Tutorials (Mon, 25 June 2018)

The workshop will begin with a one-day tutorial that will specifically address the needs that ground-based observers might have to best coordinate their scientific efforts with IRIS observations. One topic of discussion will be how ground-based observations could fill gaps in the scientific topics covered by IRIS, and how ground-based observations could best profit from the addition of IRIS data to enhance the scientific return. Also topics like the planning of IRIS observations and the coordinated analysis of IRIS and ground-based data will be covered.

These tutorials are part of the regular IRIS workshop and are covered by your registration fee.

Schedule for the tutorials (Mon, 25 June)

The registration desk will open at 8:30.

09:30 How to search, retrieve and analyse IRIS data   —   Part I
10:45 IRISpy: Expanding IRIS Data Analysis into Python and Upgrading the Data Analysis Paradigm for a New Generation
11:00 Coffee, questions & discussion
11:30 How to search, retrieve and analyse IRIS data   —   Part II
12:45 Lunch @ MPS, questions & discussion
13:45 What have we learnt, what do we hope to learn in the future
14:15 How to get involved in designing and planning of IRIS observations
14:35 Alignment between IRIS and ground-based data
15:05 Coffee, questions & discussion
15:35 Recipes for extracting physical information from the spectral lines observed by IRIS
18:00 end of tutorials
18:00 ... reception & posters

After the tutorials, there will be a reception for all participants of the tutorials and for all other participants of the regular IRIS-9 workshop. This will also be the first chance to present and discuss the posters.