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Huang, Z.; Madjarska, M. S.; Scullion, E. M.; Xia, L.-D.; Doyle, J. G.; Ray, T.: Explosive events in active region observed by IRIS and SST/CRISP. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (2), pp. 1753 - 1761 (2017)
Xie, H.; Madjarska, M. S.; Li, B.; Huang, Z.; Xia, L.; Wiegelmann, T.; Fu, H.; Mou, C.: The Plasma Parameters and Geometry of Cool and Warm Active Region Loops. Astrophysical Journal 842, 38 (2017)
Madjarska, M. S.; Wiegelmann, T.: Coronal hole boundary evolution at small scales. I. EIT 195 Å and TRACE 171 Å view. Astronomy and Astrophysics 503, pp. 991 - 997 (2009)
Innes, D. E.; Attie, R.; Hara, H.; Madjarska, M. S.: EIS/ Hinode Observations of Doppler Flow Seen through the 40-Arcsec Wide-Slit. Solar Physics 252, pp. 283 - 292 (2008)
Madjarska, M. S.; Doyle, J. G.: Small-scale flows in SUMER and TRACE high-cadence co-observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 482, pp. 273 - 278 (2008)
Pérez-Suárez, D.; Maclean, R. C.; Doyle, J. G.; Madjarska, M. S.: The structure and dynamics of a bright point as seen with Hinode, SoHO and TRACE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 492, pp. 575 - 583 (2008)
Santos, J.; Büchner, J.; Madjarska, M. S.; Alves, M.: On the relation between DC current locations and an EUV bright point: A case study. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS (1), pp. 345 - 352 (2008)
Subramanian, S.; Madjarska, M. S.; Maclean, R. C.; Doyle, J. G.; Bewsher, D.: Magnetic topology of blinkers. Astronomy and Astrophysics 488, pp. 323 - 329 (2008)
Doyle, J. G.; Giannikakis, J.; Xia, L. D.; Madjarska, M. S.: Line broadening of EUV lines across the solar limb: A spicule contribution? Astronomy and Astrophysics 431, pp. L17 - L20 (2005)
García-Alvarez, D.; Johns-Krull, C. M.; Doyle, J. G.; Ugarte-Urra, I.; Madjarska, M. S.; Butler, C. J.: Optical and EUV observations of solar flare kernels. Astronomy and Astrophysics 444, pp. 593 - 603 (2005)
Ugarte-Urra, I.; Doyle, J. G.; Walsh, R. W.; Madjarska, M. S.: Electron density along a coronal loop observed with CDS/SOHO. Astronomy and Astrophysics 439, pp. 351 - 359 (2005)
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Koumtzis, A.; Wiegelmann, T.; Madjarska, M. S.: Computing the global coronal magnetic field during activity maximum and minimum with a newly developed nonlinear force-free Yin-Yang code. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, pp. EGU - 17168. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, 2023. (2023)
Madjarska, M. S.; Wiegelmann, T.: Evolution of coronal hole boundaries seen in EIT 195 Å and TRACE 171 Å images. In: Modern Solar Facilities - Advanced Solar Science, pp. 249 - 252 (Eds. Kneer, F.; Puschmann, K. G.; Wittmann, A. D.). Universitätverlag Göttingen (2007)
The Planetary Plasma Environments group (PPE) has a strong heritage in the exploration of planetary magnetospheres and space plasma interactions throughout the solar system. It has contributed instruments to several past missions that flew-by or orbited Jupiter (Galileo, Cassini, Ulysses). The PPE participates in the JUICE mission by contributing hardware and scientific expertise to the Particle Environment Package (PEP).
Analyzing the high spatial resolution solar Ca II H and K emission data obtained by the SUNRISE mission and building a model of other stars more active than the Sun
The magnetic field in the solar atmosphere exceeds the geomagnetic field strength by four orders of magnitude. It greatly influences the processes of energy transport within the solar atmosphere, and dominates the morphology of the solar chromosphere and corona. Kinetic energy from convective motions in the Sun can be efficiently stored in magnetic fields and subsequently released - to heat the solar corona to several million degrees or to blast off coronal mass ejections.