Curriculum Vitae

Education & Employment

2003 - MPS
2000 - 2003    
Science University of Tokyo, Postdoc
1998 - 2000 Caltech, Postdoc
1994 - 1998 PhD (Science, Applied Mathematics) University of Sydney (1999)
1987 - 1992 LLB University of Sydney (1992)
1987 - 1990 BSc University of Sydney (1991)

Selected papers

Gizon, Laurent,  Cameron, Robert H.,  Pourabdian, Majid,  Liang, Zhi-Chao, Fournier, Damien,  Birch, Aaron C.,  Hanson, Chris S.
Meridional flow in the Sun’s convection zone is a single cell in each hemisphere
2020 Science 368, 6498

Cameron, R. H., Duvall, T. L., Schüssler, M., and Schunker, H.,
Observing and modeling the poloidal and toroidal fields of the solar dynamo
2018 A&A 609 A56

R. H. Cameron and M. Schüssler,
The crucial role of surface magnetic fields for the solar dynamo,
2015, Science 347, 1333

J. W. Lord, R. H. Cameron, M. P. Rast, M. Rempel, and T. Roudier.
The Role of Subsurface Flows in Solar Surface Convection: Modeling the Spectrum of Supergranular and Larger Scale Flows.
2014,  Astron. Astrophys., 79:A24. [ADS].

R. H. Cameron, M. Dasi-Espuig, J. Jiang, E. Isik, D. Schmitt, and M. Schüssler.
Limits to solar cycle predictability: Cross-equatorial flux plumes.
2013, Astron. Astrophys., 557:A141. [ADS].

M. Rempel, M. Schüssler, R. H. Cameron, and M. Knölker.
Penumbral Structure and Outflows in Simulated Sunspots.
2009, Science, 325:171--. [ADS].

R. H. Cameron , L. Gizon, and T. L. Duvall, Jr.
Helioseismology of Sunspots: Confronting Observations with Three-Dimensional MHD Simulations of Wave Propagation.
2008, Solar Phys., 251:291--308. [ADS].
