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Papini, E.; Birch, A.; Gizon, L.; Hanasoge, S.: Simulating acoustic waves in spotted stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 577, A145 (2015)
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Peter, H.; Warnecke, J.; Chitta, L. P.; Cameron, R. H.: Limitations of force-free magnetic field extrapolations: Revisiting basic assumptions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 584, A68 (2015)
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Pope, B. J. S.; White, T. R.; Huber, D.; Murphy, S. J.; Bedding, T. R.; Caldwell, D. A.; Sarai, A.; Aigrain, S.; Barclay, T.: Photometry of very bright stars with Kepler and K2 smear data. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 455, pp. L36 - L40 (2015)
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Reinhold, T.; Gizon, L.: Rotation, differential rotation, and gyrochronology of active Kepler stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 583, A65 (2015)
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Reiter, J.; Rhodes Jr., E. J.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Schou, J.; Scherrer, P. H.; Larson, T. P.: A Method for the Estimation of p-Mode Parameters from Averaged Solar Oscillation Power Spectra. Astrophysical Journal 803 (2), 92 (2015)
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Schad, A.; Jouve, L.; Duvall, T.; Roth, M.; Vorontsov, S.: Recent developments in helioseismic analysis methods and solar data assimilation. Space Science Reviews 196, pp. 221 - 249 (2015)
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Schou, J.: Effects of granulation on the visibility of solar oscillations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 580, L11 (2015)
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Tinetti, G.; Drossart, P.; Eccleston, P.; Hartogh, P.; Gizon, L.; Jarchow, C.; Burston, R.; Börner, P.; Mall, U.; Medvedev, A. et al.; Rengel, M.; Rezac, L.; Sethunadh, J. A.; de Val-Borro, M.; 341 other authors: The EChO science case. Experimental Astronomy 40, pp. 329 - 391 (2015)
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Ball, W.; Gizon, L.: A new correction of stellar oscillation frequencies for near-surface effects. Astronomy and Astrophysics 568, A123 (2014)
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Ball, W. H.; Gizon, L.: A new correction of stellar oscillation frequencies for near-surface effects (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics 569, C2 (2014)
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Barekat, A.; Brandenburg, A.: Near-polytropic stellar simulations with a radiative surface. Astronomy and Astrophysics 571, A68 (2014)
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Barekat, A.; Schou, J.; Gizon, L.: The radial gradient of the near-surface shear layer of the sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics 570, L12 (2014)
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Barnes, G.; Birch, A. C.; Leka, K. D.; Braun, D. C.: Helioseismology of Pre-emerging Active Regions. III. Statistical Analysis. Astrophysical Journal 786, 19 (2014)
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Boumier, P.; Benomar, O.; Baudin, F.; Verner, G.; Appourchaux, T.; Lebreton, Y.; Gaulme, P.; Chaplin, W.; García, R. A.; Hekker, S. et al.; Regulo, C.; Salabert, D.; Stahn, T.; Elsworth, Y.; Gizon, L.; Hall, M.; Mathur, S.; Michel, E.; Morel, T.; Mosser, B.; Poretti, E.; Rainer, M.; Roxburgh, I.; do Nascimento, J.-D.; Samadi, R.; Auvergne, M.; Chaintreuil, S.; Baglin, A.; Catala, C.: Seismic analysis of HD 43587Aa, a solar-like oscillator in a multiple system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 564, A34 (2014)
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Cameron, R. H.; Jiang, J.; Schuessler, M.; Gizon, L.: Physical causes of solar cycle amplitude variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119, pp. 680 - 688 (2014)
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Centeno, R.; Schou, J.; Hayashi, K.; Norton, A.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Liu, Y.; Leka, K. D.; Barnes, G.: The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) vector magnetic field pipeline: optimization of the spectral line inversion code. Solar Physics 289, pp. 3531 - 3547 (2014)
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Chaplin, W. J.; Basu, S.; Huber, D.; Serenelli, A.; Casagrande, L.; Silva Aguirre, V.; Ball, W. H.; Creevey, O. L.; Gizon, L.; Handberg, R. et al.; Karoff, C.; Lutz, R.; Marques, J. P.; Miglio, A.; Stello, D.; Suran, M. D.; Pricopi, D.; Metcalfe, T. S.; Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G.; Molenda-Zakowicz, J.; Appourchaux, T.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Elsworth, Y.; García, R. A.; Houdek, G.; Kjeldsen, H.; Bonanno, A.; Campante, T. L.; Corsaro, E.; Gaulme, P.; Hekker, S.; Mathur, S.; Mosser, B.; Régulo, C.; Salabert, D.: Asteroseismic Fundamental Properties of Solar-type Stars Observed by the NASA Kepler Mission. Astrophysical Journal, Suppl. Ser. 210, 1 (2014)
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Danilovic, S.; Hirzberger, J.; Riethmüller, T. L.; Solanki, S. K.; Barthol, P.; Berkefeld, T.; Gandorfer, A.; Gizon, L.; Knölker, M.; Schmidt, W. et al.; Rodríguez, J. B.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.: Comparison between Mg II k and Ca II H images recorded by SUNRISE/SuFI. Astrophysical Journal 784, 20 (2014)
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Deheuvels, S.; Doğan, G.; Goupil, M. J.; Appourchaux, T.; Benomar, O.; Bruntt, H.; Campante, T. L.; Casagrande, L.; Ceillier, T.; Davies, G. R. et al.; De Cat, P.; Fu, J. N.; García, R. A.; Lobel, A.; Mosser, B.; Reese, D. R.; Regulo, C.; Schou, J.; Stahn, T.; Thygesen, A. O.; Yang, X. H.; Chaplin, W. J.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Eggenberger, P.; Gizon, L.; Mathis, S.; Molenda-Żakowicz, J.; Pinsonneault, M.: Seismic constraints on the radial dependence of the internal rotation profiles of six Kepler subgiants and young red giants. Astronomy and Astrophysics 564, A27 (2014)
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Duvall Jr., T. L.; Hanasoge, S. M.; Chakraborty, S.: Additional Evidence Supporting a Model of Shallow, High-Speed Supergranulation. Solar Physics 289 (9), pp. 3421 - 3433 (2014)
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