The library of the Max Planck Institute für Solar System research is a scientific library and is predominantely designed as a source of information for MPS staff and visiting scientists, as well as for students of the International Max Planck Research School.
We are a reference library and our main focus lies on the subjects
- Physics of the Sun, the solar system and sun-like stars
- Extraterrestrial research and physics of interplanetary space
- Physics of planetary magnetospheres and atmospheres
- Surfaces and Interiors of planets, moons, comets and small bodies
- Numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic fluids and plasmas
- Satellite technologies
- Textbook collection for physics and mathematics
We also offer access to various specialised subject databases for literature searches and access to electronic journals via the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). We are happy to give you an individual introduction to the library services.
At present we stock:
- 18.000 journal issues / volumes
- 320 print journal, 56 of them still running
- 12.500 monographs
The library portfolio is organised into subject matters. You may find the listings in our library systematics.
Please note the Terms of use for the MPS library (pdf, August 2010).
The MPS library is a member of the Working Group of Scientific-Technical Libraries (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Spezialbibliotheken, ASpB).