Schröder, S. E.; Keller, H. U.: The unusual phase curve of Titan's surface observed by Huygens Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer. Planetary and Space Science 57, pp. 1963 - 1974 (2009)
Sizemore, H. G.; Mellon, M. T.; Searls, M. L.; Lemmon, M. T.; Zent, A. P.; Heet, T. L.; Arvidson, R. E.; Blaney, D. L.; Keller, H. U.: Rocks of the Phoenix Landing Site. Journal Geophysical Research 115, E00E09 (2009)
Smith, P. H.; Tamppari, L. K.; Arvidson, R. E.; Bass, D.; Blaney, D.; Boynton, W. V.; Carswell, A.; Catling, D. C.; Clark, B. C.; Duck, al.; DeJong, E.; Fisher, D.; Goetz, W.; Gunnlaugsson, H. P.; Hecht, M. H.; Hipkin, V.; Hoffman, J.; Hviid, S. F.; Keller, H. U.; Kounaves, S. P.; Lange, C. F.; Lemmon, M. T.; Madsen, M. B.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Marshall, J.; Mckay, C. P.; Mellon, M. T.; Ming, D. W.; Morris, R. V.; Pike, W. T.; Renno, N.; Staufer, U.; Stoker, C.; Taylor, P.; Whiteway, J. A.; Zent, A. P.: H2O at the Phoenix Landing Site. Science 325 (5936), pp. 58 - 61 (2009)
Hecht, M. H.; Marshall, J.; Pike, W. T.; Staufer, U.; Blaney, D.; Braendlin, D.; Gautsch, S.; Goetz, W.; Hidber, H.-R.; Keller, H. al.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Mazer, A.; Meloy, T. P.; Morookian, J. M.; Mogensen, C.; Parrat, D.; Smith, P.; Sykulska, H.; Tanner, R. J.; Reynolds, R. O.; Tonin, A.; Vijendran, S.; Weilert, M.; Woida, P. M.: Microscopy capabilities of the Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer. Journal Geophysical Research 113, E00A22 (2008)
Inada, A.; Garcia-Comas, M.; Altieri, F.; Gwinner, K.; Poulet, F.; Bellucci, G.; Keller, H. U.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Richardson, M. I.; Hoekzema, al.; Neukum, G.; Bibring, J.-P.: Dust haze in Valles Marineris observed by HRSC and OMEGA on board Mars Express. Journal Geophysical Research 113, E02004 (2008)
Maltagliati, L.; Titov, D. V.; Encrenaz, T.; Melchiorri, R.; Forget, F.; Garcia-Comas, M.; Keller, H. U.; Langevin, Y.; Bibring, J.-P.: Observations of atmospheric water vapor above the Tharsis volcanoes on Mars with the OMEGA/MEx imaging spectrometer. Icarus 194 (1), pp. 53 - 64 (2008)
Schröder, S. E.; Keller, H.-U.: The reflectance spectrum of Titan's surface at the Huygens landing site determined by the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer. Planetary and Space Science 56, pp. 753 - 769 (2008)
Skorov, Y. V.; Keller, H. U.; Rodin, A. V.: Optical properties of aerosols in Titan's atmosphere. Planetary and Space Science 56 (5), pp. 660 - 668 (2008)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Keller, H. U.: Craters, smooth terrains, flows, and layering on the comet nuclei. Solar System Research 41 (2), pp. 109 - 117 (2007)
Jorda, L.; Lamy, P.; Faury, G.; Keller, H. U.; Hviid, S.; Küppers, M.; Koschny, D.; Lecacheux, J.; Gutiérrez, P.; Lara, L. M.: Properties of the dust cloud caused by the Deep Impact experiment. Icarus 187, pp. 208 - 219 (2007)
Küppers, M.; Keller, H. U.; Kührt, E.; the CNSR Team: A comet nucleus sample return (CNSR) mission in ESAs Cosmic Vision program. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71, p. A531 (2007)
Küppers, M.; Mottola, S.; Lowry, S. C.; A'Hearn, M. A.; Barbieri, C.; Barucci, M. A.; Fornasier, S.; Groussin, O.; Gutiérrez, P.; Hviid, S. al.; Keller, H. U.; Lamy, P.: Determination of the light curve of the Rosetta target asteroid (2867) Steins by the OSIRIS cameras onboard Rosetta. Astronomy and Astrophysics 462, pp. L13 - L16 (2007)
The Uranian magnetic field is more expansive than previously thought, according to newly analyzed data from Voyager 2, making it easier to search for moons with oceans.
The Planetary Plasma Environments group (PPE) has a strong heritage in the exploration of planetary magnetospheres and space plasma interactions throughout the solar system. It has contributed instruments to several past missions that flew-by or orbited Jupiter (Galileo, Cassini, Ulysses). The PPE participates in the JUICE mission by contributing hardware and scientific expertise to the Particle Environment Package (PEP).
The MPS instruments on board ESA’s JUICE spacecraft have successfully completed their commissioning in space - and delivered their first observational data.
The launch was successful; the ESA’s space probe JUICE is now on its way to the Jupiter system. There, it will primarily study the gas giant's icy moons.
ESA's space probe is on the move: First it heads for the launch site in Kourou - and in April it will begin its long journey to Jupiter and its icy moons.