European Solar Physics Online Seminar Archive

Following an initiative by the University of Oslo the MPS will participate in the "European Solar Physics Online Seminar" series (ESPOS). Details can be found here:
The aim of this video conference series is to promote ideas more widely with a specialized audience, and give some exposure to cutting-edge research for students and other young researchers that do not regularly travel to conferences. The ESPOS series is planned to take place every second Thursday at 11am.
Host: Pradeep Chitta Location: Max-Plack-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung

ESPOS Online Seminar: The solar atmosphere as observed through the Mg I b2 line at highspatial resolution (Azaymi Litzi Siu-Tapia)

The Mg I b2 line at 5173 Å forms over a large range of heights but itscore, which forms under conditions of non-local thermodynamicequilibrium, is most sensitive to heights near the temperature minimum,a region of the solar atmosphere that has not been sufficientlyexplored. The next-generation solar observatories will have access tothis spectral line and will allow for multi-line observations to studythe different layers of the solar atmosphere simultaneously and withunprecedented polarimetric sensitivity. We will present a morphologicalclassification of the intensity and circular polarization profiles ofthis spectral line at high-spatial-resolution, using observations fromthe Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. We will also discuss the results of theweak field approximation applied to the Mg I b2 line, and theircomparison with inversion results of the Fe I 6173 Å line to understandhow the magnetic field changes with height in the solar atmosphere. [more]

ESPOS Online Seminar: The solar atmosphere as observed through the Mg I b2 line at highspatial resolution (Azaymi Litzi Siu-Tapia)

The Mg I b2 line at 5173 Å forms over a large range of heights but itscore, which forms under conditions of non-local thermodynamicequilibrium, is most sensitive to heights near the temperature minimum,a region of the solar atmosphere that has not been sufficientlyexplored. The next-generation solar observatories will have access tothis spectral line and will allow for multi-line observations to studythe different layers of the solar atmosphere simultaneously and withunprecedented polarimetric sensitivity. We will present a morphologicalclassification of the intensity and circular polarization profiles ofthis spectral line at high-spatial-resolution, using observations fromthe Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. We will also discuss the results of theweak field approximation applied to the Mg I b2 line, and theircomparison with inversion results of the Fe I 6173 Å line to understandhow the magnetic field changes with height in the solar atmosphere. [more]

ESPOS Online Seminar: Polarization signatures during the X1.6 flare observed in active region NOAA 12192 (Fabiana Ferrente)

The X1.6 flare observed on 22 October 2014 (SOL2014-10-22T14:28) was among the strongest flares that occurred in the magnetically complex, great active region NOAA 12192. Despite the large amount of released energy, it was a confined flare, without an accompanying CME. In our work we attempt to deepen our understanding of the magnetic field configuration of the active region NOAA 12192. We analyzed the polarization signatures during the flare using full spectro-polarimetric data acquired by the IBIS/DST instrument along the photospheric Fe I 617.3 nm and the chromospheric Ca II 854.2 nm lines in a one-hour time interval immediately following the peak of the X1.6 flare. The results obtained provide evidence of significant changes in the magnetic field configuration of the chromosphere during the analyzed time interval. [more]
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