Publications of H. U. Keller

Book Chapter (8)

Book Chapter
Keller, H. U.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P.; H. Rickman, R. R.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Sierks, H.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Angrilli, F.; Angulo, M.; Bailey, M. E. et al.: 14 - OSIRIS: The Scientific Camera System Onboard Rosetta. In: ROSETTA ESA's Mission to the Origin of the Solar System, pp. 315 - 382 (Eds. Schulz, R.; Alexander, C.; Boehnhardt, H.; Glassmeier, K.-H.). Springer Science+Business Media, New York (2009)
Book Chapter
Thomas, N.; Alexander, C.; Keller, H. U.: Loss of the Surface Layers of Comet Nuclei. In: Origin and Early Evolution of Comet Nuclei, pp. 165 - 177 (Eds. Balsiger, H.; Altwegg, K.; Huebner, W.; Owen, T.; Schulz, R.). Springer, New York, USA (2009)
Book Chapter
Rengel, M.; Küppers, M.; Keller, H. U.; Gutierrez, P.: Modeling of the Terminal Velocities of the Dust Ejected Material by the Impact. In: Deep Impact as a World Observatory Event - Synergies in Space, Time (Eds. Kaeufl, H. U.; Sterken, C.). Springer Verlag (2007)
Book Chapter
Skorov, Y. V.; Markelov, G. N.; Keller, H. U.: Dust Production and Nucleus Evolution. In: Worshop on Dust in Planetary Systems, September 26-30 2005, Kauai, Hawaii, (ESA SP-643), pp. 55 - 58 (Eds. Kruger, H.; Graps, A.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (2007)
Book Chapter
Kramm, J. R.; Keller, H. U.; Bredthauer, R.; Tomasko, M.: Imaging technique of the DISR camera on the Huygens lander. In: Scientific Detectors for Astronomy 2005, pp. 199 - 204 (Eds. Beletic, J. E.; Beletic, J. W.; Amico, P.). Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (2006)
Book Chapter
Crovisier, J.; Brooke, T. Y.; Leech, K.; Bockelee-Morvan, D.; Lellouch, E.; Hanner, M. S.; Altieri, B.; Keller, H. U.; Lim, T.; Encrenaz, T. et al.: Infrared spectroscopy of comets with ISO: What we learned on the composition of cometary dust. In: Dust in the solar system and other planetary systems proceedings of the IAU Colloquium 181, held at the University of Kent, Canterbury, U. K., 4-10 April 2000 (Eds. Green, S. F.; Williams, I. P.; McDonnell, J. A. M.; McBride, N.). Pergamon, Oxford (2002)
Book Chapter
Keller, H. U.; Jorda, L.: The morphology of cometary nuclei. In: The Century of Space Science, pp. 1235 - 1275 (Eds. Bleeker, J. A. M.; Geiss, J.; Huber, M. C. E.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (2002)
Book Chapter
Keller, H. U.; Markiewicz, W. J.: Nucleus: properties, origin, and evolution. In: Reports on Astronomy, pp. 135 - 156 (Ed. Bergeron, J.). IAU (1994)

Conference Paper (48)

Conference Paper
Deppo, V. D.; Naletto, G.; Nicolosi, P.; Zambolin, P.; Cecco, M. D.; Debei, S.; Parzianello, G.; Ramous, P.; Zaccariotto, M.; Fornasier, S. et al.: Preliminary calibration results of the wide angle camera of the imaging instrument OSIRIS for the Rosetta mission. In: Proceedings Volume 10568, International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2004, 105680N . 5th International Conference on Space Optics 2004, Toulouse, France, March 30, 2004 - April 02, 2004. (2017)
Conference Paper
Küppers, M.; Keller, H. U.; Fornasier, S.; Gutierrez, P.; Hviid, S. F.; Jorda, L.; Knollenberg, J.; Lowry, S. C.; Rengel, M.: Observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 and Deep Impact by the OSIRIS Cameras onboard Rosetta. In: Deep Impact as a World Observatory Event: Synergies in Space, Time, and Wavelength, pp. 29 - 39. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg (2009)
Conference Paper
Rengel, M.; Küppers, M.; Keller, H. U.; Gutierrez, P.: Modeling of the Terminal Velocities of the Dust Ejected Material by the Impact. In: Deep Impact as a World Observatory Event: Synergies in Space, Time, and Wavelength, pp. 137 - 142. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg (2009)
Conference Paper
Rengel, M.; Küppers, M.; Keller, H. U.; Gutierrez, P.; Hviid, S.: The terminal Velocity of the Deep Impact dust Ejecta. In: Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (SC)., pp. 25 - 26 (Eds. Magris, G.; Bruzual, G.; Carigi, L.). (2009)
Conference Paper
Jaumann, R.; Spohn, T.; Hiesinger, H.; Jessberger, E. K.; Neukum, G.; Oberst, J.; Helbert, J.; Christensen, U.; Keller, H. U.; Mall, U. et al.: German Lunar explaration orbiter (LEO): providing a globally covered, highly resolved, integrated, geological, geochemical, and geophysical data base of the moon. In: 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX), held March 10-14, 2008 in League City, Texas., pp. 1253 - 1254. (2008)
Conference Paper
Grieger, B.; Ignatiev, N. I.; Hoekzema, N. M.; Keller, H. U.: Indication of a near surface cloud layer on Venus} from reanalysis of Venera 13/14 spectrophotometer data. In: Proc. Int. Workshop `Planetary Probe Atmospheric Entry and Descent Trajectory Analysis and Science', pp. 63 - 70. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (2004)
Conference Paper
Kramm, J. R.; Keller, H. U.; Müller, R.; Germerott, D.; Tomasch, G.: A Marconi CCD42-40 with anti-blooming - Experiences with the OSIRIS CCDs for the ROSETTA mission. In: Scientific detectors for astronomy - The beginning of a new era, pp. 131 - 135 (Eds. Amico, P.; Beletic, J. W.; Beletic, J. E.). Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (2004)
Conference Paper
Hviid, S. F.; Thomas, N.; Keller, H. U.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Bluemchen, T.; Smith, P.; Tanner, R.; Reynolds, R.; Oquest, C.; Josset, J. et al.: The Beagle2 optical microscope. In: 32nd Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 12-16, 2001, Houston TX. (2001)
Conference Paper
Crovisier, J.; Brooke, T. Y.; Leech, K.; Bockelee-Morvan, D.; Lellouch, E.; Hanner, M. S.; Altieri, B.; Keller, H. U.; Lim, T.; Encrenaz, T. et al.: The thermal infrared spectra of comets Hale-Bopp and 103P/Harley 2 observed with the Infrared Space Observatory. In: Thermal Emission Spectroscopy and Analysis of Dust, Disks, and Regoliths (Eds. Sitko, M. L.; Sprague, A. L.; Lynch, D. L.). (2000)
Conference Paper
Crovisier, J.; Leech, K.; Bockelee-Morvan, D.; Lellouch, E.; Brooke, T. Y.; Hanner, M. S.; Altieri, B.; Keller, H. U.; Lim, T.: The spectrum of comet Hale-Bopp as seen by ISO. In: The Universe as seen by ISO (Eds. Cox, P.; Kessler, M. F.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (2000)
Conference Paper
Grün, E.; Peschke, S. B.; Stickel, M.; Muller, T. G.; Kruger, H.; Böhnhardt, H.; Brooke, T. Y.; Campins, H.; Crovisier, J.; Hanner, M. S. et al.: ISOPHOT observations of comet Hale-Bopp: initial data reduction. In: The Universe as seen by ISO (Eds. Cox, P.; Kessler, M. F.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (2000)
Conference Paper
Keller, H. U.; Mall, U.; Nathues, A.: Mapping the moon with SIR, an infrared spectrometer for SMART-1. In: Conf. Earth-Moon Relationships, Accademia Galileiana, Padova, Italy, 8-10 November 2000. Kluwer Academic Publ. (2000)

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