Publikationen von Manfred Witte
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Zeitschriftenartikel (53)
851 (1), 35 (2017)
A Ulysses Detection of Secondary Helium Neutrals. The Astrophysical Journal 2.
801 (1), 28 (2015)
Warmer Local Interstellar Medium: A Possible Resolution of Tthe Ulysses-Ibex Enigma. Astrophysical Journal 3.
220 (2), 31 (2015)
Exploring the Possibility of O And Ne Contamination in Ulysses Observations of Interstellar Helium. Astrophysical Journal, Suppl. Ser. 4.
801 (1), 62 (2015)
Revisiting Ulysses Observations of Interstellar Helium. Astrophysical Journal 5.
569, A8 (2014)
Neutral interstellar He parameters in front of the heliosphere 1994-2007. Astronomy and Astrophysics 6.
146 (1-4), S. 11 - 33 (2009)
IBEX-Interstellar Boundary Explorer. Space Science Reviews 7.
326 (5955), S. 969 - 971 (2009)
Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer. Science 8.
625, S. 1036 - 1044 (2005)
The Heliospheric HeII 30.4 nm Solar Flux During Cycle 23. Astrophysical Journal 9.
35, S. 388 - 392 (2005)
Model of the all-sky HeII 30.4 nm solar Flux. Advances in Space Research 10.
426 (3), S. 885 - 895 (2004)
Heliospheric conditions that affect the interstellar gas inside the heliosphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics 11.
426 (3), S. 897 - 907 (2004)
Synopsis of the interstellar He parameters from combined neutral gas, pickup ion and UV scattering observations and related consequences. Astronomy and Astrophysics 12.
426 (3), S. 835 - 844 (2004)
Kinetic parameters of interstellar neutral helium - Review of results obtained during one solar cycle with the Ulysses/GAS-instrument. Astronomy and Astrophysics 13.
34, S. 61 - 65 (2004)
Kinetic parameters of interstellar neutral helium: updated results from the ULYSSES/GAS-instrument. Advances in Space Research 14.
108, 8034 (2003)
Hydrogen atom lifetimes in the three-dimensional heliosphere over the solar cycle. Journal Geophysical Research 15.
5, S. 31-1-2003 (2003)
Improved determination of the ionization rates acting on the interstellar He-atoms observed by the ULYSSES/GAS instrument. Geophysical Research Abstracts 16.
97, S. 393 - 399 (2001)
Remote sensing of H from ULYSSES and GALILEO. Space Science Reviews 17.
70 (11), S. 4404 - 4411 (1999)
Sputtering efficiency of LiF surfaces on impact of low energy neutral helium (20-80 eV): Calibration of the interstellar helium instrument on Ulysses. Review of Scientific Instruments 18.
70 (11), S. 4404 - 4411 (1999)
Sputtering efficiency of LiF surfaces on impact of low energy neutral helium (20-80 eV): Calibration of the interstellar neutral helium instrument on ULYSSES. Review of Scientific Instruments 19.
103 (A11), S. 26813 - 26831 (1998)
Interplanetary Lyman α remote sensing with the Ulysses Interstellar Neutral Gas Experiment. Journal Geophysical Research 20.
20, S. 99 - 102 (1997)
Interplanetary variability in particle fluxes recorded by the low energy charged particle detector LION (40 keV-6 MeV) on the SOHO spacecraft during its cruise phase to the L1 point. Advances in Space Research