Sun Climate Seminar: The contribution of energetic particleprecipitation to ozone and surface climate trends (E. Rozanov)
- Datum: 26.09.2016
- Uhrzeit: 10:00 - 11:00
- Vortragende(r): Eugene Rozanov
- Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos (PMOD)
- Ort: MPS
- Raum: Aquila + Bootes
- Gastgeber: Alexander Shapiro

We applied atmosphere-ocean chemistry-climate model (AOCCM) SOCOL to simulate the changes in ozone layer and surface climate during the first half of 20th century, which is characterized by steady increase of the solar activity. The performed ensemble simulations are driven by anthropogenic and natural forcing taken in different combinations. The forcing from energetic precipitating particles includes NOx and HOx production by auroral and radiation belts electrons, solar protons and galactic cosmic rays. The ionization rates inside the model domain (below 80 km) and influx of NOx from the thermospheric source were taken from the dataset prepared for IPCC CMIP-6 project. The comparison of the ozone and climate evolution obtained from the performed model experiments allows estimating the contribution of energetic particles to the observed warming during earlier 20th century. Preliminary results showed that the contribution of radiation belt electrons to the surface climate is rather small. The analysis of the influence from auroral electrons is ongoing.