Publications of R. H. Cameron
All genres
Journal Article (138)
Journal Article
558, A48 (2013)
Three-dimensional simulations of near-surface convection in main-sequence stars I. Overall structure. Astronomy and Astrophysics 82.
Journal Article
557, A141 (2013)
Limits to solar cycle predictability: Cross-equatorial flux plumes. Astronomy and Astrophysics 83.
Journal Article
557, A83 (2013)
No evidence for planetary influence on solar activity. Astronomy and Astrophysics 84.
Journal Article
550, A118 (2013)
On the relation between continuum brightness and magnetic field in solar active regions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 85.
Journal Article
556, C3 (2013)
Sunspot Group Tilt Angles and the Strength of the Solar Cycle. Astronomy and Astrophysics 86.
Journal Article
558, L4 (2013)
Polar plumes' orientation and the Sun's global magnetic field. Astronomy and Astrophysics 87.
Journal Article
553, A128 (2013)
Modeling solar cycles 15 to 21 using a flux transport dynamo. Astronomy and Astrophysics 88.
Journal Article
176, pp. 289 - 298 (2013)
Can Surface Flux Transport Account for the Weak Polar Field in Cycle 23? Space Science Reviews 89.
Journal Article
558, A130 (2013)
Helioseismology of sunspots: how sensitive are travel times to the Wilson depression and to the subsurface magnetic field? Astronomy and Astrophysics 90.
Journal Article
554, A115 (2013)
First evidence of interaction between longitudinal and transverse waves in solar magnetic elements. Astronomy and Astrophysics 91.
Journal Article
118, pp. 29 - 44 (2013)
MHD simulation of the inner-heliospheric magnetic field. Journal Geophysical Research 92.
Journal Article
539, A121 (2012)
Simulations of the solar near-surface layers with the CO5BOLD, MURaM, and Stagger codes. Astronomy and Astrophysics 93.
Journal Article
752, 128 (2012)
Waves as the Source of Apparent Twisting Motions in Sunspot Penumbrae. Astrophysical Journal 94.
Journal Article
542, A127 (2012)
Surface flux evolution constraints for flux transport dynamos. Astronomy and Astrophysics 95.
Journal Article
548, A57 (2012)
Are the strengths of solar cycles determined by converging flows towards the activity belts? Astronomy and Astrophysics 96.
Journal Article
750, 6 (2012)
Magnetohydrodynamics of the Weakly Ionized Solar Photosphere. Astrophysical Journal 97.
Journal Article
540, L10 (2012)
Break up of returning plasma after the 7 June 2011 filament eruption by Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. Astronomy and Astrophysics 98.
Journal Article
541, A68 (2012)
Vortices, shocks, and heating in the solar photosphere: effect of a magnetic field. Astronomy and Astrophysics 99.
Journal Article
2, pp. 143 - 147 (2011)
Quenching of the alpha effect in the Sun - what observations are telling us. First Asia-Pacific Solar Physics Meeting ASI Conference Series 100.
Journal Article
268, pp. 293 - 308 (2011)
Constructing Semi-Empirical Sunspot Models for Helioseismology. Solar Physics