Main Focus

I am interested in computational helioseismology which includes in particular

  • the development of forward models: how do waves propagate in the solar interior?
  • the resolution of the inverse problem: knowing the measurements of seismic waves at the solar surface, reconstruct perturbations in the solar interior.

Curriculum Vitae

Education and employment

2017-: Scientist at Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research

2012-2016: postdoc at Institute for Applied Mathematics, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany

2011-12: Assistant associate professor, Aix-Marseille University

2008-11: Ph.D. in applied mathematics CEA Cadarache / Aix-Marseille University

Selected publications

D. Fournier, L. Gizon, L. Hyest (2022). Viscous inertial modes on a differentially rotating sphere: Comparison with solar observations, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 664, A6.

H. Barucq, F. Faucher, D. Fournier, L. Gizon, H. Pham (2021). Outgoing modal solutions for Galbrun's equation in helioseismology, Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 286, p. 494-530.

L. Gizon, D. Fournier, M. Albekioni (2020). Effect of latitudinal differential rotation on solar Rossby waves: Critical layers, eigenfunctions, and momentum fluxes in the equatorial beta plane. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 642, A178.

L. Gizon, R. H. Cameron, M. Pourabdian, Z-C Liang, D. Fournier, A. C. Birch, Chris S. Hanson (2020) Meridional flow in the Sun's convection zone is a single cell in each hemisphere, Science, 368 (6498), 1469-1472.

D. Fournier
, L. Gizon, M. Holzke, T. Hohage (2016). Pinsker estimators for local helioseismology: inversion of travel times for mass-conserving flows", Inverse Problems, 32(10), 105002