Publications of G. K. Hartmann

Journal Article (22)

Journal Article
Hartogh, P.; Hartmann, G. K.: A high-resolution chirp transform spectrometer for microwave measurements. Meas. Sci. Technol. (1), pp. 592 - 595 (1990)
Journal Article
Wilhelm, K.; Schmidt, W. K. H.; Hartman, G. K.: Specialized image processing technique applied to Halley multicolor camera images of the Earth. Geophysical Research Letters 13, pp. 813 - 816 (1986)

Book (2)

Hartmann, G. K.: Interkulturelle Texte. Copernicus GmbH, 37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany (2002)
Dieminger, W.; Hartmann, G. K.; Leitinger, R. (Eds.): The Upper Atmosphere: Data Analysis and Interpretation. Springer, Berlin (1996)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Hartmann, G. K.; Kügler, J. U.; Belouschek, P.; Weissflog, L.; Weiler, K. H.; Heydecke, H. C.; Reisinger, G.; Golitsyn, G. S.; Granberg, I.; Elansky, N. P. et al.: Desert Soil REcultivation and MOnitoring of (phyto-) TOXicity (DEREMOTOX). A pilot project in three phases lasting four years. In: Sustainable Land Use in Deserts, pp. 329 - 342 (Eds. Breckle, S.-W.; Veste, M.; Wucherer, W.). Springer Verlag (2001)
Book Chapter
Dieminger, W.; Hartmann, G. K.: Introduction to the Earth's atmosphere. In: The Upper Atmosphere: Data Analysis and Interpretation, pp. 3 - 18 (Eds. Dieminger, W.; Hartmann, G. K.; Leitinger, R.). Springer, Berlin (1996)

Conference Paper (16)

Conference Paper
Feist, D. G.; Aellig, C. P.; Kämpfer, N.; Peter, R.; Solomon, P. M.; Barrett, J. W.; Zoonematkermani, S.; Parrish, A.; Hartogh, P.; Jarchow, C. et al.: Comparison of MAS stratospheric ClO measurements with spaceborne, airborne, and ground-based experiments. In: Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, pp. 499 - 502. ANY PUBLISHER, L'Aquila, Italy (1998)
Conference Paper
Hartmann, G. K.; Degenhardt, W.; Hartogh, P.; Jarchow, C.; Richards, M. L.; Song, L.: H2O in the Earth's atmosphere. In: Kleinheubacher Berichte, pp. 186 - 193. (1998)
Conference Paper
Song, L.; Jarchow, C.; Hartogh, P.; Hartmann, G. K.: Limb sounding of water vapor and liquid water down to the troposphere. In: Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Recent Advances in Microwave Technology, Beijing, pp. 580 - 583 (Eds. Rawal, B. S.; Siyong, Z.). Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Beijing (1997)
Conference Paper
Davies, K.; Hartmann, G. K.: Ionospheric studies using the global positioning system (GPS). In: Kleinheubacher Berichte, pp. 665 - 675. (1996)
Conference Paper
Hartmann, G. K.: Investigation methods of the upper atmosphere. In: The Upper Atmosphere: Data Analysis and Interpretation, pp. 203 - 206 (Eds. Dieminger, W.; Hartmann, G. K.; Leitinger, R.). Springer, Berlin (1996)
Conference Paper
Hartmann, G. K.: Data growth rate problems and problems with long-term data. In: The Upper Atmosphere: Data Analysis and Interpretation, pp. 956 - 994 (Eds. Dieminger, W.; Hartmann, G. K.; Leitinger, R.). Springer, Berlin (1996)
Conference Paper
Hartmann, G. K.; Olivero, J. J.; Haaf, G.: H2O in the atmosphere. In: The Upper Atmosphere: Data Analysis and Interpretation, pp. 127 - 152 (Eds. Dieminger, W.; Hartmann, G. K.; Leitinger, R.). Springer, Berlin (1996)
Conference Paper
Titheridge, J.; Leitinger, R.; Feichter, E.; Hartmann, G.: Comparison of the long term behaviour of the F layer of the ionosphere, Northern versus Southern hemisphere. In: Kleinheubacher Berichte, pp. 749 - 755. (1996)
Conference Paper
Jakowski, N.; Kugland, H. G.; Leitinger, R.; Maderbacher, R.; Izirillo, R.; Rios, V. H.; Manzano, J. R.; Hartmann, G. K.: Messungen der Gesamtelektronenzahl der Ionosphäre über Argentinien-erste Ergebnisse. In: Kleinheubacher Berichte, pp. 79 - 83. (1995)
Conference Paper
Hartmann, G. K.; Degenhardt, W.; Zwick, R.; Liebe, H. J.; Hufford, G. A.; Cotton, M. G.: Zeeman splitting of the 61 GHz (9+) O2 line in the upper atmosphere measured by MAS. In: Proc. IGARSS'94 on Surface and Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Technologies, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Pasadena, Vol. III, pp. 1338 - 1340 (Ed. Stein, T. I.). Publ. Services IEEE, Piscataway, N. J. (1994)
Conference Paper
Jakowski, N.; Fichtelmann, B.; Leitinger, R.; Putz, E.; Hartmann, G. K.: Zur Abhängigkeit der Gesamtelektronenzahl der Ionosphäre von Solarstrahlungsvariationen. In: Kleinheubacher Berichte, pp. 413 - 420. (1994)
Conference Paper
Hartmann, G. K.: Ecologia-Politica-Saber-Responsabilidad. In: Ecologia y Filosofia, pp. 33 - 68 (Eds. Correas, M.; I., C.). Universidad de Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina (1993)
Conference Paper
Hartogh, P.; Hartmann, G. K.; Zimmermann, P.: Simultaneous water vapor and ozone measurements with millimeter-waves in the stratosphere and mesosphere. In: IEEE Catalog Number 91CH2971-0, pp. 227 - 230. ANY PUBLISHER, Helsinki (1991)
Conference Paper
Hartogh, P.; Hartmann, G. K.: Echtzeit-Fouriertransformation mit SAW Chirp Spektrometern. In: Kleinheubacher Berichte, pp. 185 - 196. (1989)