Publications of J. Woch

Journal Article (186)

Journal Article
Krupp, N.; Dougherty, M. K.; Woch, J.; Seidel, R.; Keppler, E.: Energetic particles in the duskside Jovian magnetosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 104, pp. 14767 - 14780 (1999)
Journal Article
Woch, J.; Krupp, N.; Khurana, K. K.; Kivelson, M. G.; Roux, A.; Perraut, S.; Louarn, P.; Lagg, A.; Williams, D. J.; Livi, S. et al.; Wilken, B.: Plasma sheet dynamics in the Jovian magnetotail: Signatures for substorm-like processes? Geophysical Research Letters 26 (14), pp. 2137 - 2140 (1999)
Journal Article
Zong, Q.-G.; Wilken, B.; Woch, J.; Büchner, J.; Reeves, G. D.; Doke, T.; Yamamoto, T.: Energetic particles bursts in the near-earth magnetosheath during a storm recovery phase. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 24, pp. 293 - 298 (1999)
Journal Article
Henke, T.; Woch, J.; Mall, U.; Livi, S.; Wilken, B.; Schwenn, R.; Gloeckler, G.; von Steiger, R.; Forsyth, R. J.; Balogh, A.: Differences in the O7+ /O6+ ratio of magnetic cloud and non-cloud coronal mass ejections. Geophysical Research Letters 25, pp. 3465 - 3468 (1998)
Journal Article
Krupp, N.; Woch, J.; Lagg, A.; Wilken, B.; Livi, S.; Williams, D. J.: Energetic particle bursts in the predawn Jovian magnetosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 25 (8), pp. 1249 - 1252 (1998)
Journal Article
Lagg, A.; Krupp, N.; Woch, J.; Livi, S.; Wilken, B.; Williams, D. J.: Determination of the neutral number density in the Io-torus from Galileo-EPD measurements. Geophysical Research Letters 25 (21), pp. 4039 - 4042 (1998)
Journal Article
Woch, J.; Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Wilken, B.; Livi, S.; Williams, D. J.: Quasi-periodic modulations of the Jovian magnetotail. Geophysical Research Letters 25 (8), pp. 1253 - 1256 (1998)
Journal Article
Zong, Q.-G.; Wilken, B.; Woch, J.; Mukai, T.; Yamamoto, T.; Reeves, G. D.; Doke, T.; Maezawa, K.; Williams, D. J.; Kokubun, S. et al.; Ullaland, S.: Energetic oxygen ion bursts in the distant magnetotail as a product of intense substorms: Three case studies. Journal Geophysical Research 103, pp. 20339 - 20363 (1998)
Journal Article
Balsiger, H.; Altwegg, K.; Arijs, E.; Bertaux, J. L.; Berthelier, J. J.; Bochsler, P.; Carigan, G. R.; Eberhardt, P.; Fisk, L. A.; Fuselier, S. A. et al.; Ghielmetti, A. G.; Gliem, F.; Gombosi, T. I.; Kopp, E.; Korth, A.; Livi, S.; Mazelle, C.; Reme, H.; Sauvaud, J. A.; Shelley, E. G.; Waite, J. H.; Wilken, B.; Woch, J.; Wollnik, H.; Wurz, P.; Young, D. T.: Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis - ROSINA. Advances in Space Research 21 (11), pp. 1527 - 1535 (1997)
Journal Article
Krupp, N.; Keppler, E.; Seidel, R.; Woch, J.; Korth, A.; Cheng, A. F.; Hawkins III, S. E.; Lanzerotti, L. J.; Maclennan, C. G.; Dougherty, M. K.: Field-aligned particle streaming in the duskside high latitude Jovian magnetosphere. Advances in Space Research 20, pp. (2)225 - (2)228 (1997)
Journal Article
Mishin, V. M.; Block, L. P.; Bazarzhapov, A. D.; Saifudinova, T. I.; Lunyushkin, S. B.; Shirapov, D. S.; Woch, J.; Eliasson, L.; Marklund, G. T.; Blomberg, L. G. et al.; Opgenoorth, H.: A study of the CDAW 9C substorm of May 3, 1986, using magnetogram inversion technique 2, and a substorm scenario with two active phases. Journal Geophysical Research 102, pp. 19845 - 19859 (1997)
Journal Article
Seidel, R.; Keppler, E.; Krupp, N.; Woch, J.; Hawkins III, S. E.; Lanzerotti, L. J.; Dougherty, M. K.: Energetic electron beams in the duskside Jovian magnetosphere: Ulysses EPAC and HI-SCALE measurements. Planetary and Space Science 45, pp. 1473 - 1480 (1997)
Journal Article
Seidel, R.; Krupp, N.; Woch, J.; Keppler, E.; Lanzerotti, L. J.; Maclennan, C. G.: ULYSSES observations of energetic H3+ ions in Jupiter's magnetosphere. Advances in Space Research 20, pp. (2)229 - (2)232 (1997)
Journal Article
Wilken, B.; Axford, W. I.; Daglis, I.; Daly, P.; Güttler, W.; Ip, W. H.; Korth, A.; Kremser, G.; Livi, S.; Vasyliūnas, V. M. et al.; Woch, J.; Baker, D.; Belian, R. D.; Blake, J. B.; Fennell, J. F.; Lyons, L. R.; Borg, H.; Fritz, T. A.; Gliem, F.; Rathje, R.; Grande, M.; Hall, D.; Kecskeméty, K.; Mckenna-Lawlor, S.; Mursula, K.; Tanskanen, P.; Pu, Z.; Sandahl, I.; Sarris, E. T.; Scholer, M.; Schulz, M.; Sørass, F.; Ullaland, S.: RAPID: The Imaging Energetic Particle Spectrometer on Cluster. Space Science Reviews 79, pp. 399 - 473 (1997)
Journal Article
Woch, J.; Axford, W. I.; Mall, U.; Wilken, B.; Livi, S.; Geiss, J.; Gloeckler, G.; Forsyth, R. J.: SWICS/Ulysses observations: The three-dimensional structure of the heliosphere in the declining/minimum phase of the solar cycle. Geophysical Research Letters 24, pp. 2885 - 2888 (1997)
Journal Article
Zong, Q.-G.; Wilken, B.; Reeves, G. D.; Daglis, I. A.; Doke, T.; Iyemori, T.; Livi, S.; Maezawa, K.; Mukai, T.; Kokubun, S. et al.; Pu, Z.-Y.; Ullaland, S.; Woch, J.; Lepping, R.; Yamamoto, T.: Geotail observations of energetic ion species and magnetic field in plasmoid-like structures in the course of an isolated substorm event. Journal Geophysical Research 102, pp. 11409 - 11428 (1997)
Journal Article
Norberg, O.; Lundin, R.; Barabash, S.; Yamauchi, M.; Sukhanov, A.; Zakharov, A.; Marklund, G.; Lagerqvist, C.-I.; Magnusson, P.; Woch, J. et al.; Rathsman, P.; Grahn, S.: HANNES: A mission to the asteroid belt. Acta Astronautica 39 (1-4), pp. 35 - 44 (1996)
Journal Article
Aikio, A. T.; Marklund, G. T.; Woch, J.; Potemra, T. A.: Small scale structures in the high-latitude auroral electric field. Annales Geophysicae 13 (1), pp. 84 - 94 (1995)
Journal Article
Feldstein, Y. I.; Newell, P. T.; Sandahl, I.; Woch, J.; Leontjev, S. V.; Vorobjev, V. G.: Structure of auroral precipitation during the theta aurora from multisatellite observations. Journal Geophysical Research 100, pp. 17429 - 17442 (1995)
Journal Article
Kremser, G.; Woch, J.; Mursula, K.; Tanskanen, P.; Wilken, B.; Lundin, R.: Origin of energetic ions in the polar cusp inferred from ion composition measurements by the Viking spacecraft. Annales Geophysicae 13 (6), pp. 595 - 607 (1995)
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