orr, D.: CRRES/ground-based multi-instrument observations of an interval of substorm activity. Annales Geophysicae 12 (12), S. 1158 - 1173 (1994)

Buchkapitel (5)

Korth, A.; Friedel, R. H. W.; Mouikis, C.; and F. Fennell, J.: Storm/substorm signatures in the outer belt. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Substorms-4, March 9-13, 1998, Lake Hamana, Japan, S. 779 - 783 (Hg. Kokubun, S.; Kamide, Y.). Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, Kluwer, Dordrecht (1998)
Mouikis, C. G.; Korth, A.; Friedel, R. H. W.; Fennell, J. F.: Dawn/dusk dropout due to storms/substorms near the outher radiation belt: observations from CRRES. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Substorms-4, March 9-13, 1998, Lake Hamana, Japan, S. 707 - 710 (Hg. Kokubun, S.; Kamide, Y.). Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, Kluwer, Dordrecht (1998)
Pu, Z. Y.; Fu, S. Y.; Kang, K. B.; Chen, Z. X.; Korth, A.; Friedel, R. H. W.; Zong, Q.-G.; Liu, Z. X.; Hong, M. H.: Configuration instability in the near-Earth tail: a synthesis of magnetic reconnection and current disruption in substorm initiation. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Substorms-4, March 9-13, 1998, Lake Hamana, Japan, S. 405 - 408 (Hg. Kokubun, S.; Kamide, Y.). Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, Kluwer, Dordrecht (1998)
Toivanen, P. K.; Pulkkinen, T. I.; Koskinen, H. E. J.; Friedel, R. H. W.; Reeves, G. D.; Korth, A.; Mouikis, C.: Large-scale inductive electric fields and anisotropy of energetic electrons in the near-earth tail. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Substorms-4, March 9-13, 1998, Lake Hamana, Japan, S. 761 - 766 (Hg. Kokubun, S.; Kamide, Y.). Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, Kluwer, Dordrecht (1998)
Friedel, R. H. W.; Keppler, E.; Loidl, G.; Korth, A.: ISEE measurements for radiation belt modeling. In: Radiation Belts: Models and Standards, (97), S. 247 - 250 (Hg. Lemaire, J. F.; Heynderickx, D.; Baker, D. N.). AGU, Washington (1996)

Konferenzbeitrag (10)

Bourdarie, S.; Boscher, D.; Beutier, T.; Sauvaud, J. A.; Blanc, M.; Friedel, R. H. W.: Salambo 3D: A physical approach for short-term flux modelling. In: Proc. ESA Symp. on Environment Modelling for Space-based Applications, S. 143 - 150. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1996)
Bourdarie, S.; Boscher, D.; Beutier, T.; Sauvaud, J. A.; Blanc, M.; Friedel, R. H. W.: A physics based model of the radiation belt flux at the day timescale. In: Proc. ESA Symp. on Environment Modelling for Space-based Applications, S. 159 - 163. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1996)
Friedel, R. H. W.; Korth, A.: Substorm onsets observed by CRRES: Constraints on energetic electron source regions. In: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Substorms (ICS-3), Versailles, France 1996, S. 473 - 478. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwjk (1996)

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