Roussos, E.; Sun, Y.; Yuan, C.; Krupp, N.; Zong, Q.; Wei, Y.: The importance of convection in the radiation belts of Jupiter and Saturn. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2019)
Yuan, C.; Roussos, E.; Wei, Y.; Krupp, N.: Quantifying transient electron radiation belt extensions at Saturn. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2019)
Bradley, T.J.; Cowley, S.W.H.; Bunce, E.J.; Provan, G.; Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Dougherty, M.K.; Lamy, L.; Melin, H.; Tao, al.; Nichols, J.D.; Pryor, W.: Solar Wind and Planetary Period Modulations of Reconnection Events in Saturn's Magnetotail. Conference on the Magnetosphere of the Outer Planets , Sendai, Japan (2019)
Guo, R. L.; Yao, Z. H.; Wei, Y.; Sergis, N.; Ray, L. C.; Rae, I. J.; Arridge, C. S.; Coates, A. J.; Delamere, P. A.; Kollmann, al.; Grodent, D.; Dunn, W. R.; Waite, J. H.; Burch, J. L.; Pu, Z. Y.; Palmaerts, B.; Dougherty, M. K.; Mitchell, D.; Roussos, E.; Radioti, A.; Krupp, N.; Wan, W. X.: Dayside magnetodisk reconnection processes on Saturn revealed by Cassini. Conference on the Magnetosphere of the Outer Planets , Sendai, Japan (2019)
Kotova, A.; Regoli, L.; Roussos, E.; Kollmann, P.; Krupp, N.; Dandouras, I.: CRAND injection coefficients at Saturn. Conference on the Magnetosphere of the Outer Planets , Sendai, Japan (2019)
Krupp, N.; Roussos, E.; Kollmann, P.; Mitchell, D.G.; Kotova, A.; Paranicas, C.P.; Hamilton, D.; Krimigis, S.M.; Dougherty, M.K.: The CASSINI Grand Finale in Saturn's Magnetosphere 2016-2017 in the View of Neutral And Charged Particles Measured by the MIMI Instrument. Conference on the Magnetosphere of the Outer Planets , Sendai, Japan (2019)
Palmaerts, B.; Roussos, E.; Grodent, D.; Yao, Z. H.; Burkholder, B.; Radioti, A.; Delamere, P. A.; Krupp, N.: Origin and Triggers of the 1-hour Electron Pulsations in the Saturnian System. Conference on the Magnetosphere of the Outer Planets , Sendai, Japan (2019)
Paranicas, C.; Kollmann, P.; Thomsen, M. F.; Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Clark, G.; Allen, a. R.: Plasma Heating at Jupiter and Saturn. Conference on the Magnetosphere of the Outer Planets , Sendai, Japan (2019)
Roussos, E.; Kollmann, P.; Krupp, N.; Paranicas, C.; Dialynas, K.; Sun, Y.; Yuan, C.; Jones, G. H.; Mitchell, D. G.; Krimigis, S. al.; Cooper, J. F.: A Local-Time Confined Electron Radiation Belt Generated by Saturn's F-Ring. Conference on the Magnetosphere of the Outer Planets , Sendai, Japan (2019)
Roussos, E.; Kollmann, P.; Krupp, N.; Paranicas, C.; Mitchell, D. G.; Krimigis, S. M.: Relativistic charged particles, neutrons and gamma rays at Saturn: MIMI/LEMMS measurements and GEANT4 simulations. Conference on the Magnetosphere of the Outer Planets , Sendai, Japan (2019)
Sun, Y. X.; Roussos, E.; Zong, Q. G.; Krupp, N.; Paranicas, C.; Kollmann, P.; Zhou, X. Z.: Spectral signatures of corotation drift resonant acceleration in Saturn's electron radiation belts. Conference on the Magnetosphere of the Outer Planets , Sendai, Japan (2019)
Krupp, N.: Die Mission CASSINI/HUYGENS zum Saturn - Enthüllungen und Geheimnisse, Überraschungen und offene Fragen. IAS Mitgliederversammlung, Bad Soden-Salmünster, Germany (2018)
The Uranian magnetic field is more expansive than previously thought, according to newly analyzed data from Voyager 2, making it easier to search for moons with oceans.
The Planetary Plasma Environments group (PPE) has a strong heritage in the exploration of planetary magnetospheres and space plasma interactions throughout the solar system. It has contributed instruments to several past missions that flew-by or orbited Jupiter (Galileo, Cassini, Ulysses). The PPE participates in the JUICE mission by contributing hardware and scientific expertise to the Particle Environment Package (PEP).