Abstract submission information

Abstract submission is closed.
The abstracts are now compiled into an abstract booklet:
Abstrcat booklet (PDF)
(See also scientific program / schedule).
For the submission of your abstract, you have to complete the LaTeX template and upload the LaTeX source file through the abstract web form. The file name of the latex file should be <surname>.tex. If you submit more than one abstract and thus file another abstract form, please use surname_2.tex, etc.
Please replace the text in the template with your own title, name, affiliation, and abstract. Please follow the giudelines in the template to specify your preferred type of contribution and session. Filing the abstract LaTeX template should be straight forward.
Please do not use any style files, figures or fancy formatting, or change any of the header commands in this LaTeX file.
We ask you to restrict yourself to one page, and please do not try to achieve this by changing the font size :-).
Should you find an error in your abstract and need to re-submit it, plese simply send the new LaTeX abstract via e-mail to us.