Publications of A. Lagg

Journal Article (154)

Journal Article
Roussos, E.; Jones, G. H.; Krupp, N.; Paranicas, C.; Mitchell, D. G.; Krimigis, S. M.; Woch, J.; Lagg, A.; Khurana, K.: Energetic electron signatures of Saturn's smaller moons: Evidence of an arc of material at Methone. Icarus 193, pp. 455 - 464 (2008)
Journal Article
Scharmer, G. B.; Narayan, G.; Hillberg, T.; Rodriguez, J. d. l. C.; Loefdahl, M. G.; Kiselman, D.; Suetterlin, P.; van Noort, M.; Lagg, A.: Crisp Spectropolarimetric Imaging of Penumbral Fine Structure. Astrophysical Journal 689 (1), pp. L69 - L72 (2008)
Journal Article
Bloomfield, D. S.; Solanki, S. K.; Lagg, A.; Borrero, J. M.; Cally, P. S.: Modified p-modes in penumbral filaments? Astronomy and Astrophysics 469, pp. 1155 - 1161 (2007)
Journal Article
Bloomfield, S.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.: The nature of running penumbral waves revealed. Astrophysical Journal 671, pp. 1005 - 1012 (2007)
Journal Article
Kronberg, E.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Woch, J.; Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Michele, D.: A possible intrinsic mechanism for the quasi-periodic dynamics of the Jovian magnetosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 112, A05203 (2007)
Journal Article
Lagg, A.: Recent advances in measuring chromospheric magnetic fields in the He I 10830 Å line. Advances in Space Research 39 (11), pp. 1734 - 1740 (2007)
Journal Article
Lagg, A.; Woch, J.; Solanki, S. K.; Krupp, N.: Supersonic Downflows in the Vicinity of a Growing Pore: Evidence of unresolved magnetic fine structure at chromospheric heights. Astronomy and Astrophysics 462, pp. 1147 - 1155 (2007)
Journal Article
Radioti, A.; Woch, J.; Kronberg, E. A.; Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Dougherty, M. K.: Energetic ion composition during reconfiguration events in the Jovian magnetotail. Journal Geophysical Research 112, A06221 (2007)
Journal Article
Roussos, E.; Jones, G. H.; Krupp, N.; Paranicas, C.; Mitchell, D. G.; Lagg, A.; Woch, J.; Motschmann, U.; Krimigis, S. M.; Dougherty, M. K.: Electron microdiffusion in the Saturnian radiation belts: Cassini MIMI/LEMMS observations of energetic electron absorption by the icy moons. Journal Geophysical Research 112, A06214 (2007)
Journal Article
Borrero, J. M.; Solanki, S. K.; Lagg, A.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Lites, B.: On the fine structure of sunspot penumbrae: III. The vertical extension of penumbral filaments. Astronomy and Astrophysics 450, pp. 383 - 393 (2006)
Journal Article
Jones, G. H.; Krupp, N.; Krüger, H.; Roussos, E.; Ip, W.-H.; Mitchell, D. G.; Krimigis, S. M.; Woch, J.; Lagg, A.; Fränz, M. et al.; Dougherty, M. K.; Arridge, C. S.; McAndrews, H. J.: Formation of Saturns ring spokes by lightning-induced electron beams. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L21202 (2006)
Journal Article
Jones, G. H.; Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Paranicas, C.; Woch, J.; Lagg, A.; Mitchell, D. G.; Krimigis, S. M.; Dougherty, M. K.: Enceladus' varying imprint on the magnetosphere of Saturn. Science 311, pp. 1412 - 1415 (2006)
Journal Article
Radioti, A.; Krupp, N.; Woch, J.; Lagg, A.; Glassmeier, K. H.; Waldrop, L. S.: Correction to ``ion abundance ratios in the Jovian magnetosphere''. Journal Geophysical Research 111, A10224 (2006)
Journal Article
Sasso, C.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.: Milne-Eddington inversions of the He I 10 830 Å{} Stokes profiles: influence of the Paschen-Back effect. Astronomy and Astrophysics 456, pp. 367 - 371 (2006)
Journal Article
Sasso, C.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Socas-Navarro, H.: Influence of the Paschen-Back effect on the results of polarimetric inversions of the He I 10830 Å triplet. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement 9, p. 126 (2006)
Journal Article
Saur, J.; Mauk, B. H.; Mitchell, D. G.; Krupp, N.; Khurana, K. K.; Livi, S.; Krimigis, S. M.; Newell, P. T.; Williams, D. J.; Brandt, P. C. et al.; Lagg, A.; Roussos, E.; Dougherty, M. K.: Anti-planetward auroral electron beams at Saturn. Nature 439, pp. 699 - 702 (2006)
Journal Article
Borrero, J. M.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Collados, M.: On the fine structure of the sunspot penumbrae. II} The nature of the {Evershed flow. Astronomy and Astrophysics 436, pp. 333 - 345 (2005)
Journal Article
Krimigis, S. M.; Mitchell, D. G.; Hamilton, D. C.; Krupp, N.; Livi, S.; Roelof, E. C.; Dandouras, J.; Armstrong, T. P.; Mauk, B. H.; Paranicas, C. et al.; Brandt, P. C.; Bolton, S. J.; Cheng, A. F.; Choo, T.; Gloeckler, G.; Hayes, J.; Hsieh, K. C.; Ip, W.-H.; Jaskulek, S.; Keath, E. P.; Kirsch, E.; Kusterer, M.; Lagg, A.; Lanzerotti, L. J.; LaVallee, D.; Manweiler, J.; McEntire, R. W.; Rasmuss, W.; Saur, J.; Turner, F. S.; Williams, D. J.; Woch, J.: Dynamics of Saturn's Magnetosphere from the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument During Cassini's Orbital Insertion. Science 307, pp. 1270 - 1273 (2005)
Journal Article
Kronberg, E.; Woch, J.; Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Khurana, K. K.; Glassmeier, K.-H.: Mass release at Jupiter: Substorm-like processes in the Jovian magnetotail. Journal Geophysical Research 110, A03211 (2005)
Journal Article
Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Woch, J.; Krimigis, S. M.; Livi, S.; Mitchell, D. G.; Roelof, E. C.; Paranicas, C.; Mauk, B. H.; Hamilton, D. C. et al.; Armstrong, T. P.; Dougherty, M. K.: The Saturnian plasma sheet as revealed by energetic particle measurements. Geophysical Research Letters 32, L20S03 (2005)
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