Verbindung Solarer und Stellarer Variabilität

Publikationen von Eckart Marsch

Zeitschriftenartikel (231)

Rochus, P.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Harra, L.; Schmutz, W.; Schühle, U.; Addison, P.; Appourchaux, T.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Baker, D. et al.; Barbay, J.; Bates, D.; BenMoussa, A.; Bergmann, M.; Beurthe, C.; Borgo, B.; Bonte, K.; Bouzit, M.; Bradley, L.; Büchel, V.; Buchlin, E.; Büchner, J.; Cabé, F.; Cadiergues, L.; Chaigneau, M.; Chares, B.; Cortez, C. C.; Coker, P.; Condamin, M.; Coumar, S.; Curdt, W.; Cutler, J.; Davies, D.; Davison, G.; Defise, J.-M.; Zanna, G. D.; Delmotte, F.; Delouille, V.; Dolla, L.; Dumesnil, C.; Dürig, F.; Enge, R.; François, S.; Fourmond, J.-J.; Gillis, J.-M.; Giordanengo, B.; Gissot, S.; Green, L. M.; Guerreiro, N.; Guilbaud, A.; Gyo, M.; Haberreiter, M.; Hafiz, A.; Hailey, M.; Halain, J.-P.; Hansotte, J.; Hecquet, C.; Heerlein, K.; Hellin, M.-L.; Hemsley, S.; Hermans, A.; Hervier, V.; Hochedez, J.-F.; Houbrechts, Y.; Ihsan, K.; Jacques, L.; Jérôme, A.; Jones, J.; Kahle, M.; Kennedy, T.; Klaproth, M.; Kolleck, M.; Koller, S.; Kotsialos, E.; Kraaikamp, E.; Langer, P.; Lawrenson, A.; Le Clech’, J.-C.; Lenaerts, C.; Liebecq, S.; Linder, D.; Long, D. M.; Mampaey, B.; Markiewicz-Innes, D.; Marquet, B.; Marsch, E.; Matthews, S.; Mazy, E.; Mazzoli, A.; Meining, S.; Meltchakov, E.; Mercier, R.; Meyer, S.; Monecke, M.; Monfort, F.; Morinaud, G.; Moron, F.; Mountney, L.; Müller, R.; Nicula, B.; Parenti, S.; Peter, H.; Pfiffner, D.; Philippon, A.; Phillips, I.; Plesseria, J.-Y.; Pylyser, E.; Rabecki, F.; Ravet-Krill, M.-F.; Rebellato, J.; Renotte, E.; Rodriguez, L.; Roose, S.; Rosin, J.; Rossi, L.; Roth, P.; Rouesnel, F.; Roulliay, M.; Rousseau, A.; Ruane, K.; Scanlan, J.; Schlatter, P.; Seaton, D. B.; Silliman, K.; Smit, S.; Smith, P. J.; Solanki, S. K.; Spescha, M.; Spencer, A.; Stegen, K.; Stockman, Y.; Szwec, N.; Tamiatto, C.; Tandy, J.; Teriaca, L.; Theobald, C.; Tychon, I.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Verbeeck, C.; Vial, J.-C.; Werner, S.; West, M. J.; Westwood, D.; Wiegelmann, T.; Willis, G.; Winter, B.; Zerr, A.; Zhang, X.; Zhukov, A. N.: The Solar Orbiter EUI instrument: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A8 (2020)
Maneva, Y. G.; Araneda, J. A.; Marsch, E.: Regulation of Ion Drifts and Anisotropies by Parametrically Unstable Finite-Amplitude Alfven-Cyclotron Waves in the Fast Solar Wind. Astrophysical Journal 783 (2), 139 (2014)
Perrone, D.; Bourouaine, S.; Valentini, F.; Marsch, E.; Veltri, P.: Generation of temperature anisotropy for alpha particle velocity distributions in solar wind at 0.3 AU: Vlasov simulations and Helios observations. Journal Geophysical Research 119 (4), S. 2400 - 2410 (2014)
Araneda, J. A.; Astudillo, H.; Marsch, E.: Intercations of Alfven-Cyclotron Waves with Ions in the Solar Wind. Space Science Reviews 172, S. 361 - 372 (2012)
Bourouaine, S.; Alexandrova, O.; Marsch, E.; Maksimovic, M.: On spectral breaks in the power spectra of magnetic fluctuations in fast solar wind between 0.3 and 0.9 AU. Astrophysical Journal 749, S. 102 - 109 (2012)
Gupta, G. R.; Teriaca, L.; Marsch, E.; Solanki, S. K.; Banerjee, D.: Spectroscopic observations of propagating disturbances in a polar coronal hole: evidence of slow magneto-acoustic waves. Astronomy and Astrophysics 546, A93 (2012)
He, J.; Tu, C.; Marsch, E.; Yao, S.: Do oblique Alfven/ion-cyclotron or fast-mode/whistler waves dominate the dissipation of solar wind turbulence near the proton inertial length? Astrophysical Journal 745, L8 (2012)
He, J.; Tu, C.; Marsch, E.; Yao, S.: Reproduction of the Observed Two-Component Magnetic Helicity in Solar Wind Turbulence by a Superposition of Parallel and Oblique Alfven Waves. Astrophysical Journal 749 (1), 86 (2012)
Marsch, E.: Helios: Evolution of Distribution Functions 0.3-1AU. Space Science Reviews 172, S. 23 - 39 (2012)
Smith, H. M.; Marsch, E.; Helander, P.: Electron Transport in the Fast Solar Wind. Astrophysical Journal 753 (1), 31 (2012)
Verscharen, D.; Marsch, E.; Motschmann, U.; Müller, J.: Parametric decay of oblique Alfvén waves in two-dimensional hybrid simulations. Physical Review E 86, 027401 (2012)
Wang, X.; He, J.; Tu, C.; Marsch, E.; Zhang, L.; Chao, J.-K.: Large-amplitude Alfven wave in interplanetary space: The WIND spacecraft observations. Astrophysical Journal 746, 147 (2012)
Bourouaine, S.; Marsch, E.; Neubauer, F. M.: Temperature anisotropy and differential streaming of solar wind ions. Correlations with transverse fluctuations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 536, A39 (2011)
Bourouaine, S.; Marsch, E.; Neubauer Fritz, M.: On the Relative Speed and Temperature Ratio of Solar Wind Alpha Particles and Protons: Collisions Versus Wave Effects. Astrophysical Journal 728, S. L3 - L7 (2011)
Curdt, W.; Tian, H.; Marsch, E.: The coronal convection. Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull. 35, S. 187 - 194 (2011)
de Lucas, A.; Schwenn, R.; dal Lago, A.; Marsch, E.; Clúa de Gonzalez, A. L.: Interplanetary shock wave extent in the inner heliosphere as observed by multiple spacecraft. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73, S. 1281 - 1292 (2011)
He, J.; Marsch, E.; Tu, C.; Yao, S.; Tian, H.: Possible evidence of Alfven-cyclotron waves in the angle distribution of magnetic helicity of solar wind turbulence. Astrophysical Journal 731, 85 (2011)
He, J.-S.; Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.; Zong, Q.-G.; Yao, S.; Tian, H.: Two-dimensional correlation functions for density and magnetic field fluctuations in magnetosheath turbulence measured by the Cluster spacecraft. Journal Geophysical Research 116, A06207 (2011)
Hellinger, P.; Matteini, L.; Štverák, Š.; Trávníček, P. M.; Marsch, E.: Heating and cooling of protons in the fast solar wind between 0.3 and 1 AU: Helios revisited. Journal Geophysical Research 116, A09105 (2011)
Marsch, E.: The Two-Component Majorana Equation-Novel Derivations and Known Symmetries. Journal of Modern Physics 2, S. 1109 - 1114 (2011)

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