Xie, H.; Madjarska, M. S.; Li, B.; Huang, Z.; Xia, L.; Wiegelmann, T.; Fu, H.; Mou, C.: The Plasma Parameters and Geometry of Cool and Warm Active Region Loops. Astrophysical Journal 842, 38 (2017)
Kilpua, E. K. J.; Madjarska, M. S.; Karna, N.; Wiegelmann, T.; Farrugia, C.; Yu, W.; Andreeova, K.: Sources of the Slow Solar Wind During the Solar Cycle 23/24 Minimum. Solar Physics 291, pp. 2441 - 2456 (2016)
Liu, R.; Kliem, B.; Titov, V. S.; Chen, J.; Wang, Y.; Wang, H.; Liu, C.; Xu, Y.; Wiegelmann, T.: Structure, Stability, and Evolution of Magnetic Flux Ropes from the Perspective of Magnetic Twist. Astrophysical Journal 818, 148 (2016)
Sun, X.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Liu, Y.; Wiegelmann, T.; Hayashi, K.; Chen, Q.; Thalmann, J.: Erratum: “Evolution of Magnetic Field and Energy in a Major Eruptive Active Region Based on Sdo/Hmi Observation” (vol 748, 77, 2012). Astrophysical Journal 828 (1), 65 (2016)
Wang, R.; Liu, Y. D.; Wiegelmann, T.; Cheng, X.; Hu, H.; Yang, Z.: Relationship Between Sunspot Rotation and a Major Solar Eruption on 12 July 2012. Solar Physics 291, pp. 1159 - 1171 (2016)
Jing, J.; Xu, Y.; Lee, J.; Nitta, N. V.; Liu, C.; Park, S.-H.; Wiegelmann, T.; Wang, H.: Comparison between the eruptive X2.2 flare on 2011 February 15 and confined X3.1 flare on 2014 October 24. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 15, pp. 1537 - 1546 (2015)
Tadesse, T.; Wiegelmann, T.; MacNeice, P. J.: Effect of the Size of the Computational Domain on Spherical Nonlinear Force-Free Modeling of a Coronal Magnetic Field Using SDO/HMI Data. Solar Physics 290, pp. 1159 - 1171 (2015)
Wiegelmann, T.; Neukirch, T.; Nickeler, D. H.; Solanki, S. K.; Martínez Pillet, V.; Borrero, J. M.: Magneto-static Modeling of the Mixed Plasma Beta Solar Atmosphere Based on Sunrise/IMaX Data. Astrophysical Journal 815, 10, pp. 1 - 6 (2015)
Zhang, Q. M.; Ning, Z. J.; Guo, Y.; Zhou, T. H.; Cheng, X.; Ji, H. S.; Feng, L.; Wiegelmann, T.: Multiwavelength Observations of a Partially Eruptive Filament on 2011 September 8. Astrophysical Journal 805, 4, pp. 1 - 18 (2015)
Jing, J.; Liu, C.; Lee, J.; Wang, S.; Wiegelmann, T.; Xu, Y.; Wang, H.: Evolution of a Magnetic Flux Rope and its Overlying Arcade Based on Nonlinear Force-free Field Extrapolations. Astrophysical Journal 784 (1), L13 (2014)
Liu, C.; Deng, N.; Lee, J.; Wiegelmann, T.; Jiang, C.; Dennis, B. R.; Su, Y.; Donea, A.; Wang, H.: Three-dimensional Magnetic Restructuring in Two Homologous Solar Flares in the Seismically Active NOAA AR 11283. Astrophysical Journal 795, 128 (2014)
Nickeler, D. H.; Karlický, M.; Wiegelmann, T.; Kraus, M.: Self-consistent stationary MHD shear flows in the solar atmosphere as electric field generators. Astronomy and Astrophysics 569, A44 (2014)
Su, J. T.; Jing, J.; Wang, S.; Wiegelmann, T.; Wang, H. M.: Statistical Study of Free Magnetic Energy and Flare Productivity of Solar Active Regions. Astrophysical Journal 788 (2), 150 (2014)
The European Space Agency (ESA) has given the green light to build the flight models of the spacecraft and science payload for the PLATO mission to search for extrasolar planets.
In the "Solar and Stellar Interiors" department, Laurent Gizon, Jesper Schou, Aaron Birch, Robert Cameron and others offer PhD projects in solar physics and astrophysics. Helioseismology and asteroseismology are used as important tools to study the oscillating Sun and stars.
The longest-serving solar observatory in space has turned 25 and is still making significant contributions to solar research. Its old age has become an important merit.