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Publikationen von Manfred Witte

Zeitschriftenartikel (53)

Wood, B. E.; Müller, H.-R.; Witte, M.: A Ulysses Detection of Secondary Helium Neutrals. The Astrophysical Journal 851 (1), 35 (2017)
McComas, D. J.; Bzowski, M.; Frisch, P.; Fuselier, S. A.; Kubiak, M. A.; Kucharek, H.; Leonard, T.; Moebius, E.; Schwadron, N. A.; Sokol, J. M. et al.; Swaczyna, P.; Witte, M.: Warmer Local Interstellar Medium: A Possible Resolution of Tthe Ulysses-Ibex Enigma. Astrophysical Journal 801 (1), 28 (2015)
Wood, B. E.; Mueller, H.-R.; Bzowski, M.; Sokol, J. M.; Moebius, E.; Witte, M.; McComas, D. J.: Exploring the Possibility of O And Ne Contamination in Ulysses Observations of Interstellar Helium. Astrophysical Journal, Suppl. Ser. 220 (2), 31 (2015)
Wood, B. E.; Mueller, H.-R.; Witte, M.: Revisiting Ulysses Observations of Interstellar Helium. Astrophysical Journal 801 (1), 62 (2015)
Bzowski, M.; Kubiak, M. A.; Hlond, M.; Sokol, J. M.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Witte, M.: Neutral interstellar He parameters in front of the heliosphere 1994-2007. Astronomy and Astrophysics 569, A8 (2014)
McComas, D. J.; Allegrini, F.; Bochsler, P.; Bzowski, M.; Collier, M.; Fahr, H.; Fichtner, H.; Frisch, P.; Funsten, H. O.; Fuselier, S. A. et al.; Gloeckler, G.; Gruntman, M.; Izmodenov, V.; Knappenberger, P.; Lee, M.; Livi, S.; Mitchell, D.; Moebius, E.; Moore, T.; Pope, S.; Reisenfeld, D.; Roelof, E.; Scherrer, J.; Schwadron, N.; Tyler, R.; Wieser, M.; Witte, M.; Wurz, P.; Zank, G.: IBEX-Interstellar Boundary Explorer. Space Science Reviews 146 (1-4), S. 11 - 33 (2009)
Moebius, E.; Bochsler, P.; Bzowski, M.; Crew, G. B.; Funsten, H. O.; Fuselier, S. A.; Ghielmetti, A.; Heirtzler, D.; Izmodenov, V. V.; Kubiak, M. et al.; Kucharek, H.; Lee, M. A.; Leonard, T.; McComas, D. J.; Petersen, L.; Saul, L.; Scheer, J. A.; Schwadron, N.; Witte, M.; Wurz, P.: Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer. Science 326 (5955), S. 969 - 971 (2009)
Auchere, F.; Cook, J. W.; Newmark, J. S.; McMullin, D. R.; von Steiger, R.; Witte, M.: The Heliospheric HeII 30.4 nm Solar Flux During Cycle 23. Astrophysical Journal 625, S. 1036 - 1044 (2005)
Auchere, F.; Cook, J. W.; Newmark, J. S.; McMullin, D. R.; von Steiger, R.; Witte, M.: Model of the all-sky HeII 30.4 nm solar Flux. Advances in Space Research 35, S. 388 - 392 (2005)
McMullin, D. R.; Bzowski, M.; Möbius, E.; Pauluhn, A.; Skoug, R.; Thompson, W. T.; Witte, M.; von Steiger, R.; Rucinski, D.; Judge, D. et al.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Lallement, R.: Heliospheric conditions that affect the interstellar gas inside the heliosphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics 426 (3), S. 885 - 895 (2004)
Möbius, E.; Bzowski, M.; Chalov, S.; Fahr, H. J.; Gloeckler, G.; Izmodenov, V.; Kallenbach, R.; Lallement, R.; McMullin, D.; Noda, H. et al.; Oka, M.; Pauluhn, A.; Raymond, J.; Rucinski, D.; Skoug, R.; Terasawa, T.; Thompson, W.; Vallerga, J.; von Steiger, R.; Witte, M.: Synopsis of the interstellar He parameters from combined neutral gas, pickup ion and UV scattering observations and related consequences. Astronomy and Astrophysics 426 (3), S. 897 - 907 (2004)
Witte, M.: Kinetic parameters of interstellar neutral helium - Review of results obtained during one solar cycle with the Ulysses/GAS-instrument. Astronomy and Astrophysics 426 (3), S. 835 - 844 (2004)
Witte, M.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Rosenbauer, H.; McMullin, D.: Kinetic parameters of interstellar neutral helium: updated results from the ULYSSES/GAS-instrument. Advances in Space Research 34, S. 61 - 65 (2004)
Pryor, W. R.; Ajello, J. M.; McComas, D. J.; Witte, M.; Tobiska, W. K.: Hydrogen atom lifetimes in the three-dimensional heliosphere over the solar cycle. Journal Geophysical Research 108, 8034 (2003)
Witte, M.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Rosenbauer, H.; McMullin, D.: Improved determination of the ionization rates acting on the interstellar He-atoms observed by the ULYSSES/GAS instrument. Geophysical Research Abstracts 5, S. 31-1-2003 (2003)
Pryor, W.; Stewart, I.; Simmons, K.; Witte, M.; Ajello, J.; Toskiba, K.; McComas, D.; Hall, D.: Remote sensing of H from ULYSSES and GALILEO. Space Science Reviews 97, S. 393 - 399 (2001)
Witte, M.; Bleszynski, S.; Banaskiewicz, M.; Rosenbauer, H.: Sputtering efficiency of LiF surfaces on impact of low energy neutral helium (20-80 eV): Calibration of the interstellar helium instrument on Ulysses. Review of Scientific Instruments 70 (11), S. 4404 - 4411 (1999)
Witte, M.; Bleszynski, S.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Rosenbauer, H.: Sputtering efficiency of LiF surfaces on impact of low energy neutral helium (20-80 eV): Calibration of the interstellar neutral helium instrument on ULYSSES. Review of Scientific Instruments 70 (11), S. 4404 - 4411 (1999)
Pryor, W. R.; Witte, M.; Ajello, J. M.: Interplanetary Lyman α remote sensing with the Ulysses Interstellar Neutral Gas Experiment. Journal Geophysical Research 103 (A11), S. 26813 - 26831 (1998)
McKenna-Lawlor, S. M. P.; Elendt, I.; Rusznyak, P.; Kunow, H.; Müller-Mellin, R.; Witte, M.; Kecskemety, K.; Szalai, S.; Wenzel, K.-P.: Interplanetary variability in particle fluxes recorded by the low energy charged particle detector LION (40 keV-6 MeV) on the SOHO spacecraft during its cruise phase to the L1 point. Advances in Space Research 20, S. 99 - 102 (1997)

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