"Other" and "Own" PhD projects
Other projects
If you are planning to apply for a PhD project supported by the Institute for Astrophysics and Geophysics, the Göttingen Geoscience Center, or the Institute of Numerical and Applied Mathematics at the University of Göttingen, or the Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics at the TU Braunschweig, please also visit those institutes' research web pages and indicate the project and advisors in your application.
Own projects
If you are planning to apply with your own PhD project proposal, please consider if it aligns well enough with the scientific interests of one of the institute's research groups to have a good chance of being funded.
If you intend to bring your own funding along with your project idea, please explain to which extent the project may overlap with the scientific interests of one of the institute's research groups.
In both cases, please describe the project, why you are hoping to bring it to the institute, and potential advisors carefully in your application.