Publications of L. Gizon

Journal Article (232)

Journal Article
Yang, D.; Gizon, L.; Barucq, H.; Hirzberger, J.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Albert, K.; Albelo, J. N.; Appourchaux, T.; Alvarez-Herrero, A.; Blanco Rodríguez, J. et al.; Gandorfer, A.; Germerott, D.; Guerrero, L.; Gutierrez-Marques, P.; Kahil, F.; Kolleck, M.; Solanki, S. K.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Volkmer, R.; Woch, J.; Pérez-Grande, I.; Sanchis Kilders, E.; Balaguer Jiménez, M.; Bellot Rubio, L. R.; Calchetti, D.; Carmona, M.; Deutsch, W.; Feller, A.; Fernandez-Rico, G.; Fernández-Medina, A.; García Parejo, P.; Gasent Blesa, J. L.; Grauf, B.; Heerlein, K.; Korpi-Lagg, A.; Lange, T.; López Jiménez, A.; Maue, T.; Meller, R.; Moreno Vacas, A.; Müller, R.; Nakai, E.; Schmidt, W.; Schou, J.; Schühle, U.; Sinjan, J.; Staub, J.; Strecker, H.; Torralbo, I.; Valori, G.: Direct assessment of SDO/HMI helioseismology of active regions on the Sun's far side using SO/PHI magnetograms. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, p. A183 (2023)
Journal Article
Yu, J.; Khanna, S.; Themessl, N.; Hekker, S.; Dréau, G.; Gizon, L.; Bi, S.: Revised Extinctions and Radii for 1.5 Million Stars Observed by APOGEE, GALAH, and RAVE. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 264, p. 41 (2023)
Journal Article
Vasilyev, V.; Reinhold, T.; Shapiro, A.I.; Krivova, N.A.; Usokin, I.; Montet, B.T.; Solanki, S.K.; Gizon, L.: Superflares on solar-like stars. A new method for identifying the true flare sources in photometric surveys. Astronomy and Astrophysics 668 (2022)
Journal Article
Baumgartner, C.; Birch, A. C.; Schunker, H.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Impact of spatially correlated fluctuations in sunspots on metrics related to magnetic twist. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, p. A183 (2022)
Journal Article
Bekki, Y.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Theory of solar oscillations in the inertial frequency range: Amplitudes of equatorial modes from a nonlinear rotating convection simulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, p. A135 (2022)
Journal Article
Bekki, Y.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Theory of solar oscillations in the inertial frequency range: Linear modes of the convection zone. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, p. A16 (2022)
Journal Article
Erdélyi, R.; Damé, L.; Fludra, A.; Mathioudakis, M.; Amari, T.; Belucz, B.; Berrilli, F.; Bogachev, S.; Bolsée, D.; Bothmer, V. et al.; Brun, S.; Dewitte, S.; de Wit, T. D.; Faurobert, M.; Gizon, L.; Gyenge, N.; Korsós, M. B.; Labrosse, N.; Matthews, S.; Meftah, M.; Morgan, H.; Pallé, P.; Rochus, P.; Rozanov, E.; Schmieder, B.; Tsinganos, K.; Verwichte, E.; Zharkov, S.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, F. Z. &. R.: HiRISE - High-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy Explorer - Ultrahigh resolution, interferometric and external occulting coronagraphic science. Experimental Astronomy (2022)
Journal Article
Fournier, D.; Gizon, L.; Hyest, L.: Viscous inertial modes on a differentially rotating sphere: Comparison with solar observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, p. A6 (2022)
Journal Article
Gottschling, N.; Schunker, H.; Birch, A.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Testing solar surface flux transport models in the first days after active region emergence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A6 (2022)
Journal Article
Gottschling, N.; Schunker, H.; Birch, A. C.; Cameron, R.; Gizon, L.: Testing solar surface flux transport models in the first days after active region emergence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, p. A6 (2022)
Journal Article
Jiang, C.; Cunha, M.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Zhang, Q. S.; Gizon, L.: Evolution of dipolar mixed-mode coupling factor in red giant stars: impact of buoyancy spike. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515, pp. 3853 - 3866 (2022)
Journal Article
Kahil, F.; Hirzberger, J.; Solanki, S. K.; Chitta, L. P.; Peter, H.; Auchère, F.; Sinjan, J.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Albert, K.; Albelo Jorge, N. et al.; Appourchaux, T.; Alvarez-Herrero, A.; Blanco Rodríguez, J.; Gandorfer, A.; Germerott, D.; Guerrero, L.; Gutiérrez Márquez, P.; Kolleck, M.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Volkmer, R.; Woch, J.; Fiethe, B.; Gómez Cama, J. M.; Pérez-Grande, I.; Sanchis Kilders, E.; Balaguer Jiménez, M.; Bellot Rubio, L. R.; Calchetti, D.; Carmona, M.; Deutsch, W.; Fernández-Rico, G.; Fernández-Medina, A.; García Parejo, P.; Gasent-Blesa, J. L.; Gizon, L.; Grauf, B.; Heerlein, K.; Lagg, A.; Lange, T.; López Jiménez, A.; Maue, T.; Meller, R.; Michalik, H.; Moreno Vacas, A.; Müller, R.; Nakai, E.; Schmidt, W.; Schou, J.; Schühle, U.; Staub, J.; Strecker, H.; Torralbo, I.; Valori, G.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Teriaca, L.; Berghmans, D.; Verbeeck, C.; Kraaikamp, E.; Gissot, S.: The magnetic drivers of campfires seen by the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) on Solar Orbiter. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, p. A143 (2022)
Journal Article
Kostogryz, N. M.; witzke, V.; Shapiro, A. I.; Solanki, S. K.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Kurucz, R. L.; Gizon, L.: Stellar limb darkening. A new MPS-ATLAS library for Kepler, TESS, CHEOPS, and PLATO passbands. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, p. A60 (2022)
Journal Article
Lampens, P.; Samadi-Ghadim, A.; Gizon, L.: KIC 6951642: A confirmed Kepler γ Doradus - δ Scuti star with intermediate to fast rotation in a possible single-lined binary system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, p. A60 (2022)
Journal Article
Nascimbeni, V.; Piotto, G.; Börner, A.; Montalto, M.; Marrese, P. M.; Cabrera, J.; Marinoni, S.; Aerts, C.; Altavilla, G.; Benatti, S. et al.; Claudi, R.; Deleuil, M.; Desidera, S.; Fabrizio, M.; Gizon, L.; Goupil, M. J.; Granata, V.; Heras, A. M.; Magrin, D.; Malavolta, L.; Mas-Hesse, J. M.; Ortolani, S.; Pagano, I.; Pollacco, D.; Prisinzano, L.; Ragazzoni, R.; Ramsay, G.; Rauer, H.; Udry, S.: The PLATO field selection process. I. Identification and content of the long-pointing fields. Astronomy and Astrophysics 658, p. A31 (2022)
Journal Article
Nemec, N.-E.; Shapiro, A. I.; Isik, E.; Sowmya, K.; Solanki, S. K.; Krivova, N. A.; Cameron, R.; Gizon, L.: Faculae Cancel out on the Surfaces of Active Suns. The Astrophysical Journal 934, p. L23 (2022)
Journal Article
Nèmec, N. -.; Shapiro, A. I.; Işık, E.; Sowmya, K.; Solanki, S. K.; Krivova, N. A.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Erratum: "Faculae Cancel out on the Surfaces of Active Suns" (2022, ApJL, 934, L23). The Astrophysical Journal 936, p. L17 (2022)
Journal Article
Nèmec, N. -.; Shapiro, A. I.; Işık, E.; Sowmya, K.; Solanki, S. K.; Krivova, N. A.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Faculae Cancel out on the Surfaces of Active Suns. The Astrophysical Journal 934, p. L23 (2022)
Journal Article
Poulier, P.-L.; Liang, Z.-C.; Fournier, D.; Gizon, L.: Contribution of flows around active regions to the north-south helioseismic travel-time measurements. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, p. A189 (2022)
Journal Article
Vasilyev, V.; Reinhold, T.; Shapiro, A. I.; Krivova, N. A.; Usoskin, I.; Montet, B. T.; Solanki, S. K.; Gizon, L.: Superflares on solar-like stars. A new method for identifying the true flare sources in photometric surveys. Astronomy and Astrophysics 668, p. A167 (2022)

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