European Solar Physics Online Seminar

Following an initiative by the University of Oslo the MPS will participate in the "European Solar Physics Online Seminar" series (ESPOS). Details can be found here:
The aim of this video conference series is to promote ideas more widely with a specialized audience, and give some exposure to cutting-edge research for students and other young researchers that do not regularly travel to conferences. The ESPOS series is planned to take place every second Thursday at 11am.

ESPOS: First flare observations from SUIT (Soumya Roy)

Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) is the near Ultraviolet imager (200-400 nm) on board the Indian Solar mission Aditya-L1. It was launched on September 2nd, 2023 and was inserted in a halo orbit around the Earth-Sun L1 point on January 6th, 2024. It has been regularly observing the Sun during its cruise phase and nominal observation time in the past year. Here, we will present some of the selected flare observations carried out by SUIT in the past year, combining them with various multi-wavelength observations and highlighting the unique observation window SUIT opens up in the lower solar atmosphere. [more]
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