Publikationen von Eckart Marsch
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Zeitschriftenartikel (231)
642, A8 (2020)
The Solar Orbiter EUI instrument: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2.
783 (2), 139 (2014)
Regulation of Ion Drifts and Anisotropies by Parametrically Unstable Finite-Amplitude Alfven-Cyclotron Waves in the Fast Solar Wind. Astrophysical Journal 3.
119 (4), S. 2400 - 2410 (2014)
Generation of temperature anisotropy for alpha particle velocity distributions in solar wind at 0.3 AU: Vlasov simulations and Helios observations. Journal Geophysical Research 4.
172, S. 361 - 372 (2012)
Intercations of Alfven-Cyclotron Waves with Ions in the Solar Wind. Space Science Reviews 5.
749, S. 102 - 109 (2012)
On spectral breaks in the power spectra of magnetic fluctuations in fast solar wind between 0.3 and 0.9 AU. Astrophysical Journal 6.
546, A93 (2012)
Spectroscopic observations of propagating disturbances in a polar coronal hole: evidence of slow magneto-acoustic waves. Astronomy and Astrophysics 7.
745, L8 (2012)
Do oblique Alfven/ion-cyclotron or fast-mode/whistler waves dominate the dissipation of solar wind turbulence near the proton inertial length? Astrophysical Journal 8.
749 (1), 86 (2012)
Reproduction of the Observed Two-Component Magnetic Helicity in Solar Wind Turbulence by a Superposition of Parallel and Oblique Alfven Waves. Astrophysical Journal 9.
172, S. 23 - 39 (2012)
Helios: Evolution of Distribution Functions 0.3-1AU. Space Science Reviews 10.
753 (1), 31 (2012)
Electron Transport in the Fast Solar Wind. Astrophysical Journal 11.
86, 027401 (2012)
Parametric decay of oblique Alfvén waves in two-dimensional hybrid simulations. Physical Review E 12.
746, 147 (2012)
Large-amplitude Alfven wave in interplanetary space: The WIND spacecraft observations. Astrophysical Journal 13.
536, A39 (2011)
Temperature anisotropy and differential streaming of solar wind ions. Correlations with transverse fluctuations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 14.
728, S. L3 - L7 (2011)
On the Relative Speed and Temperature Ratio of Solar Wind Alpha Particles and Protons: Collisions Versus Wave Effects. Astrophysical Journal 15.
35, S. 187 - 194 (2011)
The coronal convection. Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull. 16.
73, S. 1281 - 1292 (2011)
Interplanetary shock wave extent in the inner heliosphere as observed by multiple spacecraft. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 17.
731, 85 (2011)
Possible evidence of Alfven-cyclotron waves in the angle distribution of magnetic helicity of solar wind turbulence. Astrophysical Journal 18.
116, A06207 (2011)
Two-dimensional correlation functions for density and magnetic field fluctuations in magnetosheath turbulence measured by the Cluster spacecraft. Journal Geophysical Research 19.
116, A09105 (2011)
Heating and cooling of protons in the fast solar wind between 0.3 and 1 AU: Helios revisited. Journal Geophysical Research 20.
2, S. 1109 - 1114 (2011)
The Two-Component Majorana Equation-Novel Derivations and Known Symmetries. Journal of Modern Physics