Second GREGOR observing campaign of 2018 is about to start

A new attempt to prove the new capabilities of GRIS+ instrument at the GREGOR observatory (Spain) is about to start

October 22, 2018

By Sowmya Krishnamurthy

The second GREGOR observing campaign for the year 2018 begins on November 6. MPS has time on the telescope until November 19 and also during the collaborative campaign with KIS from November 19 - 26. The goal of this campaign is to record high resolution spectropolarimetric data of the Sun in the near IR with GRIS+. The testing and characterization of the high-speed cameras to be used at GRIS+ is being carried out at MPS. Hans-Peter, Kamal and Sebastián will setup these cameras at the GREGOR telescope and prepare for the exciting time ahead at the telescope. They will be later joined by Sowmya during the collaborative campaign with KIS. Andreas will be handling the ground support.

Targets such as penumbaral filaments, umbral dots, light bridges, active regions, and spicules are intended to be observed provided that the observing conditions are favourable and the Sun is active. Network jets and quiet-Sun regions are the other targets of interest. Stay tuned for the unprecedented data from GRIS+.

GRIS+ team assigned for this campaign: Andreas Lagg, Hans Peter Doerr, Kamal Sant, Sowmya Krishnamurthy, Sebastián Castellanos Durán