Verbindung Solarer und Stellarer Variabilität

Publikationen von B. Wilken

Zeitschriftenartikel (76)

Balsiger, H.; Altwegg, K.; Bochsler, P.; Eberhardt, P.; Fischer, J.; Graf, S.; Jäckel, A.; Kopp, E.; Langer, U.; Mildner, M. et al.; Müller, J.; Riesen, T.; Rubin, M.; Scherer, S.; Wurz, P.; Wüthrich, S.; Arijs, E.; Delanoye, S.; De Keyser, J.; Neefs, E.; Nevejans, D.; Rème, H.; Aoustin, C.; Mazelle, C.; Médale, J.-L.; Sauvaud, J. A.; Berthelier, J.-J.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Duvet, L.; Fuselier, S. A.; Ghielmetti, A. G.; T. Magoncelli, T.; Shelley, E. G.; Korth, A.; Heerlein, K.; Lauche, H.; Livi, S.; Loose, A.; Mall, U.; Wilken, B.; Gliem, F.; Fiethe, B.; Gombosi, T. I.; Block, B.; Carignan, G. R.; Fisk, L. A.; Waite, J. H.; Young, D. T.; Wollnik, H.: ROSINA - ROSETTA orbiter spectrometer for ion and neutral analysis. Space Science Reviews 128, S. 745 - 801 (2007)
Fu, S. Y.; Zong, Q.-G.; Fritz, T. A.; Pu, Z. Y.; Wilken, B.: Composition signatures in ion injections and its dependence on geomagnetic conditions. Journal Geophysical Research 107 (A10), 1299 (2002)
Ihara, A.; Doke, T.; Hasebe, N.; Kikuchi, J.; Kobayashi, M. N.; Maezawa, K.; Nagata, K.; Sakaguchi, T.; Shino, T.; Takashima, T. et al.; Teruhi, S.; Wilken, B.; Yanagimachi, T.: Electron and ion spectrometer onboard the Nozomi spacecraft and its initial results in interplanetary space. Astroparticle Physics 17 (3), S. 263 - 278 (2002)
Krimigis, S. M.; Mitchell, D. G.; Hamilton, D. C.; Dandouras, J.; Armstrong, T. P.; Bolton, S. J.; Cheng, A. F.; Gloeckler, G.; Hsieh, K. C.; Keath, E. P. et al.; Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Lanzerotti, L. J.; Livi, S.; Mauk, B. H.; McEntire, R. W.; Roelof, E. C.; Wilken, B.; Williams, D. J.: A nebula of gases from Io surrounding Jupiter. Nature 415, S. 994 - 996 (2002)
Oksavik, K.; Fritz, T. A.; Zong, Q.-G.; Søraas, F.; Wilken, B.: Three-dimensional energetic ion sounding of the magnetopause using Cluster/RAPID. Geophysical Research Letters 29 (9), 1347 (2002)
Fu, S. Y.; Wilken, B.; Zong, Q.-G.; Pu, Z. Y.: Ion composition variations in the inner magnetosphere: Individual and collective storm effects in 1991. Journal Geophysical Research 106, S. 29683 (2001)
Jin, S.-P.; Hu, X.-P.; Zong, Q.-G.; Fu, S.-Y.; Wilken, B.; Büchner, J.: 2.5 dimensional MHD simulation of multiple-plasmoids-like structures in the course of a substorm. Journal Geophysical Research 106 (A12), S. 29807 - 29830 (2001)
Krupp, N.; Roelof, E. C.; Woch, J.; Williams, D. J.; Lagg, A.; Wilken, B.; Livi, S.: Global Flows of Energetic Ions in Jupiter's Equatorial Plane: First-Order Approximation. Journal Geophysical Research 106 (A11), S. 26017 - 26032 (2001)
Krupp, N.; Woch, J.; Lagg, A.; Roelof, E. C.; Williams, D. J.; Livi, S.; Wilken, B.: Local time asymmetry of energetic ion anisotropies in the Jovian magnetosphere. Planetary and Space Science 49 (3-4), S. 283 - 289 (2001)
Wilken, B.; Daly, P. W.; Mall, U.; Aarsnes, K.; Baker, D. N.; Belian, R. D.; Blake, J. B.; Borg, H.; Büchner, J.; Carter, M. et al.; Fennell, J. F.; Friedel, R.; Fritz, T. A.; Gliem, F.; Grande, M.; Kecskemety, K.; Kettmann, G.; Korth, A.; Livi, S.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Mursula, K.; Nikutowski, B.; Perry, C. H.; Pu, Z. Y.; Roeder, J.; Reeves, G. D.; Sarris, E. T.; Sandahl, I.; Søraas, F.; Woch, J.; Zong, Q.-G.: First results from the RAPID imaging energetic particle spectrometer on board Cluster. Annales Geophysicae 19 (10/12), S. 1355 - 1366 (2001)
Wilken, B.; Zong, Q.: Die Cluster-Flotte. Sterne und Weltraum 10, S. 836 - 844 (2001)
Zong, Q.-G.; Wilken, B.; Fu, S. Y.; Fritz, T. A.; Korth, A.; Hasebe, N.; Williams, D. J.; Pu, Z. Y.: Ring Current Oxygen Ions Excaping into the Magnetosheath. Journal Geophysical Research 106 (A11), S. 25541 - 25556 (2001)
Kirsch, E.; Mall, U.; Cierpka, K.; Wilken, B.; Gloeckler, G.; Galvin, A. B.: Composition of low energy solar particles (0.5-225 keV/e) measured by the WIND-S/C during impulsive and gradual flares. Advances in Space Research 26, S. 833 - 837 (2000)
Perry, C. H.; Grande, M.; Zurbuchen, T. H.; Hefti, S.; Gloeckler, G.; Fennell, J. F.; Wilken, B.; Fritz, T.: Use of Fe charge state changes as a tracer for solar wind entry to the Magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 27, S. 2441 (2000)
von Steiger, R.; Schwadron, N. A.; Fisk, L. A.; Geiss, J.; Gloeckler, G.; Hefti, S.; Wilken, B.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.; Zurbuchen, T. H.: Composition of quasi-stationary solar wind flows from Ulysses/Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer. Journal Geophysical Research 105, S. 27217 (2000)
Wilken, B.; Zong, Q.-G.; Doke, T.; Kokubun, S.; Mukai, T.; Reeves, G. D.: Distribution of Energetic Oxygen Events in the Tail Region - a view from HEP-LD/GEOTAIL. Advances in Space Research 25 (7/8), S. 1603 - 1606 (2000)
Zong, Q.-G.; Wilken, B.; Fu, S. Y.; Doke, T.; Kokubun, S.: Energetic oxygen ions in the magnetosheath during the passage of a CME event. Advances in Space Research 25 (12), S. 2421 - 2424 (2000)
Daglis, I. A.; Kasotakis, G.; Sarris, E. T.; Kamide, Y.; Dialetis, D.; Livi, S.; Wilken, B.: Variation of the ion composition during an intense magnetic storm and their consequences. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 24, S. 229 - 232 (1999)
Daglis, I. A.; Sarris, E. T.; Axford, W. I.; Karagevrekis, G.; Kasotakis, G.; Livi, S.; Wilken, B.: Influence of interplanetary disturbances on the terrestrial ionospheric outflow. Phys. Chem. Earth (C) 24, S. 61 - 66 (1999)
Håland, S.; Østgaard, N.; Bjordal, J.; Stadsnes, J.; Ullaland, S.; Wilken, B.; Yamamoto, T.; Doke, T.; Chenette, D. L.; Parks, G. K. et al.; Brittnacher, M. J.; Reeves, G. D.: Magnetospheric and ionospheric response to a substorm: Geotail HEP-LD and Polar PIXIE observations. Journal Geophysical Research 104, S. 28459 (1999)

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