Benáček, J.; Muñoz, P. A.; Büchner, J.; Jessner, A.: Linear acceleration emission of pulsar relativistic streaming instability and interacting plasma bunches. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, S. A42 (2023)
Muñoz, P. A.; Jain, N.; Farzalipour Tabriz, M.; Rampp, M.; Büchner, J.: Electron inertia effects in 3D hybrid-kinetic collisionless plasma turbulence. Physics of Plasmas 30, S. 092302 (2023)
Jain, N.; Muñoz, P. A.; Farzalipour Tabriz, M.; Ramp, M.; Büchner, J.: Importance of accurate consideration of the electron inertia in hybrid-kinetic simulations of collisionless plasma turbulence: The 2D limit. Physics of Plasmas 29, S. 053902 (2022)
Shi, Z.; Muñoz, P. A.; Büchner, J.; Liu, S.: Proton and Helium Heating by Cascading Turbulence in a Low-beta Plasma. The Astrophysical Journal 941, S. 39 (2022)
Yao, X.; Muñoz, P. A.; Büchner, J.: Non-thermal electron velocity distribution functions due to 3D kinetic magnetic reconnection for solar coronal plasma conditions. Physics of Plasmas 29, S. 022104 (2022)
Yao, X.; Muñoz, P. A.; Büchner, J.; Benáček, J.; Liu, S.; Zhou, X.: Wave Emission of Nonthermal Electron Beams Generated by Magnetic Reconnection. The Astrophysical Journal 933, S. 219 (2022)
Muñoz Sepúlveda, P. A.; Büchner, J.: Two-stage Electron Acceleration by 3D Collisionless Guide-field Magnetic Reconnection. The Astrophysical Journal 864 (1), 92 (2018)
Muñoz Sepúlveda, P. A.; Büchner, J.: Kinetic turbulence in fast three-dimensional collisionless guide-field magnetic reconnection. Physical Review E 98 (4), 043205 (2018)
Muñoz Sepúlveda, P. A.; Jain, N.; Kilian, P.; Büchner, J.: A new hybrid code (CHIEF) implementing the inertial electron fluid equation without approximation. Computer Physics Communications 224, S. 245 - 264 (2018)
Jain, N.; Büchner, J.; Muñoz, P. A.: Nonlinear evolution of electron shear flow instabilities in the presence of an external guide magnetic field. Physics of Plasmas 24 (3), 032303 (2017)
Jain, N.; von Stechow, A.; Muñoz, P. A.; Büchner, J.; Grulke, O.; Klinger, T.: Electron-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of electron scale current sheet dynamics in the VINETA. II guide field reconnection experiment. Physics of Plasmas 24 (9), 092312 (2017)
Muñoz, P. A.; Büchner, J.: Non-Maxwellian electron distribution functions due to self-generated turbulence in collisionless guide-field reconnection. Physics of Plasmas 23 (10), 102103 (2016)
Muñoz, P. A.; Told, D.; Kilian, P.; Büchner, J.; Jenko, F.: Gyrokinetic and kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of guide-field reconnection. I. Macroscopic effects of the electron flows. Physics of Plasmas 22 (8), 082110 (2015)
Muñoz, P. A.; Kilian, P.; Büchner, J.: Instabilities of collisionless current sheets revisited: The role of anisotropic heating. Physics of Plasmas 21 (11), 112106 (2014)
Büchner, J.; Kilian, P.; Muñoz Sepúlveda, P. A.; Spanier, F.; Widmer, F.; Zhou, X.; Jain, N.: Kinetic Simulations of Electron Acceleration at Mercury. In: Magnetic Fields in the Solar System: Planets, Moons and Solar Wind Interactions, S. 201 - 240 (Hg. Lühr, H.; Wicht, J.; Gilder, S. A.; Holschneider, M.). Springer, Cham (2018)
Büchner, J.; Muñoz, P. A.; Zhou, X.: Electron Energization in the Solar Corona in Current Concentrations and by Magnetic Reconnection. 14th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, Tampa, USA (2015)
Muñoz, P. A.; Kilian, P.; Büchner, J.: PIC-code simulation of spontaneous instabilities of current sheets: anisotropic heating and guide field influence on magnetic reconnection. 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia (2014)
Auf der Suche nach lebensfreundlichen Exoplaneten bündeln Forscher*innen aus Deutschland, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den USA ihre Kräfte in einem wegweisenden Forschungsprojekt.
Die chemische Zusammensetzung eines Sterns hat Einfluss auf die ultraviolette Strahlung, die er ins All abgibt - und damit auf die Bedingungen für die Entstehung von Leben in seiner Umgebung.
Ein einzelner Stern gibt Aufschluss über die Kollision der Milchstraße mit der Zwerggalaxie Gaia-Enceladus. Diese hat sich wahrscheinlich vor etwa 11,5 Milliarden Jahren ereignet.