Abteilung Das Innere der Sonne und der Sterne (Laurent Gizon): Helioseismologie und Asteroseismologie als Werkzeuge in der Sonnenphysik und Astrophysik

Publikationen von Tor Hagfors

Zeitschriftenartikel (64)

Zhang, Z.; Hagfors, T.; Nielsen, E.; Picardi, G.; Mesdea, A.; Plaut, J. J.: Dielectric properties of the Martian south polar layered deposits: MARSIS data inversion using Bayesian inference and genetic algorithm. Journal Geophysical Research 113, E05004 (2008)
Kofman, W.; Herique, A.; Goutail, J.-P.; Hagfors, T.; Williams, I. P.; Nielsen, E.; Barriot, J.-P.; Barbin, Y.; Elachi, C.; Edenhofer, P. et al.; Levasseur-Regourd, A.-C.; Plettemeier, D.; Picardi, G.; Seu, R.; Svedhem, V.: The comet nucleus sounding experiment by radiowave transmisssion (CONSERT): A short description of the instrument and of the commissioning stages. Space Science Reviews 128, S. 413 - 432 (2007)
Kosch, M. J.; Pedersen, T.; Rietveld, M. T.; Gustavsson, B.; Grach, S. M.; Hagfors, T.: Artificial optical emissions in the high-latitude thermosphere induced by powerful radio waves: An observational review. Advances in Space Research 40 (3), S. 365 - 376 (2007)
Plaut, J. J.; Picardi, G.; Safaeinili, A.; Ivanov, A. B.; Milkovich, S. M.; Cicchetti, A.; Kofman, W.; Mouginot, J.; Farrell, W. M.; Phillips, R. J. et al.; Clifford, S. M.; Frigeri, A.; Orosei, R.; Federico, C.; Williams, I. P.; Gurnett, D. A.; Nielsen, E.; Hagfors, T.; Heggy, E.; Stofan, E. R.; Plettemeier, D.; Watters, T. R.; Leuschen, C. J.; Edenhofer, P.: Subsurface radar sounding of the south polar layered deposits of Mars. Science 316, S. 92 - 95 (2007)
Buchert, S. C.; Hagfors, T.; McKenzie, J. F.: Effect of electrojet irregularities on DC current flow. Journal Geophysical Research 111 (A2), A02305 (2006)
Tereshchenko, E. D.; Khudukon, B. Z.; Rietveld, M. T.; Isham, B.; Hagfors, T.; Brekke, A.: The relationship between small-scale and large-scale ionospheric electron density irregularities generated by powerful HF electromagnetic waves at high latitudes. Annales Geophysicae 24 (11), S. 2901 - 2909 (2006)
Tereshchenko, E. D.; Yurik, R. Y.; Khudukon, B. Z.; Rietveld, M. T.; Isham, B.; Belyey, V.; Brekke, A.; Hagfors, T.; Grill, M.: Directional features of the downshifted peak observed in HF-induced stimulated electromagnetic emission spectra obtained using an interferometer. Annales Geophysicae 24 (7), S. 1819 - 1827 (2006)
Blixt, E. M.; Grydeland, T.; Ivchenko, N.; Hagfors, T.; La Hoz, C.; Lanchester, B. S.; Løvhaug, U. P.; Trondsen, T. S.: Dynamic rayed aurora and enhanced ion-acoustic radar echoes. Annales Geophysicae 23 (1), S. 3 - 11 (2005)
Isham, B.; Hagfors, T.; Khudukon, B.; Yurik, R. Y.; Tereshchenko, E. D.; Rietveld, M. T.; Belyey, V.; Grill, M.; La Hoz, C.; Brekke, A. et al.; Heinselman, C.: An interferometer experiment to explore the aspect angle dependence of stimulated electromagnetic emission spectra. Annales Geophysicae 23 (1), S. 55 - 74 (2005)
McKenzie, J. F.; Hagfors, T.: Parametric resonances revisited: comparison with kinetic description. Journal of Plasma Physics 71 (5), S. 579 - 587 (2005)
Picardi, G.; Jeffrey, P. J.; Biccari, D.; Bombaci, O.; Calabrese, D.; Cartacci, M.; Cicchetti, A.; Clifford, S. M.; Edenhofer, P.; Farrell, W. M. et al.; Federico, C.; Frigeri, A.; Gurnett, D. A.; Hagfors, T.; Heggy, E.; Herique, A.; Huff, R. L.; Ivanov, A. B.; Johnson, W. T. K.; Jordan, R. L.; Kirchner, D. L.; Kofman, W.; Leuschen, C. J.; Nielsen, E.; Orosei, R.; Pettinelli, E.; Phillips, R. J.; Plettemeier, D.; Safaeinili, A.; Seu, R.; Stofan, E. R.; Vannaroni, G.; Watters, T. R.; Zampolini, E.: Radar soundings of the subsurface of Mars. Science 310, S. 1925 - 1928 (2005)
Djuth, F. T.; Isham, B.; Rietveld, M. T.; Hagfors, T.; La Hoz, C.: First 100 ms of HF modification at Tromso, Norway. Journal Geophysical Research 109 (A11), A11307 (2004)
Grydeland, T.; Blixt, E. M.; Løvhaug, U. P.; Hagfors, T.; La Hoz, C.; Trondsen, T. S.: Interferometric radar observations of filamented structures due to plasma instabilities and their relation to dynamic auroral rays. Annales Geophysicae 22 (4), S. 1115 - 1132 (2004)
Armand, N. A.; Smirnov, V. M.; Hagfors, T.: Distortion of radar pulses by the Martian ionosphere. Radio Science 38 (5), 1090 (2003)
Cierpka, K.; Kosch, M. J.; Holma, H.; Kavanagh, A. J.; Hagfors, T.: Novel Fabry-Perot interferometer measurements of F-region ion temperature. Geophysical Research Letters 30 (6), 1293 (2003)
Grydeland, T.; La Hoz, C.; Hagfors, T.; Blixt, E. M.; Saito, S.; Strømme, A.; Brekke, A.: Interferometric observations of filamentary structures associated with plasma instability in the auroral ionosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 30, 1338 (2003)
Hagfors, T.; Grill, M.; Honary, F.: Performance comparison of cross correlation and filled aperture imaging riometers. Radio Science 38 (6), 1109 (2003)
Ilyushin, Y. A.; Hagfors, T.; Kunitsyn, V. E.: Cometary surface layer properties: Possible approach to radio sounding retrieval during the CONSERT experiment - Numerical simulation and discussion. Radio Science 38 (1), 1008 (2003)
Kosch, M. J.; Rietveld, M. T.; Kavanagh, A. J.; Davis, C.; Yeoman, T.; Honary, F.; Hagfors, T.: High-latitude pump-induced optical emissions for frequencies close to the third electron gyro-harmonic. Geophysical Research Letters 29 (23), 2112 (2002)
Kosch, M. J.; Rietveld, M. T.; Yeoman, T.; Cierpka, K.; Hagfors, T.: The high-latitude artificial aurora of 21 February 1999: An analysis. Adv. Polar Upper Atmos. Res. 16, S. 1 - 12 (2002)

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