Main Focus

I am an experimental volcanologist and planetary scientists. I conduct experiments and use thermodynamic modelling to constrain the formation of planetary materials and use analytical tools to relate the results to samples, such as the rocks returned by the Apollo missions from the Moon. I also use spectroscopic methods to relate experimental results to observations of terrestrial planets by space missions, such as the BepiColombo probe to Mercury.
I am interested in how hot atmospheres interact with magma oceans on exoplanets, or rocky planet surfaces, such as on Venus. I work on new experimental designs to address these processes.

Curriculum Vitae


Paul Niggli Medal 2023, awarded by the Swiss Geological Society “in recognition for outstanding research using experimental methods to understand the properties of gas-solid reactions in volcanic systems on Earth, the Moon and Mercury.”


Since Oct. 2023: Researcher, MPS
2021-2023: Independent researcher, PI of DFG project “eigene Stelle” RE4601/1 “Gas-solid reactions in hot, reduced planetary environments” (332’300 €), Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Münster
2020-2021: Postdoctoral researcher, TRR 170, Project B7 “Experimental and isotopic investigations of volatile element loss during magma degassing”, Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Münster
2018-2020: Swiss National Science Foundation Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellow, P2SKP2_181367 “Metal degassing from basaltic melts”, Institut für Mineralogie, University Münster
2018: TRR 170 Fellowship (~4 months), Institut für Mineralogie, University Münster


2014-2018: PhD at the Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Degree conferred 8th of October 2018, PhD Thesis: "Volcanic gases and the reaction of sulfur dioxide with aluminosilicate glasses", Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Penelope L. King; Advisors: Dr. Richard W. Henley, Dr. Marc Norman
2011-2013: Master of Science in Geomaterials and Geochemistry, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany
2007-2010: Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences, University of Bern Switzerland

Selected Publications:

(1) Renggli C.J., Klemme S., Morlok A., Berndt J., Weber I., Hiesinger H., King P.L. (2022) Sulfides and hollows formed on Mercury's surface by reactions with reducing S-rich gases. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 593, 117647.

(2) Renggli C.J., Hellmann J.L., Burkhardt C., Klemme S., Berndt J., Pangritz P., Kleine T. (2022) Tellurium isotope fractionation during evaporation from silicate melts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 339, 35-45.

(3) Renggli C.J., Klemme S. (2021) Experimental investigation of Apollo 16 “Rusty Rock” alteration by a lunar fumarolic gas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126/2, e2020JE006609.

(4) Renggli C.J., Klemme S. (2020) Experimental constraints on metal transport in fumarolic gases. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 400, 106929.

(5) Renggli C.J., Palm A.B., King P.L., Guagliardo (2019) Implications of reactions between SO2 and basaltic glasses for the mineralogy of planetary crusts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124/10, 2563-2582.

(6) Renggli C.J., King P.L. (2018) SO2 gas reactions with silicate glasses. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 84, 229-255.

(7) Renggli C.J., King P.L., Henley R.W., Norman M.D. (2017) Volcanic gas composition, metal dispersion and deposition during explosive volcanic eruptions on the Moon. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 206, 296-311.
