Publikationen von A. T. Basilevsky

Zeitschriftenartikel (13)

Krasilnikov, S. S.; Skorov, Y. V.; Basilevsky, A. T.; Hviid, S. F.; Mall, U.; Keller, H. U.: Pinnacles on the surface of the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko: regional distribution and morphology. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 491 (2), S. 2664 - 2673 (2020)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Mall, U.; Michael, G.G.; Kozlova, N.A.: Rock spatial densities on the rims and interiors of a group of Copernicus secondary craters. Planetary and Space Science 172, S. 14 - 21 (2019)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Shalygin, E. V.; Bondarenko, N.V.; Shalygina, O.; Markiewicz, W. J.: Venus crater-related radar-dark parabolas and neighboring terrains: A comparison of 1-μm emissivity and microwave properties. Icarus 330, S. 103 - 122 (2019)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Skorov, Y. V.; Hviid, S. F.; Krasilnikov, S. S.; Mall, U.; Keller, H. U.: Lineaments on the Surface of the Consolidated Material of the Comet 67P/Churyumov−Gerasimenko Nucleus. Solar System Research 52 (6), S. 505 - 517 (2018)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Krasilnikov, S. S.; Mall, U.; Hviid, S. F. S.; Skorov, Y. V.; Keller, H. U.: Pinnacles on the 67P cornet nucleus: Evidence for large scale erosion and hierarchical agglomeration of the nucleus. Planetary and Space Science 140, S. 80 - 85 (2017)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Krasilnikov, S. S.; Mall, U.; Hviid, S.F.S.; Skorov, Y. V.; Keller, H.U.: Pinnacles on the 67P comet nucleus: Evidence for large scale erosion and hierarchical agglomeration of the nucleus. Planetary and Space Science 140, S. 80 - 85 (2017)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Mall, U.; Keller, H. U.; Skorov, Y. V.; Hviid, S. F.; Mottola, S.; Krasilnikov, S. S.; Dabrowski, B.: Geologic analysis of the Rosetta NavCam, Osiris and ROLIS images of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko nucleus. Planetary and Space Science 137, S. 1 - 19 (2017)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Krasilnikov, S. S.; Shiryaev, A. A.; Mall, U.; Keller, H. U.; Skorov, Y. V.; Mottola, S.; Hviid, S. F.: Estimating the Strength of the Nucleus Material of Comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Solar System Research 50, S. 225 - 234 (2016)
Skorov, Y. V.; Rezac, L.; Hartogh, P.; Bazilevsky, A. T.; Keller, H. U.: A model of short-lived outbursts on the 67P from fractured terrains. Astronomy and Astrophysics 593, A76 (2016)
Shalygin, E. V.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Basilevsky, A. T.; Titov, D. V.; Ignatiev, N. I.; Head, J. W.: Active Volcanism on Venus in the Ganiki Chasma Rift Zone. Geophysical Research Letters 42, S. 4762 - 4769 (2015)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Shalygin, E. V.; Titov, D. V.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Scholten, F.; Roatsch, T.; Kreslavsky, M. A.; Moroz, L. V.; Ignatiev, N. I.; Fietheh, B. et al.: Geologic interpretation of the near-infrared images of the surface taken by the Venus Monitoring Camera, Venus Express. Icarus 217 (2), S. 434 - 450 (2012)
Shalygin, E. V.; Basilevsky, A. T.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Titov, D. V.; Kreslavsky, M. A.; Roatsch, T.: Search for ongoing volcanic activity on Venus: Case study of Maat Mons, Sapas Mons and Ozza Mons volcanoes. Planetary and Space Science 73, S. 294 - 301 (2012)
Basilevsky, A. T.; Keller, H. U.; Nathues, A.; Mall, U.; Hiesinger, H.; Rosiekd, M.: Scientific objectives and selection of targets for the SMART-1 Infrared Spectrometer (SIR). Planetary and Space Science 52 (14), S. 1261 - 1285 (2004)

Poster (1)

Bondarenko, N. V.; Basilevsky, A. T.; Shalygin, E. V.; Markiewicz, W. J.: Microwave Properties and the 1-Micron Emissivity of Crater-Related Radar-Dark Parabolas and Other Surface Features in Five Areas of Venus. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2015)