Publications of Andreas Lagg

Conference Paper (43)

Conference Paper
Sowmya, K.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Castellanos Durán, J. S.: Fast downflows in a chromospheric filament. In: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union: Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations, Vol. 15, pp. 454 - 457 (Ed. Kosovichev, A.). Symposium S354 (Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations). (2019)
Conference Paper
Verma, M.; Balthasar, H.; Denker, C.; Böhm, F.; Fischer, C. E.; Kuckein, C.; González Manrique, S. J.; Sobotka, M.; Bello González, N.; Diercke, A. et al.; Berkefeld, T.; Collados, M.; Feller, A.; Hofmann, A.; Lagg, A.; Nicklas, H.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Pastor Yabar, A.; Rezaei, R.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Schmidt, D.; Schmidt, W.; Sigwarth, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Soltau, D.; Staude, J.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Volkmer, R.; von der Lühe, O.; Waldmann, T.: Photospheric Magnetic Fields of the Trailing Sunspots in Active Region NOAA 12396. In: ASP Conference Series. (submitted)
Conference Paper
González Manrique, S. J.; Denker, C.; Kuckein, C.; Pastor Yabar, A.; Collados, M.; Verma, M.; Balthasar, H.; Diercke, A.; Fischer, C. E.; Gömöry, P. et al.; Bello González, N.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Cubas Armas, M.; Berkefeld, T.; Feller, A.; Hoch, S.; Hofmann, A.; Lagg, A.; Nicklas, H.; Orozco Suárez, D.; Schmidt, D.; Schmidt, W.; Sigwarth, M.; Sobotka, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Soltau, D.; Staude, J.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Volkmer, R.; von der Lühe, O.; Waldmann, T.: Flows along arch filaments observed in the GRIS ‘very fast spectroscopic mode’. In: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union: Fine Structure and Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere; Symposium S327, Vol. 12, pp. 28 - 33. (2017)
Conference Paper
Verma, M.; Denker, C.; Balthasar, H.; Kuckein, C.; González Manrique, S. a.; Sobotka, M.; Bello González, N.; Hoch, S.; Diercke, A.; Kummerow, P. et al.; Berkefeld, T.; Collados, M.; Feller, A.; Hofmann, A.; Kneer, F.; Lagg, A.; Löhner-Böttcher, J.; Nicklas, H.; Pastor Yabar, A.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Schmidt, D.; Schmidt, W.; Schubert, M.; Sigwarth, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Soltau, D.; Staude, J.; Strassmeier, K.; Volkmer, R.; von der Lühe, O.; Waldmann, T.: Flows in and around Active Region NOAA12118 Observed with the GREGOR Solar Telescope and SDO/HMI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 504, pp. 29 - 35 (2016)
Conference Paper
Balthasar, H.; Bello González, N.; Collados, M.; Denker, C.; Feller, A.; Hofmann, A.; Lagg, A.; Nagaruju, L.; Puschmann, K. G.; Soltau, D. et al.; Volkmer, R.: Polarimetry with GREGOR. In: Solar Polarization 6, pp. 351 - 358 (Eds. Kuhn, J. R.; Harrington, D. M.; Lin, H.; Berdyugina, S. V.; Trujillo-Bueno, J. et al.). (2011)
Conference Paper
Anderson, R. I.; Reiners, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Lagg, A.: Zeeman Broadening in Cool Stars. In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun: Proc. 15th Cambridge Workshop, pp. 708 - 711. (2009)
Conference Paper
Lagg, A.; Ishikawa, R.; Merenda, L.; Wiegelmann, T.; Tsuneta, S.; Solanki, S. K.: Internetwork Horizontal Magnetic Fields in the Quiet Sun Chromoshpere: Results from a Joint Hinode/VTT Study. In: The Second Hinode Science Meeting: Beyond Discovery - Torward Understanding, 327 (Eds. B., L.; M., C.; T., M.; J., M.; K., R.). (2009)
Conference Paper
Xu, Z.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.: Full Magnetic Field Vector of an Emerging Flux Region. In: Solar Polarization 5: In Honor of Jan Stenflo, pp. 223 - 228 (Eds. Berdyugina, S. V.; Nagendra, K. N.; Ramelli, R.). (2009)
Conference Paper
Bloomfield, D. S.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.: The nature of running penumbral waves revealed. In: Proc. IAU Symposium 247 ``Waves & Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magneto-Seismology'', pp. 55 - 58 (Eds. Erdélyi, R.; Mendoza-Briceno, C. A.). International Astronomical Union (2008)
Conference Paper
Teriaca, L.; Wiegelmann, T.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Curdt, W.; Sekii, T.; the Team, H.: Loop morphology and flows and their relation to the magnetic field. In: First Results from Hinode, p. 196 (Eds. Matthews, S.; Davis, J. M.; Harra, L. K.). (2008)
Conference Paper
Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Solanki, S. K.; Lagg, A.: Velocity distribution of chromospheric downflows. In: Modern Solar Facilities - Advanced Solar Science, pp. 173 - 176 (Eds. Kneer, F.; Puschmann, K. G.; Wittmann, A. D.). Universitätsverlag Göttingen (2007)
Conference Paper
Bloomfield, D. S.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.: Observations of running waves in a sunspot chromosphere. In: The Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas, pp. 239 - 244 (Eds. Heinzel, P.; Dorotovič, I.; Rutten, R. J.). ASP, San Francisco (2007)
Conference Paper
Bloomfield, D. S.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Borrero, J. M.: Modified p-modes in penumbral filaments. In: Modern Solar Facilities - Advanced Solar Science, pp. 241 - 244 (Eds. Kneer, F.; Puschmann, K. G.; Wittmann, A. D.). Universitätsverlag Göttingen (2007)
Conference Paper
Collados, M.; Lagg, A.; Díaz García, J. J.; Hernández Suárez, E.; López López, R.; Páez Mañá, E.; Solanki, S. K.: Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter II. In: The Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas, pp. 611 - 616 (Eds. Heinzel, P.; Dorotovič, I.; Rutten, R. J.). ASP, San Francisco (2007)
Conference Paper
Lagg, A.; Yelles, L.; Hirzberger, J.; Woch, J.; Solanki, S. K.: The performance of the SOLO-VIM instrument: Effects of instrumental noise and lossy data compression. In: The Second Solar Orbiter Workshop (Eds. Marsch, E.; Tsinganos, K.; Marsden, R.; Conroy, L.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (2007)
Conference Paper
Sasso, C.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.: Spectropolarimetry in the chromospheric He I 1083.0 nm multiplet. In: 1st Workshop of Astronomy and Astrophysics for Students, pp. 43 - 46 (Eds. Napolitano, N. R.; Paolillo, M.). INFN-Naples (2007)
Conference Paper
Sasso, C.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Collados, M.: Full-Stokes Observations and Analysis of He I 10830 Å in a Flaring Region. In: The Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas, p. 467 (Eds. Heinzel, P.; I., D.; R. J., R.). (2007)
Conference Paper
Sasso, C.; Lagg, A.; Solanki, S. K.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Collados, M.: Full-Stokes observations and analysis of He I 10830 Å in a flaring region. In: The Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas, pp. 467 - 471 (Eds. Heinzel, P.; Dorotovič, I.; Rutten, R. J.). ASP, San Francisco (2007)
Conference Paper
Wiegelmann, T.; Solanki, S. K.; Lagg, A.; Yelles, L.: Nonlinear force-free magnetic field modelling for VIM on SO. In: The Second Solar Orbiter Workshop (Eds. Marsch, E.; Tsinganos, K.; Marsden, R.; Conroy, L.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (2007)
Conference Paper
Afram, N.; Berdyugina, S. V.; Fluri, D. M.; Solanki, S. K.; Lagg, A.; Petit, P.; Arnaud, J.: Molecular diagnostics of the internal structure of starspots and sunspots. In: Solar Polarization 4, pp. 375 - 380 (Eds. Casini, R.; Lites, B. W.). (2006)

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