Publications of S. Livi

Journal Article (82)

Journal Article
Marsch, E.; Livi, S.: Coulomb self-collisions frequencies for non-thermal velocity distributions in the solar wind. Annales Geophysicae 3 (5), pp. 545 - 556 (1985)
Journal Article
Rosenbauer, H.; Grunwaldt, H.; Livi, S.; Witte, M.; Zwick, R.: The mass-separating ion spectrometer on the AMPTE ion-release module. IEEE Trans, Geosci. Remote Sensing GE-23 (3), pp. 280 - 286 (1985)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Balsiger, H.; Altwegg, K.; Bochsler, P.; Eberhardt, P.; Fischer, J.; Graf, S.; Jäckel, A.; Kopp, E.; Langer, U.; Mildner, M. et al.: Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for ion and neutral analysis ROSINA. In: Rosetta-ESA's Mission to the Origin of the Solar System, pp. 485 - 536 (Eds. Schulz, R.; Alexander, C.; Boehnhardt, H.; Glassmeier, K.-H.). Springer Press, Heidelberg (2009)

Conference Paper (19)

Conference Paper
Scherer, K.; Hilchenbach, M.; Kirsch, E.; Livi, S.; Bendisch, J.; Blum, J.; Mutschke, H.; Diedrich, T.; Oelze, H.; Flury, W. et al.: MOP: A space debris and interplanetary dust sample return mission. In: Proc. 14th ESA Symp. on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Potsdam, Germany, 31st May - 3rd June 1999, pp. 541 - 546 (Ed. Kaldeich-Schürmann, B.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1999)
Conference Paper
Livi, S.; Hilchenbach, M.; Krupp, N.; Mall, U.; Wilken, B.; Woch, J.: The EROS time-of-flight analyser. In: Proc. 32nd ESLAB Symp., `Remote Sensing Methodology for Earth Observations and Planetary Exploration', ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 15-18 September 1998, pp. 157 - 162 (Eds. Attema, E.; Schwehm, G.; Wilson, A.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1998)
Conference Paper
Bochsler, P.; Hovestadt, D.; Grünwaldt, H.; Hilchenbach, M.; Ipavich, F. M.; Aellig, M. R.; Axford, W. I.; Balsiger, H.; Bogdanov, A.; Bürgi, A. et al.: The Sun at minimum activity: Results from the CELIAS experiment on SOHO. In: Proc. Fifth SOHO Workshop ``The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity'', Oslo, pp. 37 - 43 (Ed. Wilson, A.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1997)
Conference Paper
Krupp, N.; Lagg, A.; Livi, S.; Wilken, B.; Woch, J.; Williams, D. J.: The Energetic Particles Detector (EPD) Aboard the Galileo Spacecraft. In: The Three Galileos: The Man, the Spacecraft, the Telescope, pp. 319 - 330 (Eds. Barbieri; C.; others). Kluwer, Dordrecht (1997)
Conference Paper
Kucharek, H.; Ipavich, F. M.; Kallenbach, R.; Bochsler, P.; Hovestadt, D.; Grünwaldt, H.; Hilchenbach, M.; Axford, W. I.; Balsiger, H.; Bürgi, A. et al.: Magnesium isotope composition in the solar wind as observed with the MTOF sensor on the CELIAS experiment on board the SOHO spacecraft. In: Proc. Fifth SOHO Workshop ``The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity'', Oslo, pp. 473 - 476 (Ed. Wilson, A.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1997)
Conference Paper
Wurz, P.; Ipavich, F. M.; Galvin, A. B.; Bochsler, P.; Aellig, M. R.; Kallenbach, R.; Hovestadt, D.; Grünwaldt, H.; Hilchenbach, M.; Axford, W. I. et al.: Elemental composition before, during, and after the January 6, 1997, CME event measured by CELIAS/SOHO. In: Proc. 31st ESLAB Symp. ``Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere and in Geospace'', ESTEC, pp. 395 - 400 (Ed. Wilson, A.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1997)
Conference Paper
Astudillo, H. F.; Marsch, E.; Livi, S.; Rosenbauer, H.: TAUS measurements of non-gyrotropic distribution functions of solar wind alpha particles. In: Solar Wind Eight, Proc. 8th Int. Solar Wind Conf., pp. 289 - 292 (Eds. Winterhalter, D.; Gosling, J. T.; Habbal, S. R.; Kurth, W. S.; Neugebauer, M.). AIP Conference Proceedings 382, Woodbury, New York (1996)
Conference Paper
Hovestadt, D.; Bochsler, P.; Grünwaldt, H.; Gliem, F.; Hilchenbach, M.; Ipavich, F. M.; Judge, D. L.; Axford, W. I.; Balsiger, H.; Bürgi, A. et al.: The charge, element, and isotope analysis system CELIAS on SOHO, coronal magnetic energy releases. In: CESRA Workshop, pp. 271 - 278. (1996)
Conference Paper
Roeder, J. L.; Fennell, J. F.; Chen, M. W.; Grande, M.; Livi, S.; Schulz, M.: CRRES observations of stormtime ring current ion composition. In: Workshop on the Earth's Trapped Particle Environment, Taos/NM USA 1996, pp. 131 - 135 (Ed. Reeves, G. D.). AIP Conference Proceedings 383, Woodbury, New York (1996)
Conference Paper
Zong, Q.-G.; Wilken, B.; Daglis, I. A.; Livi, S.; Woch, J.; Reeves, G.; Doke, T.; Iyemori, T.; Mukai, T.; Yamamoto, T. et al.: GEOTAIL observation of energetic ion species and magnetic field in plasmoid-like structures in the course of a substorm. In: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Substorms (ICS-3), Versailles, France 1996, pp. 619 - 624. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1996)
Conference Paper
Daglis, I. A.; Livi, S.; Wilken, B.: Benefits for the substorm research from the Cluster mission. In: Proc. Cluster Workshops, pp. 259 - 262 (Ed. Mattok, C.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1995)
Conference Paper
Wilken, B.; Güttler, W.; Korth, A.; Livi, S.; Weiss, W.; Gliem, F.; Muller, A.; Rathje, R.; Fritz, T. A.; Fennell, J. F. et al.: RAPID: The imaging energetic particle spectrometer on CLUSTER. In: Cluster: Mission, Payload and Supporting Activities. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1993)
Conference Paper
Grande, M.; Perry, C. H.; Blake, J. B.; Fennell, J. F.; Wilken, B.; Livi, S.: Solar wind penetration to geostationary altitude during the March 1991 magnetic storm. In: Solar wind penetration to geostationary altitude during the March 1991 magnetic storm. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1992)
Conference Paper
Grande, M.; Perry, C. H.; Hall, D. S.; Wilken, B.; Livi, S.; Soraas, F.; Fennell, J. F.: Composition Signatures of Substorm Injections. In: Composition Signatures of Substorm Injections, p. 1992. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1992)
Conference Paper
Hovestadt, D.; Hilchenbach, M.; Bürgi, A.; Klecker, B.; Laeverenz, P.; Scholer, M.; Grünwaldt, H.; Axford, W. I.; Livi, S.; Marsch, E. et al.: CELIAS - charge and isotope analysis system for SOHO. In: 16 ESLAB Symposium: Study of the Solar terrestrial system, p. 343. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1992)
Conference Paper
Orsini, S.; Candidi, M.; Maggi, M.; Hsieh, K. C.; Curtis, C. C.; Hudor, A. M.; Livi, S.; Wilken, B.; Daglis, I. A.; Flamini, E. et al.: Proposal of an Italien experiment for the mission SAC-B. ISENA: Imaging Particle Spectrometer for energetic neutral atoms, Instrumentation for magnetospheric imagery. In: SPIE, pp. 91 - 101. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Washington (1992)
Conference Paper
Orsini, S.; Candidi, M.; Maggi, M.; Hsieh, K. C.; Curtis, C. C.; Hudor, A. M.; Livi, S.; Wilken, B.; Daglis, I. A.; Flamini, E. et al.: Proposal of an Italian experiment for the mission SAC-B. ISENA: Imaging particle spectrometer for energetic neutral atoms. In: ISENA. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1992)

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