Wiegelmann, T.: 3D-Coronal magnetic fields. Theoretical and observational approaches to the solar magnetic field: Achievements and remaining problems - conference in honor of Prof. Takashi Sakurai's career -, Tokyo, Japan (2016)
Wiegelmann, T.: The Magnetic Field of the Sun. AG 2016, Splinter meeting: The Role and Interaction of Stellar Magnetic Fields: From the Stellar Surface to the Interstellar Medium, Bochum, Germany (2016)
Wiegelmann, T.: Coronal modelling for Solar Orbiter. 16th Solar Orbiter SWT Meeting Numerical modeling support for Solar Orbiter (special MADAWG session), Göttingen, Germany (2015)
Wiegelmann, T.: Solar magnetic activity and space weather. Workshop and Research visit on: The synergy of magnetic reconnection and waves in evolution of the solar corona, Weihai, China (2015)
Wiegelmann, T.: Solar coronal magnetic fields: Source region for space weather activity. 4. Nationaler Weltraumwetterworkshop, Neustrelitz, Germany (2015)
Wiegelmann, T.; The Sunrise Team: Selfconsistent magnetostatic modelling of the solar atmosphere from Sunrise/IMAX measurements. AG Annual Meeting 2014, Bamberg, Germany (2014)
The European Space Agency (ESA) has given the green light to build the flight models of the spacecraft and science payload for the PLATO mission to search for extrasolar planets.
In the "Solar and Stellar Interiors" department, Laurent Gizon, Jesper Schou, Aaron Birch, Robert Cameron and others offer PhD projects in solar physics and astrophysics. Helioseismology and asteroseismology are used as important tools to study the oscillating Sun and stars.
The longest-serving solar observatory in space has turned 25 and is still making significant contributions to solar research. Its old age has become an important merit.