Public event at MPS at the finale of the Rosetta mission
September 08, 2016
Rosetta has very successfully studied comet 67P/Churymov-Gerasimenko for more than two years and has sent spectacular images and data back to Earth. With increasing distance from the Sun the electrical energy generated by Rosetta’s solar panels necessary to operate the spacecraft is slowly decreasing and the mission is nearing its end. Therefore, Rosetta will land on the comet, similar to Philae two years earlier. On this day MPS will host a public event with the following program:
10:00 Public talk by Dr. Marc Hofmann (in German): As close as possible – Rosettas Landung auf 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
11:00 Public talk by Dr. Jessica Agarwal (in German): Wissenschaftliche Höhepunkte der Rosetta-Mission
Approx. 12:30 Live-Transmission to ESOC in Darmstadt, Live-Stream of ESA-TV, and possibility to enjoy the OSIRIS-exhibition in the entrance hall
13:18 (±2 min) The signal of the landing reach Earth.
Approx. 13:40 Prof. Ulrich Christensen, director of the department Planets and Comets, gives a short speech about the end of the missioon
14:00 – 16:00 Online-Interviews (in German) with MPS scientists at ESOC and possibility to enjoy the OSIRIS-exhibition in the entrance hall