Zeitschriftenartikel (7837)

Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Kollmann, P.; Paranicas, C.; Mitchell, D. G.; Krimigis, S. M.; Andriopoulou, M.: Evidence for dust-driven, radial plasma transport in Saturn's inner radiation belts. Icarus 274, S. 272 - 283 (2016)
Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Mitchell, D. G.; Paranicas, C.; Krimigis, S. M.; Andriopoulou, M.; Palmaerts, B.; Kurth, W. S.; Badman, S. V.; Masters, A. et al.; Dougherty, M. K.: Quasi-periodic injections of relativistic electrons in Saturns outer magnetosphere. Icarus 263, S. 101 - 116 (2016)
Ruan, W.; He, J.; Zhang, L.; Vocks, C.; Marsch, E.; Tu, C.; Peter, H.; Wang, L.: Kinetic Simulation of Slow Magnetosonic Waves and Quasi-Periodic Upflows in the Solar Corona. Astrophysical Journal 825 (1), 58 (2016)
Ruesch, O.; Platz, T.; Schenk, P.; McFadden, L. A.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Quick, L. C.; Byrne, S.; Preusker, F.; O'Brien, D. P.; Schmedemann, N. et al.; Williams, D. A.; Li, J.-Y.; Bland, M. T.; Hiesinger, H.; Kneissl, T.; Neesemann, A.; Schaefer, M.; Pasckert, J. H.; Schmidt, B. E.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Sykes, M. V.; Nathues, A.; Roatsch, T.; Hoffmann, M.; Raymond, C. A.; Russell, C. T.: Cryovolcanism on Ceres. Science 353, aaf4286 (2016)
Russell, C. T.; Raymond, C. A.; Ammannito, E.; Buczkowski, D. L.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Hiesinger, H.; Jaumann, R.; Konopliv, A. S.; McSween, H. Y.; Nathues, A. et al.; Park, R. S.; Pieters, C. M.; Prettyman, T. H.; McCord, T. B.; McFadden, L. A.; Mottola, S.; Zuber, M. T.; Joy, S. P.; Polanskey, C.; Rayman, M. D.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Chi, P. J.; Combe, J. P.; Ermakov, A.; Fu, R. R.; Hoffmann, M.; Jia, Y. D.; King, S. D.; Lawrence, D. J.; Li, J.-Y.; Marchi, S.; Preusker, F.; Roatsch, T.; Ruesch, O.; Schenk, P.; Villarreal, M. N.; Yamashita, N.: Dawn arrives at Ceres: Exploration of a small, volatile-rich world. Science 353, S. 1008 - 1010 (2016)
Schäfer, M.: Über die DAWN-Mission zu Ceres und Vesta. Mitteilungen der Gauss-Gesellschaft e.V. Göttingen 53, S. 7 - 10 (2016)
Schäfer, T.; Nathues, A.; Mengel, K.; Izawa, M. R. M.; Cloutis, E. A.; Schäfer, M.; Hoffmann, M.: Spectral parameters for Dawn FC color data: Carbonaceous chondrites and aqueous alteration products as potential cerean analog materials. Icarus 265, S. 149 - 160 (2016)
Schlichenmaier, R.; von der Lühe, O.; Hoch, S.; Soltau, D.; Berkefeld, T.; Schmidt, D.; Schmidt, W.; Denker, C.; Balthasar, H.; Hofmann, A. et al.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Staude, J.; Feller, A.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Collados, M.; Sigwarth, M.; Volkmer, R.; Waldmann, T.; Kneer, F.; Nicklas, H.; Sobotka, M.: Active region fine structure observed at 0.08 arcsec resolution. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A7 (2016)
Schorghofer, N.; Mazarico, E.; Platz, T.; Preusker, F.; Schroeder, S. E.; Raymond, C. A.; Russell, C. T.: The permanently shadowed regions of dwarf planet Ceres. Geophysical Research Letters 43 (13), S. 6783 - 6789 (2016)
Schunker, H.; Braun, D. C.; Birch, A. C.; Burston, R. B.; Gizon, L.: SDO/HMI survey of emerging active regions for helioseismology. Astronomy and Astrophysics 595, A107 (2016)
Schunker, H.; Schou, J.; Ball, W.: Asteroseismic inversions for radial differential rotation of Sun-likestars: Sensitivity to uncertainties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 586, A24 (2016)
Schunker, H.; Schou, J.; Ball, W.; Nielsen, M. B.; Gizon, L.: Asteroseismic inversions for radial differential rotation of Sun-like stars: ensemble fits. Astronomy and Astrophysics 586, A79 (2016)
Shapiro, A. I.; Solanki, S. K.; Krivova, N. A.; Yeo, K. L.; Schmutz, W. K.: Are solar brightness variations faculae- or spot-dominated? Astronomy and Astrophysics 589, A46 (2016)
Shaposhnikov, D. S.; Rodin, A. V.; Medvedev, A. S.: The water cycle in the general circulation model of the martian atmosphere. Solar System Research 50, S. 90 - 101 (2016)
Shi, X.; Hu, X.; Sierks, H.; Güttler, C.; A'Hearn, M.; Blum, J.; El-Maarry, M. R.; Kührt, E.; Mottola, S.; Pajola, M. et al.; Oklay, N.; Fornasier, S.; Tubiana, C.; Keller, H. U.; Vincent, J.-B.; Bodewits, D.; Höfner, S.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Gicquel, A.; Hofmann, M.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D.; Rickman, H.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; Davidsson, B.; Debei, S.; De Cecco, M.; Fulle, M.; Groussin, O.; Gutierrez, P. J.; Hviid, S. F.; Ip, W.-H.; Jorda, L.; Knollenberg, J.; Kovacs, G.; Kramm, J.-R.; Küppers, M.; Lara, L. M.; Lazzarin, M.; Lopez-Moreno, J. J.; Marzari, F.; Naletto, G.; Thomas, N.: Sunset jets observed on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sustained by subsurface thermal lag. Astronomy and Astrophysics 586, A7 (2016)
Shi, X.; Oberst, J.; Willner, K.: Mass wasting on Phobos triggered by an evolving tidal environment. Geophysical Research Letters 43, S. 12371 - 12379 (2016)
Skorov, Y.; Reshetnyk, V.; Lacerda, P.; Hartogh, P.; Blum, J.: Acceleration of cometary dust near the nucleus: application to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 461 (4), S. 3410 - 3420 (2016)
Skorov, Y. V.; Rezac, L.; Hartogh, P.; Bazilevsky, A. T.; Keller, H. U.: A model of short-lived outbursts on the 67P from fractured terrains. Astronomy and Astrophysics 593, A76 (2016)
Snodgrass, C.; Jehin, E.; Manfroid, J.; Opitom, C.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Tozzi, G. P.; Faggi, S.; Yang, B.; Knight, M. M.; Conn, B. C. et al.; Lister, T.; Hainaut, O.; Bramich, D. M.; Lowry, S. C.; Rozek, A.; Tubiana, C.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.: Distant activity of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014: Ground-based results during the Rosetta pre-landing phase. Astronomy and Astrophysics 588, A80 (2016)
Sobotka, M.; Dudík, J.; Denker, C.; Balthasar, H.; Jurcák, J.; Liu, W.; Berkefeld, T.; Collados Vera, M.; Feller, A.; Hofmann, A. et al.; Kneer, F.; Kuckein, C.; Lagg, A.; Louis, R. E.; von der Lühe, O.; Nicklas, H.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Schmidt, D.; Schmidt, W.; Sigwarth, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Soltau, D.; Staude, J.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Volkmer, R.; Waldmann, T.: Slipping reconnection in a solar flare observed in high resolution with the GREGOR solar telescope. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A1 (2016)
Sonnerup, B.; Haaland, S.; Paschmann, G.; Phan, T.; Eriksson, S.: Magnetopause reconnection layer bounded by switch-off shocks 2: Pressure anisotropy. Journal Geophysical Research 121 (10), S. 9940 - 9955 (2016)
Sonnerup, B.; Paschmann, G.; Haaland, S.; Phan, T.; Eriksson, S.: Reconnection layer bounded by switch-off shocks: Dayside magnetopause crossing by THEMIS D. Journal Geophysical Research 121 (4), S. 3310 - 3332 (2016)
Stenzel, O. J.; Paquette, J.; The COSIMA Team: Boron and Oxygen in Cometary Particles. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 51, S. A594 - A594 (2016)
Stephan, K.; Wagner, R.; Jaumann, R.; Clark, R. N.; Cruikshank, D. P.; Brown, R. H.; Giese, B.; Roatsch, T.; Filacchione, G.; Matson, D. et al.; Ore, C. D.; Capaccioni, F.; Baines, K. H.; Rodriguez, S.; Krupp, N.; Buratti, B. J.; Nicholson, P. D.: Cassini's geological and compositional view of Tethys. Icarus 274, S. 1 - 22 (2016)
Stinson, A.; Bagnulo, S.; Tozzi, G. P.; Böhnhardt, H.; Protopapa, S.; Kolokolova, L.; Muinonen, K.; Jones, G. H.: Polarimetry of comets 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, 74P/Smirnova-Chernykh, and 152P/Helin-Lawrence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 594, A110 (2016)
Sukhodolov, T.; Rozanov, E.; Ball, W. T.; Bais, A.; Tourpali, K.; Shapiro, A. I.; Telford, P.; Smyshlyaev, S.; Fomin, B.; Sander, R. et al.; Bossay, S.; Bekki, S.; Marchand, M.; Chipperfield, M. P.; Dhomse, S.; Haigh, J. D.; Peter, T.; Schmutz, W.: Evaluation of simulated photolysis rates and their response to solar irradiance variability. Journal Geophysical Research 121 (10), S. 6066 - 6084 (2016)
Sun, X.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Liu, Y.; Wiegelmann, T.; Hayashi, K.; Chen, Q.; Thalmann, J.: Erratum: “Evolution of Magnetic Field and Energy in a Major Eruptive Active Region Based on Sdo/Hmi Observation” (vol 748, 77, 2012). Astrophysical Journal 828 (1), 65 (2016)
Tenfjord, P.; Østgaard, N.; Strangeway, R. J.; Haaland, S.; Snekvik, K.; Laundal, K. M.; Reistad, J. P.; Milan, S. E.: Magnetospheric response and reconfiguration times following IMF By reversals,. Journal Geophysical Research 122, S. 417 - 431 (2016)
Thangjam, G.; Hoffmann, M.; Nathues, A.; Li, J.-Y.; Platz, T.: Haze at Ocator crater on dwarf planet Ceres. Astrophysical Journal Letters 833, L25 (2016)
Thangjam, G.; Nathues, A.; Mengel, K.; Schäfer, M.; Hoffmann, M.; Cloutis, E. A.; Mann, P.; Müller, C.; Platz, T.; Schäfer, T.: Three-dimensional spectral analysis of compositional heterogeneity at Arruntia crater on (4) Vesta using Dawn FC. Icarus 267, S. 344 - 363 (2016)
Thomsen, M. F.; Coates, A. J.; Roussos, E.; Wilson, R. J.; Hansen, K. C.; Lewis, G. R.: Suprathermal electron penetration into the inner magnetosphere of Saturn. Journal Geophysical Research 121 (6), S. 5436 - 5448 (2016)
Tinetti, G.; Drossart, P.; Eccleston, P.; Hartogh, P.; Heske, A.; Leconte, J.; Micela, G.; Ollivier, M.; Pilbratt, G.; Puig, L. et al.; Turrini, D.; Vandenbussche, B.; Wolkenberg, P.; Pascale, E.; Beaulieu, J.-P.; Güdel, M.; Min, M.; Rataj, M.; Ray, T.; Ribas, I.; Barstow, J.; Bowles, N.; Coustenis, A.; Coudé du Foresto, V.; Decin, L.; Encrenaz, T.; Forget, F.; Friswell, M.; Griffin, M.; Lagage, P. O.; Malaguti, P.; Moneti, A.; Morales, J. C.; Pace, E.; Rocchetto, M.; Sarkar, S.; Selsis, F.; Taylor, W.; Tennyson, J.; Venot, O.; Waldmann, I. P.; Wright, G.; Zingales, T.; Zapatero-Osorio, M. R.: The science of ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey). Proceedings of the SPIE 9904, 99041X (2016)
Traversi, R.; Becagli, S.; Poluianov, S.; Severi, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Usoskin, I. G.; Udisti, R.: The Laschamp geomagnetic excursion featured in nitrate record from EPICA-Dome C ice core. Sci. Rep. 6, 20235 (2016)
Usoskin, I. G.; Kovaltsov, G. A.; Chatzistergos, T.: Dependence of the sunspot-group size on the level of solar activity and its influence on the calibration of solar observers. Solar Physics 291, S. 3793 - 3805 (2016)
Usoskin, I. G.; Kovaltsov, G. A.; Lockwood, M.; Mursula, K.; Owens, M.; Solanki, S. K.: A New Calibrated Sunspot Group Series Since 1749: Statistics of Active Day Fractions. Solar Physics 291 (9-10), S. 2685 - 2708 (2016)
Vaivads, A.; Retinò, A.; Soucek, J.; Khotyaintsev, Y. V.; Valentini, F.; Escoubet, C. P.; Alexandrova, O.; André, M.; Bale, S. D.; Balikhin, M. et al.; Burgess, D.; Camporeale, E.; Caprioli, D.; Chen, C. H. K.; Clacey, E.; Cully, C. M.; De Keyser, J.; Eastwood, J. P.; Fazakerley, A. N.; Eriksson, S.; Goldstein, M. L.; Graham, D. B.; Haaland, S.; Hoshino, M.; Ji, H.; Karimabadi, H.; Kucharek, H.; Lavraud, B.; Marcucci, F.; Matthaeus, W. H.; Moore, T. E.; Nakamura, R.; Narita, Y.; Nemecek, Z.; Norgren, C.; Opgenoorth, H.; Palmroth, M.; Perrone, D.; Pinçon, J.-L.; Rathsman, P.; Rothkaehl, H.; Sahraoui, F.; Servidio, S.; Sorriso-Valvo, L.; Vainio, R.; Vörös, Z.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.: T}urbulence {H}eating {O}bserve{R - satellite mission proposal. Journal of Plasma Physics 82, 905820501 (2016)
Valori, G.; Pariat, E.; Anfinogentov, S.; Chen, F.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Guo, Y.; Liu, Y.; Moraitis, K.; Thalmann, J. K.; Yang, S.: Magnetic Helicity Estimations in Models and Observations of the Solar Magnetic Field. Part I: Finite Volume Methods. Space Science Reviews 201 (1-4), S. 147 - 200 (2016)
van Lieshout, R.; Min, M.; Dominik, C.; Brogi, M.; de Graaff, T.; Hekker, S.; Kama, M.; Keller, C. U.; Ridden-Harper, A.; van Werkhoven, T. I. M.: Dusty tails of evaporating exoplanets. II. Physical modelling of the KIC 12557548b light curve. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A32 (2016)
Vasyliūnas, V. M.: Physical origin of pickup currents. Annales Geophysicae 34, S. 153 - 156 (2016)
Verma, M.; Denker, C.; Balthasar, H.; Kuckein, C.; González Manrique, S. J.; Sobotka, M.; Bello González, N.; Hoch, S.; Diercke, A.; Kummerow, P. et al.; Berkefeld, T.; Collados, M.; Feller, A.; Hofmann, A.; Kneer, F.; Lagg, A.; Löhner-Böttcher, J.; Nicklas, H.; Pastor Yabar, A.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Schmidt, D.; Schmidt, W.; Schubert, M.; Sigwarth, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Soltau, D.; Staude, J.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Volkmer, R.; von der Lühe, O.; Waldmann, T.: Horizontal flow fields in and around a small active region. The transition period between flux emergence and decay. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A3 (2016)
Verma, M.; Denker, C.; Böhm, F.; Balthasar, H.; Fischer, C. E.; Kuckein, C.; Bello González, N.; Berkefeld, T.; Collados, M.; Diercke, A. et al.; Feller, A.; González Manrique, S. J.; Hofmann, A.; Lagg, A.; Nicklas, H.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Pator Yabar, A.; Rezaei, R.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Schmidt, D.; Schmidt, W.; Sigwarth, M.; Sobotka, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Soltau, D.; Staude, J.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Volkmer, R.; von der Lühe, O.; Waldmann, T.: Flow and magnetic field properties in the trailing sunspots of active region NOAA 12396. Astron. Nachrichten 337 (10), S. 1090 - 1098 (2016)
Verma, P. S.: Nonlinear oscillations and waves in multi-species cold plasmas. Physics of Plasmas 23 (12), 122125 (2016)
Villanueva, G. L.; Altieri, F.; Clancy, R. T.; Encrenaz, T.; Fouchet, T.; Hartogh, P.; Lellouch, E.; Lopéz-Valverde, M. A.; Mumma, M. J.; Novak, R. E. et al.; Smith, M. D.; Vandaele, A.-C.; Wolff, M. J.; Ferruit, P.; Milam, S. N.: Unique Spectroscopy and Imaging of Mars with the James Webb Space Telescope. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific 128 (959), 018004 (2016)
Vincent, J.-B.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Lin, Z.-Y.; El-Maarry, M. R.; Pajola, M.; Sierks, H.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P. L.; Rodrigo, R.; Koschny, D. et al.; Rickman, H.; Keller, H. U.; Agarwal, J.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; Besse, S.; Bodewits, D.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; Davidsson, B.; Debei, S.; De Cecco, M.; Deller, J.; Fornasier, S.; Fulle, M.; Gicquel, A.; Groussin, O.; Gutierrez, P. J.; Gutiérrez-Marqués, P.; Güttler, C.; Höfner, S.; Hofmann, M.; Hviid, S. F.; Ip, W.-H.; Jorda, L.; Knollenberg, J.; Kovacs, G.; Kramm, J.-R.; Kuehrt, E.; Kueppers, M.; Lara, L. M.; Lazzarin, M.; Lopez Moreno, J. J.; Marzari, F.; Massironi, M.; Mottola, S.; Naletto, G.; Oklay, N.; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Shi, X.; Thomas, N.; Toth, I.; Tubiana, C.: Summer fireworks on comet 67P. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 462, S. S184 - S194 (2016)
Vincent, J.-B.; Oklay, N.; Pajola, M.; Höfner, S.; Sierks, H.; Hu, X.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P.; Rodrigo, R.; andand H. Rickman, D. K. et al.; Keller, H. U.; A'Hearn, M.; Barucci, M. A.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Bertini, I.; Besse, S.; Bodewits, D.; Cremonese, G.; Deppo, V. D.; Davidsson, B.; Debei, S.; Cecco, M. D.; El-Maarry, M. R.; Fornasier, S.; Fulle, M.; Groussin, O.; Gutiérrez, P. J.; Gutiérrez-Marqués, P.; Güttler, C.; Hofmann, M.; Hviid, S. F.; Ip, W.-H.; Jorda, L.; Knollenberg, J.; Kovacs, G.; Kramm, J.-R.; Kührt, E.; Küppers, M.; Lara, L. M.; Lazzarin, M.; Lin, Z.-Y.; Moreno, J. J. L.; Lowry, S.; Marzari, F.; Massironi, M.; Moreno, F.; Mottola, S.; Naletto, G.; Preusker, F.; Scholten, F.; Shi, X.; Thomas, N.; Toth, I.; Tubiana, C.: Are fractured cliffs the source of cometary dust jets ? Insights from OSIRIS/Rosetta at 67P. Astronomy and Astrophysics 587, A14 (2016)
Vlaykov, D. G.; Grete, P.; Schmidt, W.; Schleicher, D. R. G.: A nonlinear structural subgrid-scale closure for compressible MHD. I. Derivation and energy dissipation properties. Physics of Plasmas 23 (6), 062316 (2016)
Wang, R.; Liu, Y. D.; Wiegelmann, T.; Cheng, X.; Hu, H.; Yang, Z.: Relationship Between Sunspot Rotation and a Major Solar Eruption on 12 July 2012. Solar Physics 291, S. 1159 - 1171 (2016)
Warnecke, J.; Käpylä, P. J.; Käpylä, M. J.; Brandenburg, A.: Influence of a coronal envelope as a free boundary to global convective dynamo simulations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A115 (2016)
Warnecke, J.; Losada, I. R.; Brandenburg, A.; Kleeorin, N.; Rogachevskii, I.: Bipolar region formation in stratified two-layer turbulence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 589, A125 (2016)
Wedemeyer, S.; Bastian, T.; Braja, R.; Hudson, H.; Fleishman, G.; Loukitcheva, M.; Fleck, B.; Kontar, E. P.; De Pontieu, B.; Yagoubov, P. et al.; Tiwari, S. K.; Soler, R.; Black, J. H.; Antolin, P.; Scullion, E.; Gunár, S.; Labrosse, N.; Ludwig, H.-G.; Benz, A. O.; White, S. M.; Hauschildt, P.; Doyle, J. G.; Nakariakov, V. M.; Ayres, T.; Heinzel, P.; Karlicky, M.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; Gary, D.; Alissandrakis, C. E.; Nindos, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Shimojo, M.; Kato, Y.; Zaqarashvili, T.; Perez, E.; Selhorst, C. L.; Barta, M.: Solar Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter ArrayA New View of Our Sun. Space Science Reviews 200 (1-4), S. 1 - 73 (2016)
Wicht, J.; Meduri, D. G.: A gaussian model for simulated geomagnetic field reversals. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 259, S. 45 - 60 (2016)
Widmer, F.; Buechner, J.; Yokoi, N.: Characterizing plasmoid reconnection by turbulence dynamics. Physics of Plasmas 23 (9), 092304 (2016)
Widmer, F.; Buechner, J.; Yokoi, N.: Sub-grid-scale description of turbulent magnetic reconnection in magnetohydrodynamics. Physics of Plasmas 23 (4), 042311 (2016)
Wilhelm, K.: Der Gauss-Versuch im Gauss-Haus am 8. Mai 2016. Mitteilungen der Gauss-Gesellschaft 53, S. 97 - 100 (2016)
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Yadav, R. K.; Christensen, U. R.; Wolk, S. J.; Poppenhaeger, K.: Magnetic cycles in a dynamo simulation of fully convective M-star Proxima Centauri. Astrophysical Journal 833 (2), L28 (2016)
Yadav, R. K.; Gastine, T.; Christensen, U. R.; Duarte, L.; V., D.; Reiners, A.: Effect of shear and magnetic field on the heat transfer efficiency of convection in rotating spherical shells. Geophysical Journal International 204, S. 1120 - 1133 (2016)
Yadav, R. K.; Gastine, T.; Christensen, U. R.; Wolk, S. J.; Poppenhaeger, K.: Approaching a realistic force balance in geodynamo simulations. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 113 (43), S. 12065 - 12070 (2016)
Yiğit, E.; Medvedev, A. S.: Role of gravity waves in vertical coupling during sudden stratospheric warmings. Geoscience Letters 3, S. 1 - 13 (2016)
Yokoi, N.; Schmitt, D.; Pipin, V.; Hamba, F.: A New Simple Dynamo Model for Stellar Activity Cycle. Astrophysical Journal 824 (2), 67 (2016)
Zanetti, L. J.; Kessel, R. L.; Mauk, B. H.; Ukhorskiy, A. Y.; Fox, N. J.; Barnes, R. J.; Weiss, M.; Sotirelis, T. S.; Raouafi, N. E.: The Van Allen Probes' Contribution to the Space Weather System. Johns Hopkins APL Tech. Dig. 33 (3), S. 194 - 201 (2016)
Zhao, X.; Liu, Y. D.; Inhester, B.; Feng, X.; Wiegelmann, T.; Lu, L.: Comparison of CME/Shock Propagation Models with Heliospheric Imaging and In Situ Observations. Astrophysical Journal 830, 48 (2016)
Zhou, X.; Buechner, J.; Barta, M.; Gan, W.; Liu, S.: Electron Acceleration by Cascading Reconnection in the Solar Corona. II. Resistive Electric Field Effects. Astrophysical Journal 827 (2), 94 (2016)
Zou, H.; Ye, Y. G.; Wang, J. S.; Nielsen, E.; Cui, J.; Wang, X. D.: A method to estimate the neutral atmospheric density near the ionospheric main peak of Mars. Journal Geophysical Research 121 (4), S. 3464 - 3475 (2016)
Alam, S.; Albareti, F. D.; Allende Prieto, C.; Anders, F.; Anderson, S. F.; Anderton, T.; Andrews, B. H.; Armengaud, E.; Aubourg, É.; Bailey, S. et al.; Hekker, S.; et al.: The Eleventh and Twelfth Data Releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Final Data from SDSS-III. Astrophysical Journal, Suppl. Ser. 219, 12 (2015)
Altwegg, K.; Balsiger, H.; Bar-Nun, A.; Berthelier, J. J.; Bieler, A.; Bochsler, P.; Briois, C.; Calmonte, U.; Combi, M.; De Keyser, J. et al.; Eberhardt, P.; Fiethe, B.; Fuselier, S.; Gasc, S.; Gombosi, T. I.; Hansen, K. C.; Haessig, M.; Jaeckel, A.; Kopp, E.; Korth, A.; Leroy, L.; Mall, U.; Marty, B.; Mousis, O.; Neefs, E.; Owen, T.; Reme, H.; Rubin, M.; Semon, T.; Tzou, C.-Y.; Waite, H.; Wurz, P.: 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, a Jupiter family comet with a high D/H ratio. Science 347 (6220), 1261952 (2015)
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