European Solar Physics Online Seminar Archive

Following an initiative by the University of Oslo the MPS will participate in the "European Solar Physics Online Seminar" series (ESPOS). Details can be found here:
The aim of this video conference series is to promote ideas more widely with a specialized audience, and give some exposure to cutting-edge research for students and other young researchers that do not regularly travel to conferences. The ESPOS series is planned to take place every second Thursday at 11am.
Speaker: Augustin André-Hoffmann Room:

ESPOS: How BRADPIT could help us in flare forecasting through small AR activity monitoring (Augustin André-Hoffmann)

The Sun is a dynamic star, displaying activities ranging from subtle, short-lived events to major coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and powerful flares. Differentiating between “flaring” and “non-flaring” active region (AR) configurations is critical for heliophysics research. This study investigates whether small to medium-scale activity in ARs holds clues about their eruptive potential and future behaviour. Using data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), we analyse transient brightenings and their relationship to the magnetic polarity inversion line (PIL) in ARs. We observe significant differences between pre-flaring and non-flaring ARs in terms of the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of transient brightenings around the PIL. Key parameters include the number, intensity, and magnetic flux of brightenings over time, as well as their behaviour across multiple wavelengths. These variations offer insights into the Sun’s atmospheric dynamics and the mechanisms driving major flares and – in case of coronal mass ejections – eruptions. By understanding the pre-eruptive activity in ARs, we aim to improve solar event prediction capabilities and advance our knowledge of the relevant dynamics. [more]
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